Author Topic: Hi and Help  (Read 6272 times)


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Hi and Help
« on: March 15, 2017, 05:06:35 pm »
Hi, my name is tony, a friend of mine made me interested in this game and i thought i would give it a go as i play runescape oldschool and really enjoy it, only problem is after i select a world, either 1 or 2 nothing shows up.


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Re: Hi and Help
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2017, 05:23:16 pm »
Welcome to Rune Rebels, fam

The world select page mentions "The webclient may not function due to a recent Java update by Oracle; we are working on a fix."

However, just above that (and directly below where it says 'Players Online' is a link to download the game client that you can run directly from your computer. As far as I know its our only working way of playing at the moment but I could be mistaken.

Anyways, I hope it works out for you, and glad to have you here


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Re: Hi and Help
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2017, 05:40:33 pm »
Hi there, thanks for the warm welcome, ive downloaded the client as you said, however when i click on the loader it comes up with a message, "please launch the loader from the included launch file"

Dev Seth

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Re: Hi and Help
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2017, 10:31:32 pm »
Hi there, thanks for the warm welcome, ive downloaded the client as you said, however when i click on the loader it comes up with a message, "please launch the loader from the included launch file"

Hello there, sorry to hear you're having difficulties loading into the server, hopefully I can clear up your problems.

Inside of the RuneRebels folder, which you've extracted, also has a "Run.bat" file. Try using Run.bat to load the game.
When I try loading in with the loader.jar file it also gives me the error you showed however the Run.bat works fine, so we can start there.

If you have further problems post them here and we'll try to figure them out!

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Re: Hi and Help
« Reply #4 on: March 15, 2017, 11:49:16 pm »
Hey Tony, welcome to RuneRebels! Sorry to hear about your problem with the client, hopefully Dev Seth's reply can solve it.

If you need further assistance, or are just looking to chat, head on over to our official RuneRebels Discord server! No mic is needed, but if you prefer to use voice-comms there are Voice Channels you can join to do so. Otherwise, it's a great way to get in contact with me and any other staff member for help.

RuneRebels Discord:

Hope to see you in-game some time my man  8)

- Dev Sean
Official RuneRebels Discord:


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Re: Hi and Help
« Reply #5 on: March 16, 2017, 02:56:27 pm »
when i click the Run.bat file located in the extracted RuneRebels folder, it comes up with some text and says 'java' is not recognized as a internal or external command, operable program or batch file, and also says press any key to continue which does nothing


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Re: Hi and Help
« Reply #6 on: March 16, 2017, 06:53:09 pm »

You can download the working client there, just go to link that Austin posted.


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Re: Hi and Help
« Reply #7 on: March 16, 2017, 09:36:15 pm »
Thank you worked perfectly


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Re: Hi and Help
« Reply #8 on: March 23, 2017, 02:12:27 am »
Welcome to the game! Sorry about the issues with the client; we do have an update to the new player experience that includes making the client easier to download and faster to launch. :)