Author Topic: RuneRebels: The Friendly Familiar (2.16) - Pet Cats!  (Read 8024 times)


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RuneRebels: The Friendly Familiar (2.16) - Pet Cats!
« on: June 30, 2020, 11:29:49 pm »

It had been almost another entire month on the farm, and although the gang was enjoying the vacation, the farm was getting a bit boring. Alex had made more cheese in the dairy churn than he could ever eat in his entire life, and the smell was beginning to leak over into the room Bill was sleeping in. "Yo, dude I hate to ask you this but could you throw out some of that cheese? It is starting to smell pretty freaking awful." asked Bill. "Yeah, I guess you do have a point" replied Alex. "Besides, I have to fill up these giant tanks I got from the general store with milk for the cats" continued Alex. "Wait, what cats? We don't have any cats on this farm" replied Bill. "Oh, Ryan said he got a flyer about some kittens some girl in Varrock was giving away, and he said we would need a lot of...."--Alex was interrupted by a bunch of tiny meows growing louder and louder outside the door. He slowly open the door as dozens of kittens burst into the room, nearly knocking him over. Ryan was standing outside the door with dozens more in small creates, all meowing eagerly at the sight of the buckets of milk Alex had just brought in from the cows. "Whats up guys!" said Ryan excitedly; "We have some new little friends!".

Hello players! We know it has been awhile since we last launched a quest, so we figured we would throw in one that let you enjoy the game with your own little companion! A lot of work went into not only this quest, but also adding all of the behaviors and mechanics for the pet cats. Hopefully you get the color of your choosing, and we can't wait to see you in game with your little buddies following you around! As always, report any bugs you encounter either here on the forums or on the Discord server and we will promptly send our army of cats after them. Enjoy!
- The RuneRebels Dev Team

Core Engine:
Moved period Npc text and sound code from the Free to Play plugin.
Fixed a bug where periodic sound effects didn't function properly on 317 clients.
Adjusted behavior of followers when using stairs or ladders.

Fixed a bug where planting a tree seed in a pot consumed the entire stack of seeds.
Added the correct 'level too low' message when fishing with harpoons.

Fixed a bug where spam clicking on an option in dialogue would advance the dialogue as many times as the option was clicked.
Fixed a bug where dropped items could become invisible if on another height level, such as when a player dies on a higher floor.

Removed the drops from the Skeletons inside Barrows.

Added ChangeNpcIdVariable step.
Added SetChatVariable step.
Added CheckNpcId step.

Added a missing message when attempting to pickpocket during combat.
Added "You're stunned!" message when attempting to pickpocket an Npc while stunned.
Fixed the timing of attempt and success/failure thieving messages.

Random Events:
Disabled random events when player input is disabled, such as in cutscenes. This should prevent players from getting stuck.

Added the Gertrude's cat quest!
Added support for an @clr@ line that clears all previous text in the quest journal.

Code: [Select]
Marshmallow's summary for the Charon release:

Game Engine:
RuneScape Blitz: merge 19 commits into master

Blitz API: merge 13 commits into master

Agility: merge 1 commit into master
BanHammer: merge 1 commit into master
CastleWars: merge 1 commit into master
Commands: merge 4 commits into master
Core 317: merge 2 commits into master
Core 508: merge 1 commit into master
Core 613: merge 1 commit into master
Core Engine: merge 3 commits into master
DeepWilderness: merge 1 commit into master
Documentation: merge 9 commits into master
Dueling: merge 1 commit into master
Farming: merge 1 commit into master
Fishing: merge 1 commit into master
FreeToPlay: merge 4 commits into master
Halloween2014: merge 1 commit into master
Karamja: merge 1 commit into master
Magic: merge 1 commit into master
NpcDrops: merge 2 commits into master
QuestScripts: merge 12 commits into master
Quests: merge 2 commits into master
RandomEvents: merge 2 commits into master
RuneRebels: merge 14 commits into master
StaffAreas: merge 1 commit into master
Summoning: merge 62 commits into master
Thieving: merge 5 commits into master
WelcomeTutorial: merge 1 commit into master
Wilderness: merge 1 commit into master
Zombies: merge 1 commit into master

Quest Data: merge 51 commits into master


AllGoFree Tools: merge 3 commits into master

Total: 223 commits

« Last Edit: July 02, 2020, 02:01:13 am by Ry60003333 »


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Re: RuneRebels: The Friendly Familiar (2.16) - Pet Cats!
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2020, 12:39:40 pm »
Nice to see that there are still updates!


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Re: RuneRebels: The Friendly Familiar (2.16) - Pet Cats!
« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2020, 04:21:35 pm »
Nice to see that there are still updates!

Ohhhhh my lord it's good to see you. I hope everything's been going well over the years for you man!


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Re: RuneRebels: The Friendly Familiar (2.16) - Pet Cats!
« Reply #3 on: July 11, 2020, 12:37:20 pm »
can i get a meow in the chat


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Re: RuneRebels: The Friendly Familiar (2.16) - Pet Cats!
« Reply #4 on: July 11, 2020, 10:51:55 pm »