Buying all type of bones, let's discuss the price in-game or reply to this thread.
The prices below average from about 6.94 to 13.88 coins per 1 prayer exp, so each price is set to the amount of prayer exp given; here's the math I used to get the average prices, ((exp)*(6.94)) - ((exp)*(13.88)). Very simple.
Please read above before making a suggestion or offer to my prices.
Average price ranges are;
- Ourg bones; 1,943-3,886 gp, giving 280 exp when buried.
- Dagannoth bones; 1,735-3,470 gp, giving 250 exp when buried.
- Dragon bones; 950-2,000 gp, giving 144 exp when buried.
- Babydragon bones; 416-832 gp, giving 60 exp when buried.
- Large monkey bones; 249-499 gp, giving 36 exp when buried.
- Big bones, Jogre bones; 208-416 gp, giving 30 exp when buried.
- Monkey bones, Bat bones; 68-137 gp, giving 10 exp when buried.
- Bones, Wolf bones, Burnt bones: 62-124 gp, giving 9 exp when buried.
Please keep in mind that
Ourg bones,
Dagannoth bones,
Large monkey bones, and
Jogre bones are yet to be put in-game.
Here's N0va's feedback,
She buys bones for 1.5k ea and sells them for 2k ea. Don't bother.