Author Topic: Why Do YOU Play MMORPG's?  (Read 4702 times)


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Why Do YOU Play MMORPG's?
« on: April 20, 2014, 11:35:43 pm »
When I was making s documentary for college about video games, I suppose I looked into this topic a lot, and I just wanted to hear your reasonings behind your love for RuneScape or whatever fantasy virtual worlds you choose to portray yourselves in.

I guess the only explanation (true explanation) that I've realised is that it's a lot about the lack of achievements people obtain in real life.I mean, not to sound a bit sad but I guess one of the reasons we spend our valuable time playing games like this, is because it's an easier option than making accomplishments in real life.

When I was a kid, I wanted to be an astronaut. But that's never going to happen, we all have goals as humans that we set ourselves, and often we find ourselves in a situation where we feel its impossible to achieve them.

I'm not speaking for everyone obviously, but I know that I've had times where I've been so set on levelling up in the game that it's become no longer fun, but I always think "You know what, it'll be worth it because I'll be able to do ....". If I were to motivate myself this way in the outside world then I could of achieved so much more than I have done sitting on my ass for hours on end online.

I believe one of the reasons behind my need to play these types of games is down to self-worth, I can have no job, no education, no social life in reality, but in the game as long as I keep playing and wasting my time eventually I'll become a high leveled player with loads of cool shit and my goal will be reached, giving me a sense of gratitude.

Maybe video games are just away for us to become who we really aspire to be, we don't get labeled and judged like we would in the outside world, we can explore and do amazing things, complete quests and meet people from the comfort of our own computer desks..

At the same time I feel that community is a major role in why I play these types of games , I can sit on my ass and play Zelda all day but I'm only achieving something for myself when I'm doing so, because its only me making an influence on that virtual world, but with MMO's, there's hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people just like myself that I can play with, discuss things with, and defy the limitations that I can't do on my own. Not only this but each game has communities dedicated to what they love, I mean, whether you go to the bar and watch the football after work with your buddies after work, or slay some monsters with your online pals and complete quests together, what's the difference?

Maybe I'm thinking too deeply into this, after all I guess the main reason we play these games is because it's a fun release and detachment from the sometimes unhappy or dreary lives that we live, not saying that I live a depression filled life, but I do know that I enjoy playing RuneRebels more than going go college, or going for a walk around the park, but the question is should I? Is this a problem, or is this a good thing?

But yeah I hope you guys have something valuable to say haha! :3
« Last Edit: April 20, 2014, 11:37:27 pm by ZzReVeNg3zZ »


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Re: Why Do YOU Play MMORPG's?
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2014, 11:56:58 pm »
I believe one of the reasons behind my need to play these types of games is down to self-worth, I can have no job, no education, no social life in reality, but in the game as long as I keep playing and wasting my time eventually I'll become a high leveled player with loads of cool shit and my goal will be reached, giving me a sense of gratitude.

Agreed. And that's not limited to mmorpgs, also works for fps, rpg, etc. And all this instant gratification makes it hard to get out of once you're hooked.

enjoy playing RuneRebels more than going go college, or going for a walk around the park, but the question is should I? Is this a problem, or is this a good thing?

It's not a good thing - other than it teaching you how not to spend your time. Nothing is 100% bad, all bad experiences help you learn. I personally do not take this knowledge and apply it as much as I should so I'm the definition of a hypocrite lol.


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Re: Why Do YOU Play MMORPG's?
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2014, 12:15:19 am »

enjoy playing RuneRebels more than going go college, or going for a walk around the park, but the question is should I? Is this a problem, or is this a good thing?

It's not a good thing - other than it teaching you how not to spend your time. Nothing is 100% bad, all bad experiences help you learn. I personally do not take this knowledge and apply it as much as I should so I'm the definition of a hypocrite lol.

I completely understand what you mean, I feel like we all know when it's correct to draw the line, but we find it difficult to actually do so.


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Re: Why Do YOU Play MMORPG's?
« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2014, 04:27:26 pm »
One of the reasons that I like MMORPGs is that they can offer experiences that the real world cannot. I would love to be able to go on epic quests and travel the world while slaying dragons with magic, but you can't do that in the real world for obvious reasons. :P

I learned in my game design class that games are really the best kinds of stories; they are interactive stories where you can (sometimes) influence the outcome. MMORPGs are awesome because they let everyone influence everyone else's story; and they let you have social interactions and connections with other real people, even though you are still in a game. ;D


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Re: Why Do YOU Play MMORPG's?
« Reply #4 on: April 25, 2014, 07:27:39 pm »
I don't.
2006 edition of Runescape was the only MMORPG I ever enjoyed, I tried others like World of Warcraft, Ultima Online, and several others.
They all were completely mundane, and ridiculously confusing.
There was just something special about RS back then. It didn't have spectacular graphics but it sure as shit was entertaining.
I can't really explain it, maybe its simply because RS was the original I knew and loved. But no other MMORPG compares.

Currently I'm not a gamer in any sense of the word. I hardly log onto RuneRebels anymore (although still love to visit the forums daily), I've never been a PC gamer, and don't even play console games anymore. The last console game I purchased was 'Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword' (which is fucking awesome, by the way), and I don't intend on being weaseled into buying a new console just to play sequels to my favorite classic games.

In other words, most games I enjoyed throughout my childhood I've pretty much lost interest in, yet I would still play a fully working remake of RS from 06 daily if it existed. So far this is the closest thing, and I plan on checking in everyday so I'll know as soon as new content I used to enjoy has been returned to me.

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Re: Why Do YOU Play MMORPG's?
« Reply #5 on: April 26, 2014, 04:15:05 am »
Hmmmmmm... I dont really know. Im a bit special when it comes to mmorpgs, you see i only play a game for like two months, and after that i get bored of all games and stop playing anything (except rr) for like a month or so.

and i also never play new games, i just play games that i never played when i was younger as i didnt have a chance to play any games except runescape back then (i just had a crappy computer).

So i pretty much play games to feel like a child again.
The original G. Literally.


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Re: Why Do YOU Play MMORPG's?
« Reply #6 on: April 26, 2014, 01:39:43 pm »
When I was making s documentary for college about video games, I suppose I looked into this topic a lot, and I just wanted to hear your reasonings behind your love for RuneScape or whatever fantasy virtual worlds you choose to portray yourselves in.

I guess the only explanation (true explanation) that I've realised is that it's a lot about the lack of achievements people obtain in real life.I mean, not to sound a bit sad but I guess one of the reasons we spend our valuable time playing games like this, is because it's an easier option than making accomplishments in real life.

When I was a kid, I wanted to be an astronaut. But that's never going to happen, we all have goals as humans that we set ourselves, and often we find ourselves in a situation where we feel its impossible to achieve them.

I'm not speaking for everyone obviously, but I know that I've had times where I've been so set on levelling up in the game that it's become no longer fun, but I always think "You know what, it'll be worth it because I'll be able to do ....". If I were to motivate myself this way in the outside world then I could of achieved so much more than I have done sitting on my ass for hours on end online.

I believe one of the reasons behind my need to play these types of games is down to self-worth, I can have no job, no education, no social life in reality, but in the game as long as I keep playing and wasting my time eventually I'll become a high leveled player with loads of cool shit and my goal will be reached, giving me a sense of gratitude.

Maybe video games are just away for us to become who we really aspire to be, we don't get labeled and judged like we would in the outside world, we can explore and do amazing things, complete quests and meet people from the comfort of our own computer desks..

At the same time I feel that community is a major role in why I play these types of games , I can sit on my ass and play Zelda all day but I'm only achieving something for myself when I'm doing so, because its only me making an influence on that virtual world, but with MMO's, there's hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people just like myself that I can play with, discuss things with, and defy the limitations that I can't do on my own. Not only this but each game has communities dedicated to what they love, I mean, whether you go to the bar and watch the football after work with your buddies after work, or slay some monsters with your online pals and complete quests together, what's the difference?

Maybe I'm thinking too deeply into this, after all I guess the main reason we play these games is because it's a fun release and detachment from the sometimes unhappy or dreary lives that we live, not saying that I live a depression filled life, but I do know that I enjoy playing RuneRebels more than going go college, or going for a walk around the park, but the question is should I? Is this a problem, or is this a good thing?

But yeah I hope you guys have something valuable to say haha! :3

You aren't thinking into it too deeply and I completely empathize with your viewpoint.

However, video games and MMORPGs are much more than that. Video games are art. I love seeing a great game at work - i.e., I've often sucked Far Cry 3's dick - I've expressed before that I think that's a perfect game - seeing games like that that make all elements of game development coalesce into an ultimately perfect game is an experience that I can't find anywhere else. Another thing with game development (which the exception of RS remakes) is that the creative freedom surrounding it is just absolutely huge.

For RPGs, there is something truly awesome about being able to put yourself in a character's shoes you create. There are so many limits in the real world so I don't see it sad at all to be able to experience much more in a virtual world; it's a blank slate, we can experience just about anything if the game developer is up to the challenge. Even if it's in a single player game like Zelda as you mentioned.

For MMOs I think the lure to it exists on a much more pretentious level, in other words people mainly like it for the widespread validation they get from it. Your stats are a great way to form a new identity so as to impress others in the community. Either way I've always been a lover of all types of games and I'm fascinated by the type of effect really talented developers (like Ubisoft in Far Cry 3) can render for players.