Author Topic: RuneRebels Thunder Hotpatch (2.20.2)  (Read 9762 times)


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RuneRebels Thunder Hotpatch (2.20.2)
« on: November 15, 2020, 07:11:25 pm »

Please read the post for RuneRebels: THE UNDEAD INVASION (2.20) first!

- The RuneRebels Dev Team

Delayed developer auto reboot if no one is online.
Added current and remaining health to combat debug messages.
Added an API to enable combat on Npcs that have no hitpoints.
Added dumping of startup errors to disk.
Fixed a bug where Antifire potions would expire early.

Duel Arena:
Fixed the behavior of the bank chests at the Duel Arena.

Fixed "I can't reach that!" when using Taverly gate.

Disabled App Nap on macOS so that the client doesn't lose connection in the background.
Fixed the menu bar being black on PowerPC Mac OS X.

Core Engine:
Fixed the Castle Wars stairs teleporting the player into the stairs.
Added correct logic for Hay bales and Haystacks.

Changed text colors on ::help.
Changed text colors on ::players.

Fixed Jatix not opening his shop from his dialogue.
Fixed a bug where the Archer for the Lost City quest wouldn't speak.
Added the majority of the dialogue for Malignius Mortifier.
Added missing dialogue for Zaff.
Added dialogue for the Bookcases in the Wizard's Tower.

Item Spawns:
Added missing Seaweed spawn in Shilo Village.

Object Scripts:
Fixed a mysterious teleport with a pottery oven.
Added the correct message when searching sacks.
Added missing message for the crate in the Lumbridge windmill.

Added the missing fishing spots in Shilo Village.

Fixed a bug where you couldn't dig up fruit tree stumps.

Fixed a bug where Count Draynor could still be alive after driving the stake through him.
Fixed a bug where the Rat's tail from Witch's potion was tradable.
Fixed a bug where the quest state may not update when getting the imprint in Prince Ali Rescue.
Added Obli's dialogue and shop inside of Shilo Village.
Added Fernahei's dialogue and shop inside of Shilo Village.

Fixed a bug where you could spam click "enter ruins" to trigger the teleport multiple times.

Fixed a bug where the hunger and attention timers would be active after a kitten had already grown up.

Fixed a bug where Martin Thwait wouldn't let you close his shop.
Fixed a bug where the contents of the previously viewed shop could be visible for a brief moment.

Fixed a bug on the highscores where "Unranked" always showed an up arrow.
Switched comparison logic to use player experience points instead of rank.

Code: [Select]
Marshmallow's summary for the Thunder release:

Game Engine:
RuneScape Blitz: merge 16 commits into master

AllGoFree: merge 1 commit into master
Blitz API: merge 15 commits into master
Core AllGoFree: merge 5 commits into master
Core Blitz API: merge 2 commits into master

Agility: merge 1 commit into master
AmbientSounds: merge 36 commits into master
Areas: merge 5 commits into master
Bank: merge 1 commit into master
Bosses: merge 1 commit into master
Commands: merge 13 commits into master
Cooking: merge 12 commits into master
Core 317: merge 3 commits into master
Core 317 Clipping: merge 2 commits into master
Core Engine: merge 33 commits into master
Documentation: merge 1 commit into master
Farming: merge 4 commits into master
Fishing: merge 3 commits into master
ItemSpawns: merge 6 commits into master
Members: merge 2 commits into master
NewUserRedirect: merge 3 commits into master
ObjectScripts: merge 10 commits into master
RandomEvents: merge 2 commits into master
RuneRebels: merge 4 commits into master
Runecrafting: merge 1 commit into master
Shops: merge 11 commits into master
Summoning: merge 9 commits into master
TeleportStyles: merge 2 commits into master

Quest Data: merge 13 commits into master

AllGoFree RS Client: merge 18 commits into master
Project Ivyberry Loader: merge 2 commits into master

AllGoFree RS Cache: merge 4 commits into master
AllGoFree Tools: merge 1 commit into master
Marshmallow: merge 2 commits into master

Total: 244 commits

« Last Edit: November 16, 2020, 06:58:50 am by Ry60003333 »