Author Topic: Power Outtage 4/27/2018  (Read 4961 times)


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Power Outtage 4/27/2018
« on: April 27, 2018, 06:34:17 pm »
POWER OUTAGE 4/27/2018

As of 3:26 PM PST there has been a power outage in the area which the servers are hosted. Due to Ryan not having access to the laptop which has remote access to the VPS currently, everyone that was logged on at the time of the outtage cannot access those accounts until Ryan is able to access his laptop.  Until then world 1 will be down for the time being until the VPS goes back online. World 2 will still be operational though so feel free to log onto there with any account that wasn't affected by the power outage.

Time of outage:3:27 pm PST

Time power is restored:3:34 pm PST

Common Questions:
Q:I was in combat will my character die?
A: The server gets rolled back 30 seconds from the time before the outage so your character will not be dead once the server is rebooted.

Q: How long till world 1 goes back up?
A: We are not sure as the outage is out of our control and we will have to wait for power to be returned to the are of which the VPS is hosted at. Until then feel free to use World 2.

Q: How long till my account gets kicked from the game?
A: That is based on whether the VPS has power restored to its area first or if Ryan is able to make it to his laptop first. Either way it's hard to say.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2018, 06:36:10 pm by Austin »