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Topics - Heretic

Pages: [1]
Todo / A Number of Bugs/Missing Content
« on: January 26, 2014, 07:07:34 am »
The brass key door doesn't open or close.
Players can clip through the walls adjacent to the brass key door while going through it.
You can clean guams at level 1 Herblore.
Level-up jingles appear in the music player.
White knights do not have a death animation. (The level 36, red-plumed ones don't, at least.)

The following music tracks do not seem to work when playing them in the music player:
Cabin Fever
The Genie
Gnome Village 2
Fanfare 2
Fanfare 3
Ground Scape
Harmony 2
Zogre Dance
Wilderness 2
Wilderness 3
Venture 2
Underground Pass
Too Many Cooks...
Tale of Keldagrim
Talking Forest
Storm Brew
Jungly 1
Jungly 2
Jungly 3
Land of the Dwarves
Mad Eadgar
Pharaoh's Tomb
Pirates of Peril
Reggae 2
Spooky 2
Brew Hoo Hoo!

A nice feature that I would like to see is the ability to block images from specific players. There are a few players who have NSFW images in their avatars and signatures, and while they technically aren't doing anything wrong, it would be nice if those of us who would prefer to not have to look at these kinds of things could have the option to hide them. I don't think that there is a feature that allows for this at the moment, but if there is, please tell me.

Suggestions, Compliments, And Questions / Confusing Website Features
« on: February 10, 2013, 04:47:15 am »
Duplicate Page Titles
The Webclient page, highscores page, and donation page all share the same title of "RuneRebels", which defeats the purpose of having a page title. It'd be nice for the titles to be changed to be different so that the site was more easily navigable.

Inconsistent Use of Highscores Spelling
The Highscores link under the game drop-down list is written in shorthand as "Hiscores" for an unknown reason while the actual highscores page and its URL both use highscores. The link should be changed to be consistent with the actual page.

Modify Post Buttons
The modify post buttons both simply say modify and do not specify which is an advanced edit and which is a simple/quick edit. It'd be convenient if they were labelled.

A link to the homepage on the webclient page would be really convenient so that I don't have to open a new tab and manually retype the address (or click a favorited/bookmarked page) for the homepage whenever I want to go another page on the site. And if you're feeling particularly generous, a link to the highscores on the webclient page would be nice too.

EDIT: I have found that through URL manipulation (how convenient), you can actually get the navbar on the webclient page. Just change the 1 after hidemenus= to 0. However, this moves the game almost to the bottom of my screen and makes the window have a scrollbar, which makes using the middle mouse button for the in-game menus that have scrollbars inviable as it moves the game window around.  :-\ What should happen is a link be added to the homepage and possibly highscores next to the "return to world select" link.

EDIT 2: I have found that some of the themes remove the header image, which sometimes make the page small enough that it eliminates the scrollbar, not to mention the bright whitish background that is hard on your eyes to look at for an extended period of time.

Todo / Heretic's List of Bugs
« on: February 09, 2013, 09:47:35 pm »
A lot of these were probably already reported, but it would be of great inconvenience for me to sift through 12+ pages of bugs to check; as such, I am sorry if any or all of them are repeats. I suggest a known bugs topic be made by the staff so that players/developers are not so inconvenienced when reporting/fixing bugs.

Minor - bugs that do not directly affect the game, but make it look unpolished
  • Several skill guides (namely attack and defence) contain references to items that were not yet released in 2006.
  • Finding a gem yields an incorrect chatbox message. ("You find a uncut sapphire/emerald/ruby/diamond!" when it should read "You just found a sapphire/emerald/ruby/diamond!")
  • Doing an action that would result in your inventory being filled beyond capacity yields an incorrect chatbox message. ("Inventory full." when it should be "Your inventory is full.")
  • Locked emotes can be performed.
  • There is a slight delay between leveling up a skill and the level up screen being shown in the chatbox.
  • When smithing an axe, the chat message given states "You hammer the [material] into a hatchet/axe." I'm fairly certain it should just say "You hammer the [material] into an axe."
  • Oil lantern frames and studs appear on all smithing pages instead of just the steel smithing page.
  • There is an invalid music track between the dwarvern mines and barbarian village area.
  • The smithing level up music is not played upon leveling up smithing.
  • Your character tends to clip through the corners of objects when walking/running as opposed to walking completely around them. (It's possible this is just caused by lag, but it seems to be happening too often for it to be so.)
  • Prospecting an empty rock just before it respawns results in a message saying "That object does not exist. Object: null"
  • The names of items on the smithing interface screen do not change from black to white when you have the required level to smith them.
  • The hide tanning interface text doesn't change colors from red when you have the required materials.
  • The hide tanning interface shows the inventory image of a cowhide instead of leather and hard leather for the soft leather and hard leather tanning options.
  • Using a needle on a leather body or a pair of leather chaps produces a blitz error. The crash ID changes depending upon the inventory spot the item is in, and it'd be too much work for my liking to screenshot and upload/gather and type all of them.
  • Using the Rabbit Hop emote and then performing a non-combat action such as mining, woodcutting, or lighting a fire causes your character to repeatedly do the last few motions of the emote instead of the correct animation until he or she completes the non-combat action.
  • Picking an item up and then quickly moving from the spot that the item was in causes your character to turn around and do the animation that is normally played when picking an object up from a place he or she cannot stand on. The item is picked up normally, however.
  • The Al Kharid/Lumbridge gate does not open when your character goes through it.
  • The Border guards at the Al Kharid/Lumbrige gate constantly stare at your character.
  • Leveling a skill with the music volume turned to off and later turning the music volume to be on sometimes causes the level up music to play even if it should have stopped a long time ago.
  • The pigtails female hairstyle clips through medium helmets.
  • The music track "Attack 1" does not work.
  • The music track "Cabin Fever" does not work.
  • A cow somehow encountered the death glitch. I have no idea how, but it was rather funny. (I would have checked to see if relogging fixed it, but a player who had been afk for the past 10 minutes killed it as soon as I took a picture and then went back afk. >:()

Annoyances - bugs that can be circumvented, but disrupt play in some way
  • The gate to the Falador farm pen randomly disappeared for me. (relogging fixed)
  • The visual aspect of a fire I started never disappeared.(relogging fixed)
  • The slash attack sound effect made by the longswords of other players is heard as if they were yours if you are in the same loading chunk as them. (Has happened to me 3 times now.)
  • Music tracks still switch automatically when on manual mode.
  • If you open the bank and attempt to deposit something too quickly, you receive a message saying "Blitz Error: The player is not in the bank.", and your items will not be deposited. If you attempt to deposit your item(s) again, they will be deposited normally.
  • The volume sliders for music volume and effect volume make no difference between number settings.
  • Passing a boundary where a loading screen occurs after the area is already loaded causes the current music track to restart.(Example:Occurrs when walking from coordinates (3040,3307) to coordinates (3340,3306) and also several spaces to the east and west.)

Priority - bugs that directly affect the game, but do not greatly obstruct play
  • Too many knives are smithed at once, and smithing bronze ones gives an incorrect amount of experience.
  • Starting a regular log fire only gives 1x experience.
  • Relogging causes the attack style to default to the top style, but the original style appears to still be selected.(Example: Relogging with an aggressive style selected causes your character to fight and gain experience as if he/she was using accurate style despite the combat screen showing an aggressive style as selected.
  • Apart from the bronze pickaxe, Nurmof's Pickaxe Shop's prices are too low.
  • The chicken with ID 2314 does not drop bones.
  • Hardleather bodies take 3 hard leather to craft when they should only take 1.
  • Coifs cannot be crafted at level 38 crafting.

Semi-Major - bugs that are avoidable and cannot be exploited, yet affect the game in a negative way if an unknowing player happens to stumble upon them
  • Right clicking an item while simultaneously crafting another of the same item and simultaneously leveling up crafting causes the next item you craft to be deleted. (Managed to reproduce 3 times with different items; they were a leather body, a pair of leather chaps, and a pair of vambraces.)
  • Another variant of the crafting deletion glitch occurred for me but I have been unable to reproduce it in this manner.

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