After traveling the RuneRebels world filling in his various quest scrolls, Bill decided that it was time he take on a challenge that he had set aside long ago. He returned to RuneRebel's headquarters and ventured deep into parts of the the Quest library that he hadn't visited in years. "Where is that damn scroll..." Bill muttered to himself as he glanced over the scrolls. "Ah ha, here is it"... he said as he slowly removed the tattered scroll from the shelf.
To be continued...Over in the experiments room, Matt was conducting intensive experiments on doing the same thing over and over. "Bro what exactly are you doing?" asked Onur as he stumbled into the room holding a Wizards mind bomb. "I'm doing science sir!" replied Matt. "I've found that after I do these actions so many times, random things start to happen!" continued Matt. "Thats nuts" replied Onur as he struggled to walk out of the room. "I'm gonna go find some formulas in the brewery real quick" finished Onur as he finally made his way through the door.
Meanwhile at the headquarters of the bank of RuneRebels, Zion was performing an audit of the master item list that hadn't been looked at in years. "No no no, this is all wrong!" he exclaimed as he frantically made edits to the list. "Whats wrong with the list?" asked one of the bankers in training. "There are a ton of items on here that are cleared for transfer between players, when such conducts should be illegal!" replied Zion as he intensely scribbled more notes on the list. "Oh, I see..." mumbled the banker as he backed out of the room.
Back at the mainlands Wandi, a new citizen of RuneRebels, was causing Onur's "not very interesting" bug detector to go off like the Sheepdog at Falador farm when fed a fresh cut of beef. Onur's detector hadn't gone off this much since the great well crisis of the first age. He teleported over to see what was going on and was horrified by Wandi's discoveries; there were doors, shelves, crates, and bookcases, and even a well, that were all not very interesting to look it. Thankfully, Wandi was prepared with the skills to make the aforementioned objects much less uninteresting!

Hello players! We apologize about the delay again for this update; unfortunately the day when we planned to launch Ryan lost power due to a blizzard, and then his basement (where his office is) proceeded to flood due to the lack of power for the sump pump and all of the water from the melting snow. Nonetheless, we are happy to finally make this update live! We have a TON of bug fixes crammed into this update, and lots of small fixes and polish on many areas of the game, such as fixing longstanding broken objects in many of the cities.
We are also spicing up the currently lackluster list of available random events, and we hope that this makes your playing experience during the grind a bit more fun! We have even more random events in development and can't wait to bring them all to you.
We also of course have more quest content in development, so stay tuned for updates on that! Additionally, we would like to welcome some new (and old!) additions to the team!
Cam (
Black) has returned to us as developer from the past,
Zion (
Brownay) is joining us as a new developer, and
Wandi (
Rapunzel) is joining us as a bug report master!

Finally, we are excited to pre-announce a
double XP event on
Saturday December 12th and Sunday December 13th! We are pre-announcing this so that players have time to prepare for the event. As usual, players will have 10 hours of double XP available to them per day. We hope you enjoy it!

The RuneRebels Dev Team

Areas:• Added music for Lumbridge Swap Caves.
Engine:• Added OrderedItemOnItemEvent.
• Fixed more bugs with facing other entities.
• Added logic to automatically put the correct server name in send messages.
• Fixed a bug where Saradomin Brews weren't notable.
• Fixed a bug where Antifire potions wore off early.
Client:• Fixed a crash on login when running on PowerPC Mac OS X.
Cooking:• Added the ability to cook on fireplaces like the one in Falador farm.
Core Engine:• Fixed a bunch of doors in Lumbridge castle.
• Fixed a bug with the direction animation override for ladders.
Item Spawns:• Added Seaweed spawns in Shilo Village.
Item Wield Requirements:• Fixed a bug where Zamorak robes required 40 defence to wear.
Free to play:• Fixed a bug where standing next to the Falador west crumbling wall would teleport the player to Lumbridge.
Farming:• Fixed a bug where Apple seeds didn't work correctly.
• Fixed a bug where the Taverly Tree patch didn't work.
• Fixed a bug where you couldn't dig up fruit trees.
• Fixed a bug where watering a Curry Seedling would turn it into a whoopsie.
Objects:• Added correct logic for the bookcases in Falador.
• Added correct logic for various crates and boxes around the game world.
• Fixed a bunch of broken ladders in Falador.
• Fixed a bunch of issues with opening, closing, and search drawers.
• Added the ability to search hay bales and hay stacks.
• Added the correct messages when attempting to milk a bucket without a cow.
• Fixed the bookcases in Seer's village.
• Fixed some ladders in Seer's village.
• Added the proper messages for the bookcases in the Wizard's Tower.
• Fixed the well (11793) at 2985,3314.
• Fixed the bookcases in Port Sarim.
• Added the correct message when searing the Laundry basket in Taverly.
Tools:• Added "disabled" quest state.
• Added difficulty and length quest metadata.
• Added additional utilities for window management.
• Added copy and pasting of BlitzEvent Binds.
• Added icons to most window titles.
• Added ability to bind an ItemOnObject and ItemOnNpc to any item.
• Added OpenShop step.
• Added Quest Command section.
• Added search/color to the new step selection window.
• Added Sir/Ma'am chat variable.
• Added "Nothing interesting happens" to common message step.
• Added ability to select multiple steps at once.
• Added CountSubsteps step.
• Added "move up" and "move down" buttons to the dialogue library window.
Trading:• Fixed a TON of quest items that were incorrectly tradable!
Thieving:• Added the correct drop tables for the Master farmer.
• Added the correct stun graphic for pickpocketing.
Npcs:• Added all of the correct behavior for feeding the Sheepdog bones and meat at the Falador farm.• Fixed a bug where Party Pete's arms would distort if you asked him to "show you his moves"!
• Added Millie Millier and all of her dialogue.
• Added Gillie Groats and all of her dialogue.
• Fixed a spelling error in the dialogue for the Sergeant in Burthorpe.
Npc Spawns:• Added a ton of missing spawns at the Lumbridge Swamp.
Npc Drops:• Added ability for other plugins to roll drop tables.
Prayer:• Activating prayers now correctly interrupts combat.
Shops:• Fixed Arhein's shop not letting you close out of it!
• Fixed Martin Thwait's shop not letting you close out of it!
• Fixed Hickton's dialogue to correct open his shop.
Runecrafting:• Added the correct teleport coordinates for the body altar (body rift)
Random Events:• Added the Evil Bob's Island random event!• Added the Ent random event!• Added the Smoking Rock random event!• Added the Dr. Jekyll random event!• Added the River Troll random event!• Added the Rock Golem random event!• Added the Shade random event!• Added the Tree Spirit random event!• Added the Zombie random event!• Added the Split Rake random event!• Added the Split Spade random event!• Fixed the Freaky Forester dialogue when receiving Lederhosen top and hat.
• Fixed a bug where getting the Freaky Forester on a F2P world would softlock the player.
Woodcutting:• Fully disabled the Bird Nest event in Free to Play worlds.

Marshmallow's summary for the Lightning release:
Game Engine:
RuneScape Blitz: merge 99 commits into master
Blitz API: merge 40 commits into master
Core AllGoFree: merge 2 commits into master
Core Blitz API: merge 5 commits into master
Core Client: merge 7 commits into master
Agility: merge 1 commit into master
AmbientSounds: merge 17 commits into master
Areas: merge 28 commits into master
Commands: merge 18 commits into master
Cooking: merge 33 commits into master
Core 317: merge 3 commits into master
Core 317 Clipping: merge 2 commits into master
Core Engine: merge 107 commits into master
Documentation: merge 23 commits into master
Farming: merge 4 commits into master
FoodAndDrink: merge 6 commits into master
FreeToPlay: merge 10 commits into master
ItemSpawns: merge 37 commits into master
ItemWieldRequirements: merge 1 commit into master
Karamja: merge 31 commits into master
Magic: merge 1 commit into master
Members: merge 1 commit into master
Memorial: merge 2 commits into master
Mining: merge 117 commits into master
NewUserRedirect: merge 3 commits into master
NpcDrops: merge 28 commits into master
ObjectScripts: merge 61 commits into master
Prayer: merge 2 commits into master
QuestScripts: merge 1 commit into master
Quests: merge 25 commits into master
RandomEvents: merge 70 commits into master
RuneRebels: merge 141 commits into master
Runecrafting: merge 2 commits into master
Shops: merge 4 commits into master
SkillMenus: merge 1 commit into master
Summoning: merge 2 commits into master
Thieving: merge 6 commits into master
Tutorial Island: merge 2 commits into master
Woodcutting: merge 72 commits into master
Quest Data: merge 129 commits into master
AllGoFree Tools: merge 52 commits into master
Marshmallow: merge 1 commit into master
Total: 1197 commits