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Messages - Recoil

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Suggestions, Compliments, And Questions / Hosting
« on: March 14, 2014, 12:26:00 am »
I really was serious about implementing google cloud platform as a way to run the VPS. It's has non-relational/noSQL infrastructure so basically you could have every user that connects to the database connect to a different piece of hardware on Google Cloud, allowing it to withhold ultimately an unlimited amount of users (obviously would have to be multiple worlds after 2000 connections at one time) but Google data centers is probably the most stable option on the planet.

James or Ryan, you would have to change how user data is fetched and whatnot, I assume you already use mySQL for that (I assume this because you did when Aaron made the MySQL injection lol) so you would have to change how that is done in order to correctly integrate it into their App Engine. That way you'd have unlimited capabilities, scaling, and all that neat bullshit that Google will handle for you while you worry about content and community management stuff. I'm sure one of you is smart enough to comprehend what it means more than me to be able to do it.

Anyways, I know you guys have been having hosting issues and I've been nothing but an asshole here so I thought I'd throw in a productive suggestion.

Off Topic / Re: Oh mai gah
« on: March 09, 2014, 01:44:07 am »
This is like a super awesome video and legit video! I just watched it so yeah super legit!

News & Announcements / Re: RuneRebels is back up!!
« on: March 09, 2014, 01:35:37 am »

« on: March 09, 2014, 01:33:57 am »
I'm not proud of it, but she just happens to give me a massive boner.

Off Topic / Re: What are you drinking?
« on: February 19, 2014, 10:01:00 pm »

I'm drinking what I could afford with what was in my wallet.

Is there a reason this picture is actually from the internet? -_-

News & Announcements / Re: Vote for the new badges!
« on: February 19, 2014, 09:56:53 pm »
I'd like to note that there has been a significant amount of voting fraud- some slightly crafty by making a new account on a phone and using it to vote, and some less crafty by just logging into alts and voting.

Please do not do this as it is very unfair to everyone. It is especially unfair to the admins, as we will be removing votes from the final counter who have accounts that have no skills in game, have not been in game in a while, or are alts of an account(we have like, 10 ways to check this).

I won't name anyone, but cut the shit people, this is as bad as stealing someone's account or duping, because it takes just as much time to trace this shit back as it does to trace hacks and duping.

Well this gives me Deja Vu.

Current World Events / Re: US CIA "Doesn't know who we're killing"
« on: February 11, 2014, 10:47:23 pm »
Confirmation bias.

There are a shitload of worse countries to live in than the US. You cant take the bad without the good and vice versa, that's just cherry picking. I'd say the US is pretty balanced right now in terms of bad shit VS good shit and that's how it should be. Yeah we've got some corruption up top, but at least you don't have to wear a god damn burka to leave your house. Would really you prefer to have both? There's no such thing as a perfect world. When are people gonna stop picking sides and look at the whole god damn picture and quit bitching?

Just because I'm complaining about a certain aspect of something our country does wrong doesn't mean I then have to counter that by sucking its dick and giving it a compliment. Of course there are good aspects about the US, that just wasn't the question at hand.

News & Announcements / Re: RuneRebels 2.0.4
« on: February 11, 2014, 10:44:42 pm »
been kinda quiet... is the game still going to be updated continuously?

I really hope your signature is meant to be ironic.

Current World Events / Re: US CIA "Doesn't know who we're killing"
« on: February 09, 2014, 03:32:48 am »
Problem is, by mentioning 9/11, you've now started me off with the fact that it wasn't Al Quaeda at all, it was the US Government, and their reasoning was to ensure that the civilians of America are afraid. You might wonder, why would the government want us to be afraid, the answer is so they can be the answer to that fear.. It works. They create a scene, declare that there is a crisis, then you panic, so they solve that panic making the average person worship them.. And once a person is thankful and agreeing to what the government is doing, they're basically enslaved. Won't go on anymore but yeah.
No, I'm not dealing with your type. You should probably stop listening to Alex Jones.

Coming from uk most people here believe that the US government are bullies
I agree. I'm a US citizen.

Tutorials/Guides / Re: How to play RR for days on end and never get bored.
« on: February 07, 2014, 12:42:56 am »

uwotm8? Ever consider buying a second monitor? If not I recommend it for your case. :P

Also, me having to witness screenshots of Windows 8 should be illegal.

Current World Events / Re: US CIA "Doesn't know who we're killing"
« on: February 07, 2014, 12:34:23 am »
The Qur'an  contains as many inhumane teachings as the Old Testament in the Bible BTW.

I completely agree. Doesn't justify either of their immoral preachings however.

& sorry for gravedig.

Other Games / Re: AllGoFree - Minecraft Server - Castle wars map
« on: June 23, 2013, 02:26:14 pm »

It would be insane to ask you to build something like this, but you should record it for a timelapse.

General / Re: RuneRebels or 07 Servers?
« on: June 13, 2013, 05:59:17 pm »
Lets be honest mate everyone makes mistakes and it's time to get over them rather than dwell on them. Yes, I do respect the staff of this game, as well as I respect the players, where as the players are keeping the game alive in theory, it's the staff that created this server in the first place, and it's the staff who are maintaining it. Without a dedicated staff team (who aren't always perfect, I'll grant you that) we wouldn't be able to play this fantastic remake. The sheer amount of friendly people on this game, and the nature of the community with always overpower the negative points of this game in my opininon. If you don't respect the staff for making this game you are nothing but an ungrateful sod, the content they've produced is amazing.
My point is on every other post out there, someone randomly says how wonderful the staff is. It's never even nowhere near the topic of the thread. I'm sick of people kissing ass where it's not even necessary.

General / Re: RuneRebels or 07 Servers?
« on: June 12, 2013, 02:36:43 pm »
I give respect to the owners and coders, and moderators for keeping this game alive and kicking.
WOW, really? You're the first person EVER to say in a forum post (that has NOTHING to do with the staff in the first place) that you just love and respect the staff!

I mean, the staff here has never made any mistakes. Ever. There are perfectly flawless in every decision they make. Always. Anyone who questions this is just a troll, clearly.

Just wondered what people's opinions are, just because you vote one doesn't mean you don't like the other... You could like/play both just prefer one.
Both have their flaws, but it really depends which version you started at or were more drawn into. I personally like 06 servers better. I started out when I was 8 years old, so it was in '04 at the time, but I don't really remember a ton from that year, the 06 is more fresh in my memory.

Off Topic / Re: Getting my Wisdom teeth taken out tomorrow
« on: June 12, 2013, 02:30:29 pm »
All I can suggest is to not plan anything. I purposefully got mine taken out over winter break so my gums and shit had time to heal. I wasn't so much in pain, it was mainly just the swelling, so I had to keep ice packs on my face all the time to keep it to a minimum.

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