Roadmap Update
Hello everyone! I just wanted to make this post to give a high level overview of the roadmap for the servers! This is still a work in progress plan, but it should give you guys a good sense of the direction that we want to take the games and how we plan to mitigate many of the issues that we have experienced in the past. I also want to formally announce that Bill, Petter, and Onur have returned to assist me in the development and administration of the games, and I am very excited to be working with them again!

Accounts / Login ServerOne of my main goals is to get all of the AllGoFree sites using the same user database. I would like to merge the logins for the WorldScape and RuneRebels forum accounts, so you have a single login across both. To be clear,
this will not merge in game accounts or the forums themselves, it will just tie them both to the same username and password. This will require a few database tricks and possibly a page for people to link their two accounts into one, so I will keep you updated on this.
The added benefit of this is that the friends chat will be linked between the two games, and it should help us form a larger, stronger, and more well connected community. In addition, any other test game worlds or services we create will use these accounts.

Blitz Engine / APIThe effort that I am currently putting all of my energy towards is the new
Blitz API. This will allow other developers to make plugins for the engine, and also modify existing plugins once they have been converted to use the API. This is what I have been doing on the
livestream if any of you have been watching!
This a major effort and requires changes to every plugin, and there are currently over 80 plugins for the engine. However, progress has been very quick, and once all of the plugins are compiling again I will spin up a developer world to make sure there are no major regressions in the game. If all goes well, we will start looking for additional developers to take on some of the plugins. For example, one person could be responsible for the Woodcutting and Firemaking plugins, and would be in charge of fixing bugs or adding missing features to those plugins. These developers would have access to the Blitz API as well as the plugin they would be working on.
Bug HuntersThis goes hand in hand with the last point. In addition to having people focused on specific areas of the game, we would like to assign "Bug Hunters" to work with these new developers on finding bugs in the game and reporting them in the proper manner. These individuals would have direct access to file issues on the plugin repositories, where the developers would then review them, as opposed to regular players which report bugs on the forums. They would also be responsible for scanning the forums and screening bug reports, and ensuring that real bugs have an issue created in Gitlab.
CommunityOverall, the theme is that we would like to grow the community and bring everyone closer together, and give members more responsibility of working on and maintaining the game. I've learned that I don't have enough time to do everything myself, which resulted in the stagnation of the game. By opening things up more and finding excited, talented individuals to join the team, I believe we can make some of the best private servers on the planet.
Let me know what you guys think!
