Author Topic: RuneRebels: THE UNDEAD INVASION (2.20) - With DOUBLE XP!  (Read 11580 times)


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RuneRebels: THE UNDEAD INVASION (2.20) - With DOUBLE XP!
« on: October 31, 2020, 10:44:53 pm »

Bill felt emboldened by his previous explorations throughout RuneRebels, and was hungry for a new challenge. He decided that he wanted to explore a new realm, and consulted with a powerful mage that granted him access to a dangerous place filled with monsters. After mastering the obstacles around the outer edges of the area, he found himself with quick access to all of the Runecrafting alters in RuneRebels!

Not happy with just exploring one new area, he then marched on over to Burthorpe where he did some absolutely insane gambling to obtain a nice pair of boots. He didn't realize it, but he ended up gambling with some random guy in Burthope for almost half a year!

Finally, Bill decided he needed a nice tropical vacation, so he decided to catch a boat to Karamja. Little did he know that he was about to be haunted by an undead spirit, and also break the entire RuneRebels universe by asking Ryan for help with a ladder...

Hello players! We apologize about the delay in this update, as it was another giant one and we needed a bit of extra time to polish things up and not accidentally kill Bill and Ryan in the process. Bill has absolutely killed it for this update, and we have three new quests for you. We hope that you have fun Entering the Abyss, trolling your way into Death Plateau, and discovering shiny treasure in Shilo Village. Some of these quests have been in the works for months or even years, so we hope that you enjoy them!

Secondly, we've fixed a TON of bugs in the game and engine, including tons of timing improvements by re-doing how many events are timed. You'll notice faster and better timing and feel when interacting with Npcs, teleporting, using ladders, using stairs, using trapdoors, and so much more. If anything feels off, please let us know in the bug reports section on the forums or in Discord!

Lastly, as an apology for the update being a bit delayed, we will be activating double experience for the next three days. We will try and do better with the scheduling, but we wanted to make sure that the content we released actually worked properly. However, if you do find any bugs, please report them to us!

- The RuneRebels Dev Team

Added the Enter the Abyss miniquest! (and the Abyss!)
Added the Death Plateau quest!
Added the Shilo Village quest!

Added support for the correct form of the exact movement mask.
Fixed a bug where object interaction cancels from a distance.
Fixed the look and timing of multiple shortcuts and courses.
Fixed a bug where you could get stuck in the Lumbridge cave swamp.

Added music for Mourner Tunnels.

Fixed additional bugs with noted items.

Add behavior for the Abyssal Guardians.

Added the correct sounds for the Barrows doors.

Added session resuming from the login screen; no more getting stuck in combat!
Fixed the timing for all teleports!
Fixed a bug where Npc spawns were delayed!
Converted a TON of events to use game tick timing!
Made Silverlight able to cut through spider webs.
Added support for set scroll position packet.
Fixed a bug where there was a delay with interacting with Npcs when moving.
Added the ability to unload and reload individual plugins.
Added removeBlitzListener() support to all plugin services.
Guarded ::reload from startup errors.
Added ability for plugins to hint where the player should walk to interact with an object.
Removed the legacy button system.
Made the server boot almost 2 times faster.
Fixed a bug where using an item on another player would make the player walk back and foth.
Fixed a bug where WalkToEntityEvent didn't work for entities on the same tile, resulting in "I can't reach that!".
Split the engine into the engine and a Core API.
Added logging for when the player damages Npcs.
Fixed a bug where dialogue could cut off early after a cutscene.
Fixed a bug where player's quests objects could affect other players.
Fixed a bug where many events would run one game tick early.
Added support for plugin branches.
Added support for custom "cannot telegrab" messages.

Added old style menu bar at the top of the client!
Fixed a bug where the chat settings wouldn't actually work in resizable mode.
Fixed a bug where rapidly switching music tracks could cause music to get stuck playing in the background, or music to stop playing completely.
Fixed a bug where if you turn off music in the middle of fading, it would come back on.

Core 317:
Added dual ItemChat interface.
Added correct single item "How many would you like to make?" interface.
Added the set interface position packet.

Core 317 Clipping:
Fixed a bug where pets could block Npcs.

Added ::checknpcdialogue to check where Npc dialogue is coming from.
Added ::autoreload to automatically reload database data on developer worlds.

Fixed a bug where the player would do the spinning animation on the spinning wheel when making nothing.
Fixed a bug where stringing amulets did not grant experience.
Added a TON of missing messages when crafting items.
Skipped the item amount prompt when the player only has a single item to craft.

Core Engine:
Completely redid the timings for ladders, stairs, and doors.

Food and Drink:
Made picking Nettles members only.

Login Server:
Fixed a bug where successful logins still add to the IP block list.
Fixed a bug where Marshmallow didn't set the correct classpath in build JARs.
Fixed a bug where players could be marked as online forever.

Added checks for if the player is inside a building.
Made the Lamp oil still in the Chemists house work.

Added command to clear Farming patches.
Moved patch types to the database.
Added ::forcedisease command.
Added messages for watering saplings / watered seedlings.
Added 21 additional missing Farming messages.
Fixed a bug where planting spirit trees required a seed dibber instead of a spade.

Added reload quests button.
Added support for specifying item sizes.
Added a button to test dialogue.
Added stop movement checkbox to PlayCutscene step.
Added ability to use conditional text variables in other conditional text.

Added the correct item interface for trading, so no items will overflow off the interface!
Fixed a bug where items would update one by one when declining or completing a trade, instead of all appearing at once.
Fixed a bug where items from a previous trade could appear for a moment.

Fixed the animation and effect when being stunned.

Fixed a bug where some spells would splash when they should hit zeros instead.

Added gem rocks!
Added the correct message when finding a gem.
Added the correct message for when a rock is empty.
Added the correct message for when the player's inventory is full.
Modified to use the new object transform API.
Added checks before the movement delay.

Added the scripts for the training Burthorpe soldiers.
Added dice gambling minigame for Harold.
Fixed a bug where Npcs in the battlefield could spawn inside objects.

Added support for multiple login servers.
Added support for sending SQL events when SQL data changes.

Fixed some Goblin animations and sounds.
Added Mountain troll, Rock, Stick, Pee Hat, and Kraka animations and sounds.
Corrected the Black demon npc spawns in Taverley dungeon which weren't dropping any items
Added dialogue for Miss Schism.
Added animations and sounds for Barbarians.
Added dialogue for the Chemist.

Npc Spawns:
Added a bunch of missing Goblin, Chicken, and Cow spawns northwest of Lumbridge.

Npc Drops:
Fixed a bug where small rats dropped bones.

Staff Website:
Merged RuneRebels and WorldScape model classes.

Fixed a bug where the player didn't face cats when feeding them.

Fixed the level at which Harpie Bug Swarms will not be aggressive towards the player.

Fixed a bug where you couldn't make Bronze wire.
Added the correct message for making Bronze wire.
Fixed the message when smelting steel bars.
Added Death Plateau check for smithing claws.

Skill Menus:
Made the skill menus scroll to the top when opening.

Added the Abyss!
Added Pouches!
Removed unused dialogue.
Moved the Wizards into a database table.
Added script for Scrying orb.
Made Talismans not function underground.
Added a bunch of missing messages.
Added the correct messages for when the player's Runecraft is too low.
Fixed timing and sounds when entering altars.

Random Events:
Made the Bird's Nest random event members only.

Fixed invalid dialogue mark error when speaking to Aubury.
Added logic to scroll to the correct quest journal position.
Added support for placing text after the "quest complete" text.

Fixed a bug where the Attack option could be in the wrong slot.

Modified to use the new object transform API.
Disabled maple trees on free to play worlds.

RuneRebels 2.20.1 Hotpatch

Fixed a bug where you couldn't make pies while running.

Fixed a bug where Bronze pickaxes were preferred over Iron pickaxes.

Fixed a bug where Bronze axes were preferred over Iron axes.

Fixed a bug where the menu bar click areas were active in resize mode.

Npc Spawns:
Removed extra copy of Safta Doc Npc on Karamja.

Fixed a bug where you wouldn't face players when interacting with them (ex trading).
Fixed a bug where the following behavior for interacting with players was incorrect. (ex trading).
Fixed a bug where Rock Crabs were not attackable due to the not sending spawn events for them.
Fixed a bug where you couldn't override an walk to action if the target entity was the same. (thanks Brownay!)
Fixed a bug where ::reload would crash on developer worlds.

Fixed a bug where ranged hits took a very long time to show up.

Core Engine:
Fixed a bug where the Ring of Life could activate early. (FINALLY!)
Fixed a possible Blitz error when using diagonal doors.
Fixed a bug where the Ring of Life sent debug messages every hit.
Fixed the stairs in the Varrock church.
Fixed the stairs in the Quest Guide's house on Tutorial Island.

Fixed a bug where weeds had a chance at becoming diseased.
Fixed a regression in the speed of harvesting crops.

Npc Drops:
Fixed a bug where Tower Guards would drop big bones.

Fixed a bug where speaking to Sir Tiffy Cashien would say "I can't reach that!". Now you get "Nothing interesting happens." until we add the dialogue!

Fixed a bug where the Freaky Forester could get players stuck with their input disabled.

Fixed a bug in Rune Mysteries where Dwarf Remains would show on the Air Talisman ItemChat.

Fixed a bug where the Body Rift teleported the player into a wall.

Code: [Select]
Marshmallow's summary for the Thunder release:

Game Engine:
AllGoFree Login Server: merge 16 commits into master
RuneScape Blitz: merge 474 commits into master

AllGoFree: merge 7 commits into master
Arctic: merge 3 commits into master
Blitz API: merge 196 commits into master
BlitzMySQLData: merge 1 commit into master
Core AllGoFree: merge 49 commits into master
Core Blitz API: merge 23 commits into master
Core Client: merge 2 commits into master

Agility: merge 495 commits into master
AllStarX: merge 2 commits into master
AmbientSounds: merge 134 commits into master
Areas: merge 12 commits into master
BanHammer: merge 1 commit into master
Bank: merge 13 commits into master
Barrows: merge 6 commits into master
BattleField: merge 1 commit into master
Battlegrounds: merge 2 commits into master
Bosses: merge 9 commits into master
CastleWars: merge 2 commits into master
Christmas2010: merge 3 commits into master
Christmas2011: merge 2 commits into master
Christmas2012: merge 4 commits into master
Christmas2013: merge 3 commits into master
Classic: merge 5 commits into master
Commands: merge 121 commits into master
Cooking: merge 4 commits into master
Core 317: merge 31 commits into master
Core 317 Clipping: merge 26 commits into master
Core 459: merge 5 commits into master
Core 474: merge 5 commits into master
Core 508: merge 8 commits into master
Core 562: merge 10 commits into master
Core 613: merge 9 commits into master
Core Engine: merge 114 commits into master
Crafting: merge 46 commits into master
DeepWilderness: merge 2 commits into master
Documentation: merge 15 commits into master
Donators: merge 1 commit into master
DoubleXpWeekend: merge 2 commits into master
Dueling: merge 4 commits into master
Easter2012: merge 2 commits into master
Easter2014: merge 2 commits into master
Emotes: merge 1 commit into master
ExampleScape: merge 1 commit into master
Farming: merge 71 commits into master
Firemaking: merge 83 commits into master
Fishing: merge 3 commits into master
Fletching: merge 1 commit into master
FoodAndDrink: merge 7 commits into master
FreeToPlay: merge 5 commits into master
Halloween2011: merge 2 commits into master
Halloween2014: merge 6 commits into master
Herblore: merge 1 commit into master
HouseBuilding: merge 1 commit into master
IoSessionLogger: merge 10 commits into master
ItemSpawns: merge 27 commits into master
ItemWieldRequirements: merge 2 commits into master
Karamja: merge 63 commits into master
Magic: merge 29 commits into master
Members: merge 68 commits into master
Memorial: merge 1 commit into master
Mining: merge 39 commits into master
NewUserRedirect: merge 2 commits into master
NpcDrops: merge 7 commits into master
ObjectScripts: merge 3 commits into master
PestControl: merge 3 commits into master
Prayer: merge 7 commits into master
QuestScripts: merge 74 commits into master
Quests: merge 44 commits into master
RandomEvents: merge 4 commits into master
Ranged: merge 1 commit into master
ReadyPlayerOne: merge 1 commit into master
RuneRebels: merge 193 commits into master
Runecrafting: merge 256 commits into master
ServerEvents: merge 1 commit into master
Shops: merge 5 commits into master
SkillMenus: merge 1 commit into master
Slayer: merge 4 commits into master
Smithing: merge 18 commits into master
StPatricksDayEvent: merge 1 commit into master
StaffAreas: merge 3 commits into master
Summoning: merge 6 commits into master
Thieving: merge 4 commits into master
Trading: merge 15 commits into master
Transport: merge 1 commit into master
Tutorial Island: merge 6 commits into master
Twilight: merge 1 commit into master
UniversalScape: merge 2 commits into master
WelcomeTutorial: merge 2 commits into master
Wilderness: merge 4 commits into master
Woodcutting: merge 14 commits into master
Zombies: merge 3 commits into master

Quest Data: merge 187 commits into master

AllGoFree RS Client: merge 12 commits into master

AllGoFree RS Cache: merge 8 commits into master
AllGoFree Tools: merge 15 commits into master
Marshmallow: merge 17 commits into master

Total: 3218 commits

RuneRebels 2.20.1 Hotpatch
Code: [Select]
Marshmallow's summary for the Thunder release:

Game Engine:
RuneScape Blitz: merge 22 commits into master

Blitz API: merge 6 commits into master

AmbientSounds: merge 2 commits into master
Commands: merge 3 commits into master
Cooking: merge 4 commits into master
Core Engine: merge 25 commits into master
Crafting: merge 2 commits into master
Farming: merge 2 commits into master
Firemaking: merge 3 commits into master
Mining: merge 1 commit into master
NpcDrops: merge 1 commit into master
RandomEvents: merge 2 commits into master
Ranged: merge 2 commits into master
RuneRebels: merge 3 commits into master
Runecrafting: merge 2 commits into master
Woodcutting: merge 1 commit into master

Quest Data: merge 2 commits into master

AllGoFree RS Client: merge 2 commits into master


Total: 85 commits

« Last Edit: November 09, 2020, 01:11:33 am by Ry60003333 »


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Re: RuneRebels: THE UNDEAD INVASION (2.20) - With DOUBLE XP!
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2020, 05:34:02 am »
YUSS!!! Awesome update, thanks guys!!!!


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Re: RuneRebels: THE UNDEAD INVASION (2.20) - With DOUBLE XP!
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2020, 05:45:31 am »
Look at all those bug fixes and edits!
Well done Dev team <3!
Hi I'm Dug. (wave).


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Re: RuneRebels: THE UNDEAD INVASION (2.20) - With DOUBLE XP!
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2020, 06:32:50 am »
10/10 Update good job gang  8)
Skype: redwingsoverbarron


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Re: RuneRebels: THE UNDEAD INVASION (2.20) - With DOUBLE XP!
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2020, 06:15:28 pm »
thicc update, thats a big boi


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    Thanks Omar. Its your fault.
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Re: RuneRebels: THE UNDEAD INVASION (2.20) - With DOUBLE XP!
« Reply #5 on: November 10, 2020, 03:55:22 am »
Wooh. Update! :D


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Re: RuneRebels: THE UNDEAD INVASION (2.20) - With DOUBLE XP!
« Reply #6 on: November 13, 2020, 12:11:43 am »
Yess! 8)

it isnt omar til omar says its omar