« on: July 08, 2013, 06:47:11 pm »
Hello, about 5 minutes ago i witnessed a trade that shouldn't take place on this server i think.. and now im confused because im sure someone is breaking the rules..
It was happening on the World 1 Runerebels, two users logged in in Seers Village bank, Creantor, then moment later a player mod named Prayer, Prayed asked Creantor to give him back item he lend him but Creantor asked to hold it for last moment (lol) and he equipped the whip, later then he noticed that i asked what is going on but he replied with: "graphics these days, it was just an rune axe but with graphical issue" and then he equipped rune axe, Prayer also mentioned about dds and D long that he lend to that guy..
Now, my question is, why for xx sake someone is using whi and dragon weapons while other players don't have acces to these, this is called UNFAIR ADVANTAGE the quests and skills that allow you to use these weapons aren't added yet, but i saw what i saw, also player named "28" saw what happened, he even got a free rune axe from "Creantor" what Creantor said later: "sure, i have 9 of them" i don't know where he got all the items but im sure some players have advantage over others and this seems pretty sad, i thought this server is pure and everyone has to play with items that are available at the moment, but..
What you gonna do about this, admins?