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Messages - Recoil

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Introductions / Re: Francis
« on: January 10, 2013, 05:13:24 pm »
Were you the guy with a shitload of rares? Maybe not, idk. There were a lot of those guys.

Introductions / Re: Phork2006 here.
« on: January 10, 2013, 05:12:15 pm »
I respect commentaries. They're fun to do.

My friend basically has a super computer and recently installed a new sound system. Sounds awesome with turtle beach x12 mic and fraps.

IRC was on worldscape. It takes too much dedication from staff and no one really uses it. Blogging is an okay idea. Like a developer's blog.

What's New? / Re: Update Pack #4
« on: January 06, 2013, 02:14:01 pm »
Very nice updates ! :)

Off topic, if you're blind how do you participate in these? I've seen blind people participate in forums before. Is it some type of Java screen reader?

Other Games / Re: New aura free to all members! (pic of wings also)
« on: December 20, 2012, 07:04:35 pm »
What? No, no. Firstly, double XP hasn't "always" been done. In fact, double XP in online gaming as a whole is a fairly new concept. It's something that ruins game communities today. Another great example is call of duty, which I hope everyone can agree is vile due to it's extremely inadequate and immature target market. It strips dedication and advocates laziness.

Secondly, 50% is actually a big boost. You make it seem like it's inconsequential, which to me seems absurd because if that were true they just wouldn't add in anything at all.

And lastly, I don't care how much time it takes nowadays, there are still a HUGE amount of people in RS today with skillcapes whereas in 2006 it was nearly impossible to stumble upon someone that had one. Garrett, idk how much you played then, but I know you're a long time player so you of all people should know this. The difference between probability of finding someone with a skillcape now as opposed to then is the difference between finding a millionaire to a billionaire. It just didn't happen back then.

Bottom line, double XP is bad for business, earned or not. Games that go down that route end up with shitty communities with a game that has an unfair playing field.

What's New? / Re: Update Pack #4
« on: December 20, 2012, 06:51:51 pm »
Ryan, your semantics were deceiving.

"   - Added sound for tree falling down on 317."

What's New? / Re: Update Pack #4
« on: December 20, 2012, 06:35:26 pm »
Wait -- there aren't going to be additional graphics options other than 317 are there?

Other Games / Re: New aura free to all members! (pic of wings also)
« on: December 01, 2012, 03:04:27 pm »
I'm actually against this. I support EOC but I think this is one of the main reasons I dislike RS today, is that there are too many double XP opportunities for people. Leveling up used to be so much harder, and there was actually meaning behind skillcapes, whereas now it requires minimal dedication. I think that's one of the main reasons the community has been mutilated colossally to its core. The new target market Jagex has hit is in majority, little whiny kids that have no character and aren't willing to work for things due to their microscopic iota of an attention span.

General Media & Graphical Design / Re: Choose A Banner
« on: November 29, 2012, 09:41:45 pm »
They both seem to have inadequate resolution to me. Not like it matters because no one gets on the forums anymore.

Forum Games / Re: DAYS OF THE WEEK!
« on: November 22, 2012, 08:10:43 pm »
Right, because no one likes Friday summers late at night, we all love Sunday school nights in the deep midst of the school year..

General / Re: I miss it so bad.
« on: November 21, 2012, 11:40:07 pm »
What are the specs? You should make a grave for your XP. Long live retro operating systems.

General / Politics
« on: November 21, 2012, 11:02:26 am »
What are all your views on politics? This year was the only (American) election where I've been old enough to understand and interpret the televised debates and arguments. I don't take any political allegiance, I consider myself an independent libertarian. On the internet, Ron Paul is a gargantuan idol, but I found myself disagreeing on many things with him.

For Ron Paul, he has voted for DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act) which does not allow for gay people to get married. I'm straight but I believe in social equality, so there's one disagreement. He has also profusely disagreed with separation of church and state (proof here) and is big on decentralization - which I somewhat agree with, but not to the extent he talks about. He also is pro-life on means of abortion, whereas I'm pro choice.

The main rebuttal to this by Ron Paul supporters is that he doesn't force these beliefs on other people, which I guess I can accept  to an extent. But after looking further into it, Gary Johnson seems like the perfect candidate for me (Ron Paul is actually officially done with politics as of 2012 anyway). Gary Johnson defines himself as socially liberal but fiscally (financially) conservative. He supports FairTax which is a brilliant philosophy, is against the war on drugs for economic reasons, and supports reformed government to less authoritative regulation.

My dad once accused libertarians of "not wanting to give anything to society", but I think libertarians just have a different solution for fixing it. When I'm told that 1/7 people are on food stamps, I see liberals say that the government needs to help them. But in my opinion, that's 6/7 people that can help the 1/7 people. Or like when the rich and famous Warren Buffet says that he wishes the government would take more of his money in taxes, why not just donate the freaking money to organizations you feel would help society? Libertarianism, for me, is about economic responsibility and social equality.

I feel that this election people just voted for the lesser of two evils, Obama or Romney. I think Obama is wrong fiscally and Romney is wrong socially. Many people think that one of the candidates are wrong, yet voted for one because they didn't want the other one to win. In my opinion, voting for the lesser of two evils will always end in evil. Let's look to reform the campaigns instead of being government puppets and accepting the sad truth with gullibility. Silence is acceptance.

Gary Johnson video

General / Re: I miss it so bad.
« on: November 21, 2012, 10:40:51 am »
Damn Garrett I miss you bro. Somewhere along the way there has been some distance between us and I have no idea why. I loved our advanced sense of humor and rebellious attitude towards things we did not appreciate. Back then it was the players' game, and you and I were in the trenches together. We had more awkwardness but then we kind of talked again, but now I'm not sure what happened.

I just felt nostalgic so I popped on AGF forums today, so I have no idea what's going on or if the server is even still running, but we need to chill sometime.

Oh and I agree with the premise too.

Suggestions, Compliments, And Questions / Re: TrapStars Suggestions
« on: November 21, 2012, 10:35:41 am »
1. i Would like to suggest DOUBLE XP WEEKEND!!!! (obviously You receive 2x as much xp)
2. i Would also to suggest a in-game staff and players meeting. where the players have chosen 1-10 players that meet up with the staff and talk about the good and bad this in runerebels
3. A yell talk option so all the people playing runerebels can see what you have said.
Example: Selling/Buying items
Thank you

TrapStar. ;D
1. Double xp shouldn't be arbitrary, it should be earned.
2. Frivolous to do in-game, people just wouldn't show up and get annoyed that if it's mandatory
3. They have that on WS, and 99% of the time it just leads to people spamming at each other

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