Author Topic: DEVS PLEASE READ! QUEST RELEASING GUIDE!  (Read 2172 times)


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« on: February 04, 2013, 12:48:14 am »
Instead of diving into all f2p then randomly releasing members quests with not much direction besides oh lets do this one. i think yall should work on it based on the recipe for disaster quest line because working on this goal will give it structure, cover almost all p2p and f2p quests that are important from cooks assistant to desert treasure while ignoring unnecessary quests. it defines and wraps up what members is and if it is done correctly can give people something to slowly work towards be that doing parts of the quest or doing quests that are requirements of quests to do that part. i personally believe and think others will agree this will give focus and efficiency to quest releasing and content introduction. my suggestion is to after the necessary quests that are currently being worked on quests like lost city that has no reqs and adds alot of content and could be implemented fairly simply at least from my understanding but this and many other quests like something simple and fun as gertrudes cat to important area opening quests like priest in peril and predecessors like restless ghost all contribute to recipe for disaster its alot of quests i know but doing 100 quests(not that many) that are important is better than  doing 150 with out having as much content available or any real direction.
« Last Edit: February 04, 2013, 12:49:47 am by Mimiru »