RuneRebels 2.8.7 Black Eye
After the extensive holiday partying, the RuneRebels headquarters was a mess. There were scrolls of code scattered all over the place, tons of admins passed out in various rooms, dwarven stout spilled all over the floor, and redberry pies with swarms of flies laying all over the floor. There was a lot of cleaning up to do, so the team quickly got to work! While they were putting things away, they noticed that their cabinets and drawers were a a complete unorganized mess. Onur couldn't even find the dish soap to clean out all of the pie dishes! "Guys, if we want to be able to live here this year, I think we are gonna have to do some serious cleaning" said Bill. With that, the team got to work scrubbing the headquarters to get it to be as clean as the water from Baxtorian falls!

Happy new years players! We are thrilled about reaching our one update per month goal for 2018 and are very excited about doing the same for 2019. While working through many of the updates from the past year, we improved a lot of the tools and processes that we use to develop the game, and I've been able to greatly expand the ways that the other developers can contribute to the game. As part of setting ourselves up for some very large content focuses updates this year, I took some time to massively clean up and modernize many plugins and the server game engine itself. There is a large amount of low-level code that I wrote back in middle and high school that still powers the game to this day that is starting to show its age and is making development harder. With this update, I've cleaned up, removed, or re-written a significant amount of that code, which is why you will notice that Marshmallow's summary at the bottom of this post is excessively long. Almost every plugin has also been modified or cleaned up as well. This not only makes it easier and faster for me to add new features to the engine and plugins, but also means that all of the things we build on top of it will contain fewer bugs from the start and cause less headaches for developers.
That being said, if you notice anything that was previously working that is now broken after this update, let us know via the forums or Discord and we will fix it ASAP. At one point during development I accidentally broke interacting with Npcs (including the bankers!) with a one line change, so if any other issues crept past us we want to hotpatch them immediately. Over 9000 lines of code in over 300 files have been modified:

We have some really cool features and content in the pipeline, and this update is the first step in delivering them to you!

The RuneRebels Dev Team

Tools:• Added author field to quest files.
Castle Wars:• Fixed various cut off dialogue when talking to Lanthus.
Engine:• Refactored over 9000 (literally) lines of code in the game engine spanning over 300 files.
• Fixed a bug where ItemAddedToInventoryEvent could cause Blitz Errors in various locations, such as High Alching, Crafting, etc.
• Fixed a bug where you could gain negative XP by auto retaliating against Flytraps.
• Fixed a bug where you couldn't note or unnote claws.
Core Engine:• Fixed a bug where you could follow players while wearing a morphing ring.
Commands:• Added ::teletonpc.
• Added ::whereis to locate players.
Shops:• Fixed various incorrect shop prices.
• Added the ability for shops to have multiple owners.
• Fixed buying behavior so buying a greater amount of items than free slots available in your inventory will simply fill the free slots rather than failing.
Crafting:• Fixed a NullPointerException when repeatedly using the spinning wheel.
• Fixed the amount of leather needed to craft Hard Leather bodies.
• Fixed a bug with the spinning wheel animation.
Prayer:• Fixed a bug where the player might face the wrong direction when praying at an altar.
Tutorial Island:• Fixed a possible Blitz Error in dialogue.
• Disabled random events on Tutorial Island.
• Fixed a bug that allowed you to smuggle invincibility off of Tutorial Island.
Farming:• Added the majority of the missing farming messages; you should no longer see "INSERT MESSAGE HERE" messages.
• Made the number of roots you get from digging up a tree base itself on your farming level; previously you would only receive 1 root.
• Fixed a bug where some farming messages were cut off.
Herblore:• Added the correct messages for mixing potion doses.
• Added the ability to mix 3 and 3 doses or 2 and 3 doses to make a 4 dose.
• Fixed a bug with poisoning weapons and bolts.
Runecrafting:• Added the ability to craft combination runes!
Magic:• Added the ability to use combination runes to cast spells!

Marshmallow's summary for the Black Eye release:
Game Engine:
RuneScape Blitz: merge 86 commits into master
AllGoFree: merge 7 commits into master
Arctic: merge 4 commits into master
Blitz API: merge 34 commits into master
BlitzMySQLData: merge 3 commits into master
Core AllGoFree: merge 3 commits into master
Agility: merge 3 commits into master
AllStarX: merge 2 commits into master
Areas: merge 1 commit into master
BanHammer: merge 2 commits into master
Bank: merge 6 commits into master
Barrows: merge 1 commit into master
BattleField: merge 2 commits into master
Bosses: merge 4 commits into master
BugPoints: merge 1 commit into master
CastleWars: merge 4 commits into master
Christmas2010: merge 1 commit into master
Christmas2011: merge 1 commit into master
Christmas2012: merge 3 commits into master
Christmas2013: merge 3 commits into master
Classic: merge 2 commits into master
Commands: merge 23 commits into master
Cooking: merge 1 commit into master
Core 317: merge 1 commit into master
Core 317 Clipping: merge 1 commit into master
Core 508: merge 1 commit into master
Core Engine: merge 15 commits into master
Crafting: merge 3 commits into master
Deadman: merge 1 commit into master
DeepWilderness: merge 1 commit into master
DeveloperQuotes: merge 1 commit into master
Documentation: merge 6 commits into master
Donators: merge 1 commit into master
DoubleXpWeekend: merge 1 commit into master
Dueling: merge 5 commits into master
Easter2012: merge 2 commits into master
Easter2014: merge 2 commits into master
Easter2017: merge 2 commits into master
Easter2018: merge 1 commit into master
Emotes: merge 2 commits into master
Farming: merge 10 commits into master
Firemaking: merge 1 commit into master
Fishing: merge 2 commits into master
Fletching: merge 1 commit into master
FoodAndDrink: merge 1 commit into master
FreeToPlay: merge 1 commit into master
Halloween2011: merge 1 commit into master
Halloween2013: merge 1 commit into master
Halloween2014: merge 1 commit into master
Halloween2018: merge 1 commit into master
Herblore: merge 11 commits into master
HouseBuilding: merge 1 commit into master
IoSessionLogger: merge 1 commit into master
ItemWieldRequirements: merge 1 commit into master
Karamja: merge 1 commit into master
Magic: merge 4 commits into master
Members: merge 1 commit into master
Memorial: merge 1 commit into master
Mining: merge 11 commits into master
Miscellania: merge 1 commit into master
Moles: merge 1 commit into master
NewUserRedirect: merge 1 commit into master
NpcDrops: merge 3 commits into master
ObjectScripts: merge 3 commits into master
PestControl: merge 1 commit into master
PlayerOwnedShops: merge 1 commit into master
Prayer: merge 2 commits into master
QuestScripts: merge 1 commit into master
Quests: merge 5 commits into master
RandomEvents: merge 5 commits into master
Ranged: merge 1 commit into master
ReadyPlayerOne: merge 1 commit into master
RewardTokens: merge 1 commit into master
RuneRebels: merge 5 commits into master
Runecrafting: merge 19 commits into master
ServerEvents: merge 1 commit into master
Shops: merge 18 commits into master
SkillCapes: merge 3 commits into master
SkillMenus: merge 1 commit into master
Slayer: merge 2 commits into master
Smithing: merge 1 commit into master
SpecialAttacks: merge 1 commit into master
StPatricksDayEvent: merge 1 commit into master
StaffAreas: merge 3 commits into master
Summoning: merge 1 commit into master
TeleportStyles: merge 1 commit into master
Thieving: merge 4 commits into master
Trading: merge 5 commits into master
Transport: merge 1 commit into master
Tutorial Island: merge 6 commits into master
Twilight: merge 1 commit into master
WelcomeTutorial: merge 2 commits into master
Wilderness: merge 1 commit into master
Woodcutting: merge 24 commits into master
WorldMap: merge 1 commit into master
Zombies: merge 2 commits into master
Total: 428 commits