Author Topic: The Arguments I Participate in on these Forums  (Read 6876 times)


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The Arguments I Participate in on these Forums
« on: May 23, 2014, 01:47:10 am »
I would formally like to apologize to all the staff members and other normal members of this community for the flamewars/ arguments I start/participate in. I usually have a valid reason behind causing/ participating in such events, so let me let you know why I partake in such events.

When I was younger, I was bullied. I was always taller than my class and everyone else thought it'd be cool to pick on the tall kid. It was NEVER any physical bullying as I could easily defend myself, but it was verbal and a lot of what I was called was more or less mentally destroying me. I found it hard to make friends because everyone had labeled stupid stereotypes on me. My IRL name is Stuart so I was called things like Stuart Little (which was extremely ironic because I was not little in any form). For some reason, the name really got to me and really made me upset. I eventually managed to put it aside and have fun with it. This eventually deterred kids away from bullying me as there was no response from me for them to enjoy.

From then on, I have always chosen to defend those who I believe are being bullied in some fashion. The majority of my flamewars are me defending me beliefs or other people.

I can be hypocritical sometimes in arguments and become the bully. Sometimes things get that extreme and I can usually catch myself before I do anything to harsh, but just enough to deal out what is deserved.

Another is I flat our love to argue... the reason behind that is unknown... I was born arguing with with my mom before I could even talk.

So here is my apology and a little short story to get to know me. I probably posted this in the wrong section, but if so a mod can move it. I am more ranting about myself and what I participate in. I know it breaches rules in some forms, but I still believe in free speech, even if that right doesn't pertain to a privately owned website.  ???

Anyways, to all of those tl;dr's, basically i argue to defend people and my beliefs. Thats it, thanks for reading.

@Tennessee, I do like you as a person, its just your beliefs contradict mine almost completely as they're complete opposites. Hopefully our arguments we've had in the past and we will have in the future won't change how we personally see each other.

@Recoil, Hopefully you can somehow build a heart to understand how your actions might effect other people. Its not always the best choice to speak out, so if you don't have nothing nice to say then don't. Thats why that flamewar started and I hope it will not happen again because I WILL jump to the rescue and defend any member of this community you decide to attack.

- RiiPiiN


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Re: The Arguments I Participate in on these Forums
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2014, 02:08:15 am »
Good guy Riipiim
The original G. Literally.


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Re: The Arguments I Participate in on these Forums
« Reply #2 on: May 23, 2014, 02:56:57 am »
I crie errytiem

it isnt omar til omar says its omar


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Re: The Arguments I Participate in on these Forums
« Reply #3 on: May 23, 2014, 05:46:41 pm »
We're all good man. I prefer the term "debate" rather than argue  :P. Also, I feel that if people don't have something to debate/argue about then they aren't passionate about anything, therefore their life is essentially over because they won't progress or fight for anything. I respect other peoples opinions even if they vary from mine I just try to educate more people on things so they don't just hear one side of a story that we should never forget about. We have history classes in elementary, middle, and high schools and even university's but a lot of the time (well almost all of the time) those textbooks.. workbooks.. teachers.. etc. have all been influenced by people who control and write and distribute those things and almost all of the time they have an agenda to push. Ever since the war they (the government) have tried slandering the Confederacy and I just feel like it's one of my jobs to defend it.. my great grandfathers.. and where I'm from with everything I have or else my culture and heritage is lost just as much as the blacks who were brought over on ships and had their names taken away from them (again in the North and South). I'm somewhat of an activist for the Confederacy, tons of different health topics, anti-globalism, all the way down to practicing phyto-remediation in the town I live in due to landfills in the area. I promise I'm not some skinhead running around a trailer park and wanting to start stuff. My cousin owns a bank,  my Dad owns an organic farm that nets over 300k a year, and other members of my family are in local and state government. We all have the same views and we all get looked down upon by people who believe things differently but have been lied to for their whole life.

I'm sorry I'm stopping now.. I had way too much espresso but the consensus of the story is I love you. I will agree to disagree with our arguments and if I see you in-game or on the forums I'll never treat you wrong or purposely be a dick. I'm glad you gave us some insight buddy!   ;) No hard feelings here whatsoever


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Re: The Arguments I Participate in on these Forums
« Reply #4 on: May 24, 2014, 12:57:28 am »
I'm glad you guys cleared the air a bit, every time i go on here I feel as if I'm in a flame tornado. :)


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Re: The Arguments I Participate in on these Forums
« Reply #5 on: May 24, 2014, 01:13:34 am »
i forgot my pitch fork at home :(
Hi, I'm James. I'm old as hell.

I need to Java again, lol


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Re: The Arguments I Participate in on these Forums
« Reply #6 on: May 24, 2014, 04:00:09 am »
This be some goddamn beautiful posts aye!
The original G. Literally.