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A Few Post Update Suggestions
« on: January 13, 2017, 10:51:57 pm »
Been thinking a lot about the server recently. If you don't care to read, comment on the last sentence in bold.

I'm sure these suggestions have been brought up from time to time again, but our player base is small and lacking for the potential this server holds, and these suggestions will do nothing but breathe much needed life into RuneRebels.

However, the communities priority is seeing content added into the live game. This is good, things are being worked at rates we've never seen before. I think we as a community can take a moment to thank the developers for devoting their time into this game. Thank-you.

I too agree we need some new content in-game, but we can't let our forum fester.

Let's stop beating around the bush.

We need a new website design.

- The blatant use of a forum template suffices for basic RSPS's when time doesn't allow for something better to be crafted. I'm a frequent viewer of the 'Deep Web Browsing' series of videos on Youtube, and you'd be surprised how many child porn, snuff cave, 'red room', and other wretched websites share this forum layout.
Another point is that when returning players revisit the site, what do you think is their first thought upon entering the same webpage they once got bored of and left? Not everyone is as dedicated to this game as you are. We need to entice them to stay with interesting, original content both in-game and online.

I don't mean to throw anybody under the bus but Onur is an absolutely amazing website designer, and from seeing pieces of his work that he quickly jumbles together for clients, I could hardly imagine what RuneRebels would look like if he were to spend time working on a site.

I mean don't take my word for it, take an hour or so to find the current most active private servers, then browse their sites a bit. Sure we have everything we need in this forum setup, but some of these websites are clearly better and more active with plugins like TeamSpeak.

I'll hold off on the other suggestions for later. After writing this up, I'm interested in how you guys would feel about updating the website once content updates have been rolled out.

« Last Edit: January 13, 2017, 11:29:03 pm by Slangin »


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Re: A Few Post Update Suggestions
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2017, 02:24:30 am »
Like you said, a huge thanks goes out to the team & everything they're currently doing.
But i fully agree, when i finally came back and seen the same old layout, it gave me little hope for the direction of the server (Before i knew what was going on). That being said i'm not sure if its really priority yet, especially with how busy the team is, but i do think this is a great idea!


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Re: A Few Post Update Suggestions
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2017, 05:27:29 am »
The staff hasn't replied to this thread yet but I made sure I passed it along to them so don't worry, they've seen it.  8)

First of all I want to say thank you to you guys for all your support and for sticking by with us throughout all the nitty gritty. It's because of you guys that we continue to push ourselves even harder.

That being said, we completely agree with everything you've mentioned. Fresh new content is good, but that along with a fresh new website/forum design would be great. We definitely would like to revamp everything, but not until sometime after we can settle down with the in-game development and really work towards advertising and attracting new players.

So to respond to your text in bold, it's in our future, but most likely not very soon.
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Re: A Few Post Update Suggestions
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2017, 07:56:08 am »
I definitely agree with what Famoo said and also the main post you made Slangin! The website and forum do a fresh coat of paint to go along with the new direction of the server.

From our perspective doing this after the updates to the game would probably make the most sense; We want to make sure the game development is rolling along smoothly, then update the look and feel of the site, and then start attracting new players to the game. Of course this is a very simplified version of the plan, but I think you get the idea. :)

One of the key things though is that we want the community to know that we want to communicate and engage with the players as much as possible, so it is great to see more suggestions starting to flow in!


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Re: A Few Post Update Suggestions
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2017, 01:38:02 pm »
My second suggestion is less suggestion and more putting ideas out on the table;

We need to give people who play private servers incentive to stay and play despite the vast difference in levels that are apparent in our community and economy. It is deterring for new players to join a server where everyone is very high leveled, but I don't think a server wipe would be the answer.

RuneRebels used to have two dedicated worlds and I feel this can be used to our advantage.

Again, after the major updates are settled as Ryan stated previously, perhaps a sort of "minigame" world could be created aside from the main world we have now. We could have a rotating schedule of game types on World 2 where every two weeks (or month) we could do events such as; iron man challenge, Spawn-Clan vs. Clan Pking, Solo Pking Tournaments, Staff vs. Players, or any other interesting game type spin-offs you can think of.

Each time a new game-type is introduced, all players are reset or have levels set according to the new game-type.

Each game-type could host a highscores page where players can compete to be in the top positions.
The recurring schedule gives players who missed a 'season' another chance to be a part of the competition they like.

I feel that the players who may be deterred by the main game will find such a world to their liking and those who may've grown bored with the main game could have another RuneRebel's product to fall back on, and yes, I am aware of WorldScape.

Again, the idea is a bit far-fetched as it would be an entire project in itself, but the concept is interesting and somewhat do-able. Just thought I'd give it a share. Not as much of a suggestion but more just shooting shit out into space.

What do you guys think?


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Re: A Few Post Update Suggestions
« Reply #5 on: January 14, 2017, 07:59:23 pm »
My second suggestion is less suggestion and more putting ideas out on the table;

We need to give people who play private servers incentive to stay and play despite the vast difference in levels that are apparent in our community and economy. It is deterring for new players to join a server where everyone is very high leveled, but I don't think a server wipe would be the answer.

RuneRebels used to have two dedicated worlds and I feel this can be used to our advantage.

Again, after the major updates are settled as Ryan stated previously, perhaps a sort of "minigame" world could be created aside from the main world we have now. We could have a rotating schedule of game types on World 2 where every two weeks (or month) we could do events such as; iron man challenge, Spawn-Clan vs. Clan Pking, Solo Pking Tournaments, Staff vs. Players, or any other interesting game type spin-offs you can think of.

Each time a new game-type is introduced, all players are reset or have levels set according to the new game-type.

Each game-type could host a highscores page where players can compete to be in the top positions.
The recurring schedule gives players who missed a 'season' another chance to be a part of the competition they like.

I feel that the players who may be deterred by the main game will find such a world to their liking and those who may've grown bored with the main game could have another RuneRebel's product to fall back on, and yes, I am aware of WorldScape.

Again, the idea is a bit far-fetched as it would be an entire project in itself, but the concept is interesting and somewhat do-able. Just thought I'd give it a share. Not as much of a suggestion but more just shooting shit out into space.

What do you guys think?

We actually are in the process of adding more "specific" worlds! Don't worry, these next few months you guys will see how much is going to change around here XD


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Re: A Few Post Update Suggestions
« Reply #6 on: January 15, 2017, 12:11:38 am »
My second suggestion is less suggestion and more putting ideas out on the table;

We need to give people who play private servers incentive to stay and play despite the vast difference in levels that are apparent in our community and economy. It is deterring for new players to join a server where everyone is very high leveled, but I don't think a server wipe would be the answer.

RuneRebels used to have two dedicated worlds and I feel this can be used to our advantage.

Again, after the major updates are settled as Ryan stated previously, perhaps a sort of "minigame" world could be created aside from the main world we have now. We could have a rotating schedule of game types on World 2 where every two weeks (or month) we could do events such as; iron man challenge, Spawn-Clan vs. Clan Pking, Solo Pking Tournaments, Staff vs. Players, or any other interesting game type spin-offs you can think of.

Each time a new game-type is introduced, all players are reset or have levels set according to the new game-type.

Each game-type could host a highscores page where players can compete to be in the top positions.
The recurring schedule gives players who missed a 'season' another chance to be a part of the competition they like.

I feel that the players who may be deterred by the main game will find such a world to their liking and those who may've grown bored with the main game could have another RuneRebel's product to fall back on, and yes, I am aware of WorldScape.

Again, the idea is a bit far-fetched as it would be an entire project in itself, but the concept is interesting and somewhat do-able. Just thought I'd give it a share. Not as much of a suggestion but more just shooting shit out into space.

What do you guys think?

I think you hit the nail on the head here Slangin. Since RR has been around for a long time (4+ years) the level differences are huge versus when everyone originally started out at lvl 3 back in f2p. Obviously there's a number of things that we can do like community events, as you know we have done quite a few in the past. While the amount of players has certainly gone up over the last few months, most of the players back are long veterans like us who have been around for 3-4 years off and on.

I think the answer to our player base problem is more simple then we think though. I feel like with a number of suggestions that you have mentioned, new content updates, a new website layout and design more veterans will not only be encouraged to come back but new players might be a bit more inclined to stick around as well. I also think you have a good point about doing community events, obviously once our player base goes up a bit more I think this will be a very good idea going forwards.


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Re: A Few Post Update Suggestions
« Reply #7 on: January 15, 2017, 02:52:18 am »
My second suggestion is less suggestion and more putting ideas out on the table;

We need to give people who play private servers incentive to stay and play despite the vast difference in levels that are apparent in our community and economy. It is deterring for new players to join a server where everyone is very high leveled, but I don't think a server wipe would be the answer.

RuneRebels used to have two dedicated worlds and I feel this can be used to our advantage.

Again, after the major updates are settled as Ryan stated previously, perhaps a sort of "minigame" world could be created aside from the main world we have now. We could have a rotating schedule of game types on World 2 where every two weeks (or month) we could do events such as; iron man challenge, Spawn-Clan vs. Clan Pking, Solo Pking Tournaments, Staff vs. Players, or any other interesting game type spin-offs you can think of.

Each time a new game-type is introduced, all players are reset or have levels set according to the new game-type.

Each game-type could host a highscores page where players can compete to be in the top positions.
The recurring schedule gives players who missed a 'season' another chance to be a part of the competition they like.

I feel that the players who may be deterred by the main game will find such a world to their liking and those who may've grown bored with the main game could have another RuneRebel's product to fall back on, and yes, I am aware of WorldScape.

Again, the idea is a bit far-fetched as it would be an entire project in itself, but the concept is interesting and somewhat do-able. Just thought I'd give it a share. Not as much of a suggestion but more just shooting shit out into space.

What do you guys think?

I think you hit the nail on the head here Slangin. Since RR has been around for a long time (4+ years) the level differences are huge versus when everyone originally started out at lvl 3 back in f2p. Obviously there's a number of things that we can do like community events, as you know we have done quite a few in the past. While the amount of players has certainly gone up over the last few months, most of the players back are long veterans like us who have been around for 3-4 years off and on.

I think the answer to our player base problem is more simple then we think though. I feel like with a number of suggestions that you have mentioned, new content updates, a new website layout and design more veterans will not only be encouraged to come back but new players might be a bit more inclined to stick around as well. I also think you have a good point about doing community events, obviously once our player base goes up a bit more I think this will be a very good idea going forwards.

We'd like to start doing Community Events again in the near future, part of the reason we brought Austin back in as our Community Manager :).  All the suggestions that we get are being taken into consideration. We're currently trying to design a new website layout that is less... I don't know... full of random links that are of no importance whatsoever haha. The landing page, imo, is very ugly. That'll all change soon though :). Also, I've discussed it with Ryan and we'd like to get it set to where the Veteran badge is given out automatically after playing for x amount of time... and more uses of the community member badge for players who've shown great contributions to the community. For now, I think the only extra world we're trying to work too is a F2P only world.
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Re: A Few Post Update Suggestions
« Reply #8 on: January 15, 2017, 08:53:05 am »
For now, I think the only extra world we're trying to work too is a F2P only world.

Will this extra world share player databases with RuneRebels or will there be a fresh start? Or are those decisions yet to be made?

And Austin has been great in the past, glad to see he is back!  ;D But that Onur guy though, he's trouble..   :o



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Re: A Few Post Update Suggestions
« Reply #9 on: January 15, 2017, 01:34:28 pm »
For now, I think the only extra world we're trying to work too is a F2P only world.

Will this extra world share player databases with RuneRebels or will there be a fresh start? Or are those decisions yet to be made?

And Austin has been great in the past, glad to see he is back!  ;D But that Onur guy though, he's trouble..   :o

I agree, its always omar's fault.