Author Topic: US CIA "Doesn't know who we're killing"  (Read 12159 times)


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US CIA "Doesn't know who we're killing"
« on: June 09, 2013, 02:59:47 am »
I just read an article, and watched this video

Just made me think about who we really are as America, we can just barge into a country, take out a terrorist, and leave 10 civilians dead without much repercussion. If, lets say, Pakistan were to bomb the US in an attempt to kill a terrorist but happened to take out 2 civilians WW3 would break out. I'm sort of ashamed to live in America now. (Which is fine considering I plan on moving to Ontario to work as a police officer) (OH BTW!, Sean, you're driving me around Canadialand.)


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Re: US CIA "Doesn't know who we're killing"
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2013, 07:48:55 am »
..we can just barge into a country, take out a terrorist, and leave 10 civilians dead without much repercussion.


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Re: US CIA "Doesn't know who we're killing"
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2013, 01:01:37 pm »
..we can just barge into a country, take out a terrorist, and leave 10 civilians dead without much repercussion.

It should be this way.

I'm back baby ;)


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Re: US CIA "Doesn't know who we're killing"
« Reply #3 on: June 09, 2013, 01:50:52 pm »
..we can just barge into a country, take out a terrorist, and leave 10 civilians dead without much repercussion.

It should be this way.

He actually believes this is true.


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Re: US CIA "Doesn't know who we're killing"
« Reply #4 on: June 09, 2013, 08:28:03 pm »
Yeah, well, as America we're allowed to do that. When Pakistan stops willingly harboring terrorists and they have reasonable evidence that we are harboring one that threatens them is when they can pull the stuff we pull. Oh and as much as you're all going to hate to hear this, those 10 civilians that were killed in the crossfire? They were almost definitely helping out the terrorist in some way or another. Those people know that there is a terrorist right next door or down the street so it's not really our fault if they're too stupid to see those huge helicopters flying in and leave.


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Re: US CIA "Doesn't know who we're killing"
« Reply #5 on: June 10, 2013, 09:38:36 am »
Yeah, well, as America we're allowed to do that. When Pakistan stops willingly harboring terrorists and they have reasonable evidence that we are harboring one that threatens them is when they can pull the stuff we pull. Oh and as much as you're all going to hate to hear this, those 10 civilians that were killed in the crossfire? They were almost definitely helping out the terrorist in some way or another. Those people know that there is a terrorist right next door or down the street so it's not really our fault if they're too stupid to see those huge helicopters flying in and leave.
When you begin to think like this, you begin to think that America is this great nation that doesn't do anything against our "great moral code" When in all actuality, the things happening that aren't spread by the media are horrific. Just recently the story of an FBI agent who killed someone just because they were associated with the boston bombing surfaced. Mind you, they tried to cover it up by saying the suspect was armed and attacked them. This was found to be false and now there is bound to be an investigation that leads nowhere, because as I said, America don't give a shit.

I'm not saying Pakistan is right in harboring terrorists, but the US drones make us the scourge of all the nations, we don't see it here, but America is one of the most hated countries. Sometimes I'm ashamed of my country for how arrogant some of us can be, I'm afraid that if this continues most of America will become like sheep and care less about what the government is doing. As a citizen it's my job to keep the government in line, however, what is the point if 80% of America could care less about what its government is doing? It doesn't help when the media picks and chooses what stories to report on to make sure the US is never viewed in a bad light.

(Sean, get a nice car, I'm not driving in your stinky rape-van.)


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Re: US CIA "Doesn't know who we're killing"
« Reply #6 on: June 11, 2013, 08:10:06 pm »
I'm sort of ashamed to live in America now.
Join the club, surprised it took you this long.

Just made me think about who we really are as America, we can just barge into a country, take out a terrorist, and leave 10 civilians dead without much repercussion. If, lets say, Pakistan were to bomb the US in an attempt to kill a terrorist but happened to take out 2 civilians WW3 would break out.
Funny to witness your fatuous ignorance. Al Qaeda flew a plane into one of our buildings, actually, and killed 3,000 innocent civilians. Dunno if you were here for that or if you forgot,  but here in America we call it "The September 11th attacks" or "9/11".

This idea that the middle-east wouldn't be so aggressive and belligerent if only we weren't so mean to them is unfounded and ridiculous. Islamic fundamentalists since day one have been this way towards its foreign nations and will not be stopped if we just "lay off".

As far as the CIA not knowing whom the targets are, that is surely reprehensible. But at least that is due to ignorance. Their killings of our innocent civilians was intentional, so it's insane to compare us and them side by side. What they do on a consistent basis is dysfunctional and I will fight their irrational faith-based beliefs until I drop.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2013, 08:11:37 pm by Recoil »


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Re: US CIA "Doesn't know who we're killing"
« Reply #7 on: June 12, 2013, 01:35:22 am »
I'm sort of ashamed to live in America now.
Join the club, surprised it took you this long.

Just made me think about who we really are as America, we can just barge into a country, take out a terrorist, and leave 10 civilians dead without much repercussion. If, lets say, Pakistan were to bomb the US in an attempt to kill a terrorist but happened to take out 2 civilians WW3 would break out.
Funny to witness your fatuous ignorance. Al Qaeda flew a plane into one of our buildings, actually, and killed 3,000 innocent civilians. Dunno if you were here for that or if you forgot,  but here in America we call it "The September 11th attacks" or "9/11".

This idea that the middle-east wouldn't be so aggressive and belligerent if only we weren't so mean to them is unfounded and ridiculous. Islamic fundamentalists since day one have been this way towards its foreign nations and will not be stopped if we just "lay off".

As far as the CIA not knowing whom the targets are, that is surely reprehensible. But at least that is due to ignorance. Their killings of our innocent civilians was intentional, so it's insane to compare us and them side by side. What they do on a consistent basis is dysfunctional and I will fight their irrational faith-based beliefs until I drop.
1. If Ignorance truly is bliss, you must be in heaven.
2.  Blaming multiple nations because of one person's actions is truly cruel.
3. I never mentioned they would stop, it's just the hypocrisy of America is shameful.
4. While we're at it, why don't we just blame ALL the fucking muslims because some of them are insane.
5. You belong in a dictatorship.


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Re: US CIA "Doesn't know who we're killing"
« Reply #8 on: June 12, 2013, 01:52:43 am »
1. If Ignorance truly is bliss, you must be in heaven.
I don't believe in any of the sort ;)

2.  Blaming multiple nations because of one person's actions is truly cruel.
"One person's actions"? This is a firmly held ideology. Islamic religion says that you'll go to heaven if you do this. Can you even comprehend how immoral and preposterous that is? Infinite glory for the murdering of innocent civilians of whom you've never associated with. Their religion not only endorses this, but DEMANDS this by its believers. How can you say it's just some crazy one person (which buy the way, 9/11 was done by multiple people) when an entire religion mandates this? This is a doctrine that preaches these kinds of things. Not everyone believes it literally, but if no one believed in the Koran there would be no 9/11. That's indisputable.

3. I never mentioned they would stop, it's just the hypocrisy of America is shameful.
I'll agree with you there, but I never claimed that America's current actions were ideal. In fact I said the opposite. The main reason I said that they wouldn't stop is because it seems that you imply or propose that we do let up, so I was postulating the fact that if we let up, that doesn't guarantee they'll stop triggering belligerent events.

4. While we're at it, why don't we just blame ALL the fucking muslims because some of them are insane.
I never once blamed all Muslims for it, nor do I propose punishing all Muslims. I simply blame the immoral teachings of the Islamic religion, and say that we should not let up on the fundamentalists that do these retched things. I have said and will say the same for any other religion that preaches immoral doctrines, such as Christianity.

5. You belong in a dictatorship.
I'm not quite sure how you came to this conclusion, as all I ever did was speak against the reprehensible acts of extremists which undeniably were caused by the immoral teachings of a religion. I'm advocating the opposite of tyranny, which is greatly displayed in the theocratic encroachments on free society (AKA: religion), this case happens to be Islam.


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Re: US CIA "Doesn't know who we're killing"
« Reply #9 on: June 12, 2013, 09:43:54 am »
1. If Ignorance truly is bliss, you must be in heaven.
I don't believe in any of the sort ;)

2.  Blaming multiple nations because of one person's actions is truly cruel.
"One person's actions"? This is a firmly held ideology. Islamic religion says that you'll go to heaven if you do this. Can you even comprehend how immoral and preposterous that is? Infinite glory for the murdering of innocent civilians of whom you've never associated with. Their religion not only endorses this, but DEMANDS this by its believers. How can you say it's just some crazy one person (which buy the way, 9/11 was done by multiple people) when an entire religion mandates this? This is a doctrine that preaches these kinds of things. Not everyone believes it literally, but if no one believed in the Koran there would be no 9/11. That's indisputable.

3. I never mentioned they would stop, it's just the hypocrisy of America is shameful.
I'll agree with you there, but I never claimed that America's current actions were ideal. In fact I said the opposite. The main reason I said that they wouldn't stop is because it seems that you imply or propose that we do let up, so I was postulating the fact that if we let up, that doesn't guarantee they'll stop triggering belligerent events.

4. While we're at it, why don't we just blame ALL the fucking muslims because some of them are insane.
I never once blamed all Muslims for it, nor do I propose punishing all Muslims. I simply blame the immoral teachings of the Islamic religion, and say that we should not let up on the fundamentalists that do these retched things. I have said and will say the same for any other religion that preaches immoral doctrines, such as Christianity.

5. You belong in a dictatorship.
I'm not quite sure how you came to this conclusion, as all I ever did was speak against the reprehensible acts of extremists which undeniably were caused by the immoral teachings of a religion. I'm advocating the opposite of tyranny, which is greatly displayed in the theocratic encroachments on free society (AKA: religion), this case happens to be Islam.
Just to clarify, it was about 12 AM when I posted this, forgive the fifth one. Anyways, I'm glad we could have a discussion, and I see now that we pretty much agree on the same stuff. Have a nice day ^.^

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Re: US CIA "Doesn't know who we're killing"
« Reply #10 on: July 21, 2013, 04:21:00 pm »

"One person's actions"? This is a firmly held ideology. Islamic religion says that you'll go to heaven if you do this. Can you even comprehend how immoral and preposterous that is? Infinite glory for the murdering of innocent civilians of whom you've never associated with. Their religion not only endorses this, but DEMANDS this by its believers. How can you say it's just some crazy one person (which buy the way, 9/11 was done by multiple people) when an entire religion mandates this? This is a doctrine that preaches these kinds of things. Not everyone believes it literally, but if no one believed in the Koran there would be no 9/11. That's indisputable.

Suicide is a sin in Islam - if a Muslim commits suicide, they are basically said to be doomed to eternity in fire. 9/11 was an act by a few deranged individuals, whereas moderate Muslims are ok people.

The Qur'an  contains as many inhumane teachings as the Old Testament in the Bible BTW.


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Re: US CIA "Doesn't know who we're killing"
« Reply #11 on: February 07, 2014, 12:34:23 am »
The Qur'an  contains as many inhumane teachings as the Old Testament in the Bible BTW.

I completely agree. Doesn't justify either of their immoral preachings however.

& sorry for gravedig.


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Re: US CIA "Doesn't know who we're killing"
« Reply #12 on: February 07, 2014, 09:34:08 pm »
Problem is, by mentioning 9/11, you've now started me off with the fact that it wasn't Al Quaeda at all, it was the US Government, and their reasoning was to ensure that the civilians of America are afraid. You might wonder, why would the government want us to be afraid, the answer is so they can be the answer to that fear.. It works. They create a scene, declare that there is a crisis, then you panic, so they solve that panic making the average person worship them.. And once a person is thankful and agreeing to what the government is doing, they're basically enslaved. Won't go on anymore but yeah.


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Re: US CIA "Doesn't know who we're killing"
« Reply #13 on: February 07, 2014, 11:47:36 pm »
Coming from uk most people here believe that the US government are bullies


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Re: US CIA "Doesn't know who we're killing"
« Reply #14 on: February 09, 2014, 03:32:48 am »
Problem is, by mentioning 9/11, you've now started me off with the fact that it wasn't Al Quaeda at all, it was the US Government, and their reasoning was to ensure that the civilians of America are afraid. You might wonder, why would the government want us to be afraid, the answer is so they can be the answer to that fear.. It works. They create a scene, declare that there is a crisis, then you panic, so they solve that panic making the average person worship them.. And once a person is thankful and agreeing to what the government is doing, they're basically enslaved. Won't go on anymore but yeah.
No, I'm not dealing with your type. You should probably stop listening to Alex Jones.

Coming from uk most people here believe that the US government are bullies
I agree. I'm a US citizen.