Author Topic: Please Convince Me to Play  (Read 3457 times)


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Please Convince Me to Play
« on: February 26, 2014, 12:02:28 am »
Hello friends,

You all know why I am here. I miss the runescape that I loved as a child. Nostalgia has got me thinking again, and I may want to play runescape again, but I am teetering on the edge, I can't make up my mind on playing another runescape remake again.

A long time ago, I played an 06 remake that just started, I was like the 5th player to join. I thought it was so awesome because it was exactly like 2006, and I knew everyone that played (granted there were maybe 30 players at its highest point). It was such a tight nit community. I even started a clan, we skyped, we trained together, we joked around, and we team pked in the wilderness as level 40's with ghetto armor. It reminded me so much of the old days. Everyone was a noob, we were all poor, and we had to help eachother progress through the game. But the Dream ended when the server was shut down

 Then I played Old School Runescape with a few friends of mine I used to play RS2 with back in the day. We started a long time after its release. We played for a few months but we all eventually dropped the game. Everyone that played Old School Runescape was a try-hard PKer and very little people played the game for any other reason. Plus jagex ruined it with their updates, it wasn't like the old days.

So now is where you come in. I hope this community is as enthusiastic as I am and can convince me to get back into the game. What are the qualities of this server? How many active players are there? Are there a lot of players that are far ahead in the game, or are most players close in level? Are people social and friendly, or do most players just keep to themselves? I don't know if my heart is ready to play runescape again, but maybe you can convince me.

« Last Edit: February 26, 2014, 12:05:50 am by Yggdrasil »


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Re: Please Convince Me to Play
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2014, 12:50:48 am »
Where to begin....Most importantly, this is one of the most unique remakes because the server is made from scratch and that it has been up for well over a year. We used to have over 100 players daily until RS 2007 happened. As a result, the player count quickly dropped from 100-150 to 50-75 all the way to 20-30 daily. That was back when I first joined in March I think. I was one of the few new players that decided to stay because I didn't want to start RS all over a 3rd time (I had a main I quit and a zerker). Overall, the server is always up and has a very strong DDOS protection. There was only one instance that I can really remember the server going down which was because of the VPS which the developers quickly switched.

As for everyone's progression in the game, no one has more than 4 99's but there are a good amount of players with high skills. And of course, most everyone is friendly :p. We have a good amount of dedicated players. The only thing holding the server back from its previous glory is lack of time from the Owner. I used to complain every now and then that he doesn't put enough time into the game but then I found out how busy he was which includes the type of classes he is taking in college. He doesn't want to share the server files for trust reasons but all the main developers here have stayed for a long time. I recently became a developer for working on quests. Unfortunately, none of them are released yet because I can not do a full quest on my own but when Ryan (the owner) has time, he can do a lot. The server is far from perfect but a lot of skills are functional except agility. However, slayer is the roughest skill at the moment.

Sorry if this is a big wall of text, I'm using my phone cause I'm studying for an exam coming up shortly XD. Also, this account isn't my main on here. It's N0vapur3.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2014, 01:05:44 am by N0va »
I'm not an In-Game developer and I've continuously been asking to be demoted so I did it myself


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Re: Please Convince Me to Play
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2014, 03:27:53 am »
Welcome if you do decide to join the server, here is some information to help you decide.

First of all we have a active dev team and the server has been running for over a year. I would like to say there are 30-40 active players playing at the moment but it is hard to predict as some players come and go in periods. We do have a players that are ahead others but a new player could still swoop in for the first spots on the highscores if they are active.
I am not sure of others motivation why they play this but i am here for the community. This server has been my home for over a year and i've donated 355$ so for me it is not that it is free to play. Pretty much everyone in the community is friendly and helpful.
Here are my stats so you can get an impression of the progression level of the server, i am rank one in overall.
Farming levels are not accounted for in the total levels.


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Re: Please Convince Me to Play
« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2014, 10:48:39 am »
Thank you for the information. Yeah I understand that a small operation can not pump out content as fast as everyone likes. that doesn't even bother me. I like to enjoy the game and take it slow, not rush through it. This website looks pretty well developed too, I can tell the owner and developers are dedicated. This is all good to hear. After my two exams are over this week I will probably check it out, and I may get my roommate to play too.

The only thing that slightly bothers me is the 2x experience. I know people don't have enough time to invest playing in the game anymore and they want to see faster progress, but 2x just doesn't appeal to me. Its just my personal opinion. to be honest, I'd rather have 2x than 30x or 100x like most other private servers do.


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Re: Please Convince Me to Play
« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2014, 11:07:14 am »
The only thing holding the server back from its previous glory is lack of time from the Owner. I used to complain every now and then that he doesn't put enough time into the game but then I found out how busy he was which includes the type of classes he is taking in college. He doesn't want to share the server files for trust reasons but all the main developers here have stayed for a long time.
I'm afraid that will eventually be demise of this server. I know Ryan has put tears, blood and his soul into making this server but he alone can't keep the content coming. There are other 06 servers coming to life with bigger developer teams that have ability push out content way faster. We already lost majority of our players to Oldschool runescape. We can't afford to compete for player base with another 06 servers. Why would anyone join us if there is bigger server out there. Not many really give a shit about this server being better if we lack players. Same thing happened with PRS06. Worse server but higher player base.

I'm not going anywhere. Not going to start over again but I'm concerned about our small player base. Good community but just small.

To Yggdrasil. Prepare to be addicted. This server is worse than drugs  :D


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Re: Please Convince Me to Play
« Reply #5 on: February 26, 2014, 03:57:09 pm »
If this doesn't convince you enough, then I don't know what will.

RuneRebels was the first private server I ever played, I met some really cool people, but eventually moved on to other servers such as Soulsplit and Battlescape, however, believe it or not I literally check the RuneRebels forums every day even if I don't play for months on end. RuneRebels is the only server I feel deserves to be donated to, and whenever I come back from not playing I always log in and see the same people online who greet me back joyfully.


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Re: Please Convince Me to Play
« Reply #6 on: February 26, 2014, 08:04:59 pm »
well guys im in, and so is my roommate. but I cant play until the weekends. cant wait :)


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Re: Please Convince Me to Play
« Reply #7 on: February 27, 2014, 05:24:38 am »
Think of this place like the TV show Cheers, the server where everybody knows your name.

Welcome aboard  :)