Author Topic: Hello + Old RR Player Confused!  (Read 8921 times)


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Hello + Old RR Player Confused!
« on: February 20, 2017, 10:14:35 pm »

I'm a super old RR player. Can't remember my old user or pass though :/

 I played the game back in the days of 2006scape.  I remember the time Ryan was in the hospital, the whole PRS06 civil war thing with Frell, etc. 

I also had a couple buddies who I don't see on here: Happyguy, RiiPiin, Prayer, Jmood, Francis, Charles, and quite a bit more (apologies if I didn't mention your name).  Anyone know their whereabouts?

Also, what the heck happened to RR?  I've been reading the recent forum postings but all it's done is confuse me further.  Is AGF developing RR for real now?  I know development halted for the past couple years (if not 1 year). Today on a whim I decided to see if the RR domain was still online and lo and behold, it seems like some sorta revolution is in motion.  What's going on?!  Is the game going to be up for good now?

I hope AGF doesn't abandon RR again :/ 

Anyway, thanks to whoever made it this far in my post.  If you see any of my old pals above ^, please lemme know.

Much love to AGF staff and fellow players <3

p.s:  This is just a test account, I'll probably make a main if I decide to stay.  I just want to use this to find my old friends again if they're still around.  ;D
« Last Edit: February 20, 2017, 10:16:22 pm by Testinggame »


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Re: Hello + Old RR Player Confused!
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2017, 10:30:53 pm »
Actually, aside from Jmood, we are all still here! Austin (Happyguy) and myself are on the staff team Austin being Community Manager and I am a content developer.

Yes, development did slow down actually for over 2 years, but Ryan came back recently with an urge to get things done and we've gotten more done then ever before in the history of Rune Rebels.

We have a great team working behind the scenes, and you can see a lot of our development progress on the development channel on our discord!

I do advise you to say because at least once a month we'll be releasing content packs, I think two might even be the possibility. I am not exactly up to date on the release schedule, but I cam promise you it will all happen.

Great to see old people coming back, they're always welcomed back with open arms.

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Re: Hello + Old RR Player Confused!
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2017, 10:41:55 pm »
Hello and welcome back to RuneRebels!  ;D

First thing I'm going to say is that your friends Happyguy, RiiPiiN, Prayer, and Charles are still with us.  8) Much like what RiiPiiN said, Happyguy aka Austin is our Community Manager now who also works on quests and general game development. RiiPiiN is now a content developer, who was the main driving force behind the release of Agility. Prayer has come back and logs in here and there, and the same goes for Charles. If you want to keep in touch with everyone, I highly recommend joining our Discord server, where you will be able to chat with anyone and everyone from RuneRebels.

To join our Discord server, you can go in-game and type ::ds, or click the following link:
*Note* No mic is necessary. Discord is like TeamSpeak except more text-focused, but with voice channels you can join if you wish to talk with a mic.

To answer your  main question: Yes. AGF has come back once and for all to continue development on RuneRebels. With a revamped staff team, tools, and procedure, we are a lot more organized and professional this time around and development has only continued to snow ball.

We will commence the advertising phase in the near future, once certain necessary things are completed and ready.

It's always good to see old faces, and we hope to reign once again as the top 2006 RSPS remake. If you have any questions, feel free to message me in-game or on the RuneRebels Discord. Hope to see you in-game!  8)
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Re: Hello + Old RR Player Confused!
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2017, 10:49:27 pm »
Welcome back, I was also around on and off in those eras as well. Those were quite the days back when F2P was around, I still play when I have time. Do you remember an email you may have used to register back in the day? I would hope you could remember your old account as opposed to starting over again.


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Re: Hello + Old RR Player Confused!
« Reply #4 on: February 21, 2017, 02:39:06 am »
Welcome back old friend!! Amazing to see old players come back


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Re: Hello + Old RR Player Confused!
« Reply #5 on: February 21, 2017, 04:56:16 am »
Great to have you back; Its awesome that you remember all that stuff! ;D As others have said a lot of the original community is still here and many more have been returning over the weeks, and we are so glad to get some of these original members back.

Development on the game did stop for a little over a year, but development on the game engine actually did not. I was actually working on a game called Adventure Guild that used the Blitz Engine for the server:

We started by getting RuneRebels running on the new engine and then decided we wanted to revive the game. We've gotten extremely organized as some of the other developers have noted, and have everything in source control, have automated bots to perform common actions, and are keeping track of every single reported bug in issues. We also have internal milestones set and have completely revamped the tools available to developers, so you will see many updates to come. I would indeed say a revolution is in progress! 8)


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Re: Hello + Old RR Player Confused!
« Reply #6 on: February 21, 2017, 05:09:17 am »
Great to have you back; Its awesome that you remember all that stuff! ;D As others have said a lot of the original community is still here and many more have been returning over the weeks, and we are so glad to get some of these original members back.

Development on the game did stop for a little over a year, but development on the game engine actually did not. I was actually working on a game called Adventure Guild that used the Blitz Engine for the server:

We started by getting RuneRebels running on the new engine and then decided we wanted to revive the game. We've gotten extremely organized as some of the other developers have noted, and have everything in source control, have automated bots to perform common actions, and are keeping track of every single reported bug in issues. We also have internal milestones set and have completely revamped the tools available to developers, so you will see many updates to come. I would indeed say a revolution is in progress! 8)

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Re: Hello + Old RR Player Confused!
« Reply #7 on: February 21, 2017, 07:02:16 am »
Welcome back, it would help if we knew your old in-game name.
We are all somewhat active with the dev team being back in action, see you in game <3


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Re: Hello + Old RR Player Confused!
« Reply #8 on: February 21, 2017, 12:36:12 pm »
Hey man welcome back! You should stick around, we have a lot of good things planned for Rune Rebels :^)


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Re: Hello + Old RR Player Confused!
« Reply #9 on: February 21, 2017, 03:09:25 pm »
Welcome back! Yes I'm happyguy as many have already said haha... Anyways runerebels isn't going anywhere, in fact we've become more organized over the past year and thanks to Ryan, have found a more efficient way of releasing content! We are making this game at a more faster pace than ever before!
« Last Edit: February 23, 2017, 01:17:57 am by Ry60003333 »


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Re: Hello + Old RR Player Confused!
« Reply #10 on: February 21, 2017, 05:11:58 pm »
Actually, aside from Jmood, we are all still here! Austin (Happyguy) and myself are on the staff team Austin being Community Manager and I am a content developer.

Yes, development did slow down actually for over 2 years, but Ryan came back recently with an urge to get things done and we've gotten more done then ever before in the history of Rune Rebels.

We have a great team working behind the scenes, and you can see a lot of our development progress on the development channel on our discord!

I do advise you to say because at least once a month we'll be releasing content packs, I think two might even be the possibility. I am not exactly up to date on the release schedule, but I cam promise you it will all happen.

Great to see old people coming back, they're always welcomed back with open arms.

Hi there RiiP!  How's it going buddy?!  That's awesome to hear that everyone is getting together, I didn't expect this at all.  Truthfully, I thought RR was dead.  So happy that's not the case.  Also, any news on what happened to Mopar?  I know you're (or used to be) an active member on there.  Did Moparisthebest sell the site or somthing?  I've been disconnected from the RSPS scene for far too long it seems :o

Hello and welcome back to RuneRebels!  ;D

First thing I'm going to say is that your friends Happyguy, RiiPiiN, Prayer, and Charles are still with us.  8) Much like what RiiPiiN said, Happyguy aka Austin is our Community Manager now who also works on quests and general game development. RiiPiiN is now a content developer, who was the main driving force behind the release of Agility. Prayer has come back and logs in here and there, and the same goes for Charles. If you want to keep in touch with everyone, I highly recommend joining our Discord server, where you will be able to chat with anyone and everyone from RuneRebels.

To join our Discord server, you can go in-game and type ::ds, or click the following link:
*Note* No mic is necessary. Discord is like TeamSpeak except more text-focused, but with voice channels you can join if you wish to talk with a mic.

To answer your  main question: Yes. AGF has come back once and for all to continue development on RuneRebels. With a revamped staff team, tools, and procedure, we are a lot more organized and professional this time around and development has only continued to snow ball.

We will commence the advertising phase in the near future, once certain necessary things are completed and ready.

It's always good to see old faces, and we hope to reign once again as the top 2006 RSPS remake. If you have any questions, feel free to message me in-game or on the RuneRebels Discord. Hope to see you in-game!  8)

Hey there Sean!  I'm not sure I quite remember you, did you go by a different name perhaps?  Many thanks for the links and the help.  I really appreciate it.  Haven't made up my mind yet about staying but it's looking pretty good right now :D  Best of luck with development!

Welcome back, I was also around on and off in those eras as well. Those were quite the days back when F2P was around, I still play when I have time. Do you remember an email you may have used to register back in the day? I would hope you could remember your old account as opposed to starting over again.

Edub!  I remember you!! Great ta see ya buddy!  Unfortunately, I don't remember the email, user, or password.  This is the first time I'm visiting the website in many years.  I didn't get too far in the game though, less than 50s in all skills if I remember correctly.  I'm an insufferable social butterfly :P  Talk too much, get nothing done :D

Welcome back old friend!! Amazing to see old players come back

Prayer!! <3 <3 still hanging in there old pal?!  Awh, we had some good times.  Though you'd always tease me :/ you cheeky bastard <3 I doubt you'd remember any of this, I'm surprised I do but we had some good runs when skilling (fishing, mining, etc).  Told each other ridiculous stories to make the time pass by quicker.

Great to have you back; Its awesome that you remember all that stuff! ;D As others have said a lot of the original community is still here and many more have been returning over the weeks, and we are so glad to get some of these original members back.

Development on the game did stop for a little over a year, but development on the game engine actually did not. I was actually working on a game called Adventure Guild that used the Blitz Engine for the server:

We started by getting RuneRebels running on the new engine and then decided we wanted to revive the game. We've gotten extremely organized as some of the other developers have noted, and have everything in source control, have automated bots to perform common actions, and are keeping track of every single reported bug in issues. We also have internal milestones set and have completely revamped the tools available to developers, so you will see many updates to come. I would indeed say a revolution is in progress! 8)

Ry guy!!  The main man. La big kahuna!  Hmm, how're ya hanging in there old man? :D It's great to hear from you!  Last I heard of you, you were grinning like a doof in a hospital bed :P  Had us all so worried but that picture put us at ease.  I think they gave you morphine or something?  How's the Siri server coming around?  Where's Kev?  Worldscape still online?

Still hosting the game at your house or finally got a dedi?  Gotta love those outages we had back in the day, the forums would be exploding.  Then those silly PRS06 players showed up and spammed up the place, ugh -.-

Jeez, so many questions haha.  Anyway, I wish the best for you and the development of RR.  It was one my most favorite communities and you devs were some of the down-to-earth admins I've encountered.  Except for James ;) he was a meanie to me.

I'm glad you didn't give up on RR.  I know IRL gets in the way sometimes but at least you stayed productive!  New game looks interesting, will def take a look.  Take care man, so glad to hear from you!

Welcome back, it would help if we knew your old in-game name.
We are all somewhat active with the dev team being back in action, see you in game <3

Charlie!  Still have that cute profile pic I see.  Lovin' it.  How's it going?

Hey man welcome back! You should stick around, we have a lot of good things planned for Rune Rebels :^)

Ooh, you must be new?  I don't think I remember your user?  Or maybe an oldie with a different name.  Cool mod title though <3  I'm glad RR is finally taking development seriously. Thanks for the warm welcome! <3  Great community, great devs, great people.

Welcome back! Yes I'm happyguy as many have already said haha... Anyways runerebels is let going anywhere, in fact we've become more organized over the past year and thanks to Ryan, have found a more efficient way of releasing content! We are making this game at a more faster pace than ever before!

Happyguy!!  What happened to your signature profile pic?  I never figured out who it was but it was some hairy bearded man!  Ry guy seems pretty gung-ho about this new endeavor.  Never ceases to amaze me with his expertise, I'm sure as long as he doesn't abandon RR again, it'll go very far.  Good to hear from you though, we def need to catch up! :D
« Last Edit: February 21, 2017, 05:15:02 pm by Testinggame »


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Re: Hello + Old RR Player Confused!
« Reply #11 on: February 21, 2017, 05:46:26 pm »
Well, welcome back I guess. We don't know each other but I hope you stay here. As the other players said, the community is growing and new content is being released every month.


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Re: Hello + Old RR Player Confused!
« Reply #12 on: February 21, 2017, 07:01:56 pm »
Edub!  I remember you!! Great ta see ya buddy!  Unfortunately, I don't remember the email, user, or password.  This is the first time I'm visiting the website in many years.  I didn't get too far in the game though, less than 50s in all skills if I remember correctly.  I'm an insufferable social butterfly :P  Talk too much, get nothing done :D

Then chances are you are on my friends list. I have not deleted it over the years, if you want i can put the list together and PM you and maybe your user is on there.


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Re: Hello + Old RR Player Confused!
« Reply #13 on: February 21, 2017, 08:13:01 pm »
Actually, aside from Jmood, we are all still here! Austin (Happyguy) and myself are on the staff team Austin being Community Manager and I am a content developer.

Yes, development did slow down actually for over 2 years, but Ryan came back recently with an urge to get things done and we've gotten more done then ever before in the history of Rune Rebels.

We have a great team working behind the scenes, and you can see a lot of our development progress on the development channel on our discord!

I do advise you to say because at least once a month we'll be releasing content packs, I think two might even be the possibility. I am not exactly up to date on the release schedule, but I cam promise you it will all happen.

Great to see old people coming back, they're always welcomed back with open arms.

Hi there RiiP!  How's it going buddy?!  That's awesome to hear that everyone is getting together, I didn't expect this at all.  Truthfully, I thought RR was dead.  So happy that's not the case.  Also, any news on what happened to Mopar?  I know you're (or used to be) an active member on there.  Did Moparisthebest sell the site or somthing?  I've been disconnected from the RSPS scene for far too long it seems :o

Yea, I had hope checking in on the website for a long time and finally the day came where Ryan came back with the dedication the project needed.

Also yea, I was extremely active on the moparscape forums, however, yes MITB decided to sell them for a large sum of money with the intention of handing over his legacy for someone else to improve. It turned out to be a lie and the owners only wanted to buy it to further promote their own rsps. Just an attention move really.


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Re: Hello + Old RR Player Confused!
« Reply #14 on: February 22, 2017, 08:05:01 am »
Heyo my guy. Always great to have an old player back. Not sure if i ever played with ya, but if you didnt quit until early 2014 chances are quite high we've met. Anyway, the others have already given you all the info you need so im just gonna write a steady "Welcome back!"
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