Author Topic: ❗️ Server Outage 02/10/2017  (Read 2676 times)


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❗️ Server Outage 02/10/2017
« on: February 10, 2017, 02:43:41 pm »
Service Outage 02/10/17 - Restore Complete

Start time: ~2:30 PM EST

Description: There was a power outage where the servers were hosted and after bringing World 1 back online, we experienced technical difficulties with our Developer Tools loading certain incomplete files into the game.

  • World 1 online at 8:07 PM EST
  • Dev Worlds online at 7:57 PM EST
  • Dev Tools online at 7:57 PM EST

Service restored at: 7:57 PM EST
« Last Edit: February 10, 2017, 08:28:34 pm by Dev Sean »