Honestly Ryan I appreciate you being upfront and honest with us. I have been a past critic of this server for the lack of updates but I just graduated college last May as well, and I fully understand where you are coming from. I started a full time job recently and RR is unfortunately at the bottom of the totem poll in terms of my priorities.
I can say though as a long time member of this community that I am routing for this server's success and I hope that there will come another day where the community can grow back to the levels that it used to be 2-3 years ago. I will never play another private server other than this one. In my 10+ years playing private servers I have never been part of a community that has made me feel more at home than RR has. I think if any server can come back again it is RR. I am hopeful for the best and that the rest of our community will come back and rally behind you.
I'm glad that you have some idea of what it feels like! It was definitely a lot more work then I thought!
Let me know what you guys think!
Any sort of revival of Runerebels would indeed be great, especially if we could get all skills trainable and hopefully a stable player base/economy.
But let us get our priorities straight!
This is the first thing that should be fixed.
Garnu also made a post about this, I also agree, they should be removed from the highscores.
I will actually look into this right now. There is a simple way to remove people from the highscores, I just have to remember what it is!

Been awhile since I posted, I'm really glad to hear from you Ryan. I completely understand about college, I'm still in college myself and recently got a job, so my time has diminished greatly in terms of availability to do anything really. I can't say I'm amazing at Java, it's surely been awhile but I completed a Java course in school, and I'm about to embark on another course entitled 'Data Structures and Algorithms in Java.' Not sure how much use it may be, but if you find a way to let us, the players help out in any way, I'll be sure to try my best.
Best of luck with this RuneRebels revival, I'll be logging in every now and then 
Great to hear! I hope to see you guys in game, I do want to spend more time in the game. I am also working on cool project to make keeping in touch with me a lot easier.

I hate to be Mr. Pessimistic but is there any ETA on when we are going to see some of the updates and changes mentioned? It has been 2 weeks since this original post, I've been pretty busy myself as well but I am just curious.
Yes; I am working on an actual plan document at the moment and have done lots of behind the scenes stuff for development. To be completely transparent, this is what I have done:
* Get our developer site updated and running again on the latest version of Gitlab
* Updated all of the broken WebHooks in the database so that we can keep track of changes
* Merge all the server engine changes from
Adventure Guild back into the game engine.