Author Topic: The Big doors thread  (Read 30155 times)


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The Big doors thread
« on: February 07, 2013, 02:38:31 pm »
Post doors, double doors, gates, and double gates that don't work here with their object ID's and coordinates, as well as what they go to here in order to get them fixed :)
« Last Edit: February 07, 2013, 02:42:43 pm by JT »

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Re: The Big doors thread
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2013, 03:18:33 pm »
I'm too afraid to go back into the Edgeville dung to retrieve the numbers.  I made it from Edge to the Key near the Varrock ladder.   After getting a few keys, I decided to go back to Edge, instead of using the ladder to Varrock, so I could (nooblet) range the rats near the entrance.

Once I got to the gate before the rats, it wouldn't let me go through, nothing I did would allow this.  So I quickly ran all the way back to use the Varrock ladder, but the gate right before the little mine, wouldn't let me go through it either.  Finally, near the Zombies, I was able to go 10 seconds w/o being attacked and I logged off.

However, when I logged back on, I was in lumby... :(

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Re: The Big doors thread
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2013, 04:03:14 pm »
Fishing guild currently has no door.  2608,3396 is an area very close to it. Might cause problems in the near future as we have a larger amount of people fishing that are getting into the guild without the requirements.


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Re: The Big doors thread
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2013, 04:56:01 pm »

this door and the one just like it, 2 paces south.


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Re: The Big doors thread
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2013, 05:25:20 pm »
Fishing guild currently has no door.  2608,3396 is an area very close to it. Might cause problems in the near future as we have a larger amount of people fishing that are getting into the guild without the requirements.
It's programmed so that if you get in and you don't have the reqs it will tele you out, no need to fix that right now considering that it would take more to fix it and the system that tele's you out works great :p

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another bug report
« Reply #5 on: February 08, 2013, 06:34:21 pm »
My online color is supposed to be pink
My online color is supposed to be pink
My online color is supposed to be pink

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Re: The Big doors thread
« Reply #6 on: February 08, 2013, 07:06:10 pm »
Fishing guild currently has no door.  2608,3396 is an area very close to it. Might cause problems in the near future as we have a larger amount of people fishing that are getting into the guild without the requirements.
It's programmed so that if you get in and you don't have the reqs it will tele you out, no need to fix that right now considering that it would take more to fix it and the system that tele's you out works great :p
Ahh alright, sounds good. :P

Also flame I've moved your post to this thread. If you find any more door bugs please post them here.


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Re: The Big doors thread
« Reply #7 on: February 09, 2013, 02:12:00 am »
Just wanted to make sure if you guys got the door between the makeover mages house and falador into p2p area


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Re: The Big doors thread
« Reply #8 on: February 09, 2013, 08:03:44 am »
2 of the doors in varrock palace:

3222,3491 (door leading into kitchen)
3208,3490 (door leading into library)

Can we use here to report broken ladders and stairs as well?


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Re: The Big doors thread
« Reply #9 on: February 09, 2013, 08:06:51 am »
The gate next to Makeover Mage doesn't work.


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Re: The Big doors thread
« Reply #10 on: February 09, 2013, 09:14:44 am »
all of the doors inside the dark castle do not work. im on my phone, so i cant post coordiantes


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Re: The Big doors thread
« Reply #11 on: February 09, 2013, 12:15:30 pm »
Web slashing to get to moss giants is bugged. It says you slashed through it, but you wont be able to move past the object that replaces it.


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Re: The Big doors thread
« Reply #12 on: February 09, 2013, 05:54:10 pm »
Doors to range guild don't work.

2658, 3438.


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Re: The Big doors thread
« Reply #13 on: February 10, 2013, 02:09:56 am »
Doors to Dark warriors castle in Wildy wont work. The castle that has rune spawns in it, surrounded by moat.


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Re: The Big doors thread
« Reply #14 on: February 10, 2013, 09:24:38 am »
Door to champions guild doesn't work:

Coordinates: 3191, 3363