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Messages - Pur3 5tr7

Pages: 1 2 [3]
General / Re: umm.
« on: February 09, 2015, 01:42:03 pm »
Yeah open up Morytania! Can someone please take an hour or so one afternoon to release all that? Add the swamp snails if they're not already there, those are my favorite :3

Um, how did Prayer get into the tower?
It's not an hour of work, there are barely any npc's there only thing that's done atm are canifis and the slayer tower itself, and the slayer tower isn't even fully done since most npc's still need drops

It's an hour of work to connect all the doors/leave them open instead of releasing the quest.
Whats the point of opening the area if most of it isn't even ready?

Give the staff initiative to get the area ready once people start flowing to it?
I thought Prayer said tower works and Barrows work. Canifis is apparently done. Canifis has as much a point to it as the desert cities that were released by Onur. No complaints about extra shops and towns.

General / Re: umm.
« on: February 09, 2015, 12:48:16 pm »
Yeah open up Morytania! Can someone please take an hour or so one afternoon to release all that? Add the swamp snails if they're not already there, those are my favorite :3

Um, how did Prayer get into the tower?
It's not an hour of work, there are barely any npc's there only thing that's done atm are canifis and the slayer tower itself, and the slayer tower isn't even fully done since most npc's still need drops

It's an hour of work to connect all the doors/leave them open instead of releasing the quest.

Suggestions, Compliments, And Questions / Re: Open Passage to Morytania!
« on: February 09, 2015, 06:58:15 am »
Don't forget the colorful robes from Canifis :)
Oh damn, that's right! I remember people (me included) used to go on members worlds to buy colored gloves, and sell them on the non-mems worlds for a couple thousand each  ;D

RuneRebels Media / Re: That's what I like to see! :)
« on: February 09, 2015, 06:55:07 am »
That entangle you used was SOOOOO deadly for everyone

That was the other dude in mystics :3

Suggestions, Compliments, And Questions / Re: Forum Suggestions
« on: February 08, 2015, 11:51:38 pm »
Well, you see that hideous post count graphic under everyone's avatar? You could do something about that.

Suggestions, Compliments, And Questions / Open Passage to Morytania!
« on: February 08, 2015, 11:44:35 pm »
I just read this suggestion in the general forums, but wanted to make an official suggestion topic for it where staff and players can discuss the issue and work something out.

So pleeeeease: Add the Priest in Peril quest which apparently needs some objects connected here and there. I understand spawning NPCs may take some time (lots of em).

1. Slayer tower (creates market for whips, gmauls, etc, and is in working condition according to Prayer)
2. Swamp (exploration)
3. Barrows (awesome and rewarding minigame, simple to code (I've done it myself))
4. Barrows armors (and market for)
5. More monsters to fight (snails, vampyres, werewolves, etc)
6. Will get the community off the staff's asses for a bit (new content ftw)
7. Those colorful robes and stuff  ;D
8. Extra farming patch

General / Re: help me with a forum signature?
« on: February 08, 2015, 11:28:38 pm »
Hey, I can do some basic photo work. What is it you want?

General / Re: umm.
« on: February 08, 2015, 11:25:20 pm »
Yeah open up Morytania! Can someone please take an hour or so one afternoon to release all that? Add the swamp snails if they're not already there, those are my favorite :3

Um, how did Prayer get into the tower?

RuneRebels Media / That's what I like to see! :)
« on: February 08, 2015, 08:12:59 pm »
 Logged in today, noticed a lovely player count.

What else to do but call for a game of Castle Wars?

General / Re: Oldschool Runescape turning free
« on: February 08, 2015, 04:24:06 pm »
I brought this up a while ago too. I also have concerns regarding the RR playercount. However, they're putting the Grand Exchange into the game. It was approved by a player poll of over 70%, but I have a feeling if they keep this kind of crap up people will stay here on RR for what seems to be the legit old school experience. I will personally try out FTP, and I'll report back here and tell everyone how it compares to RR.

So RuneScape just announced the implementation of permanent FTP for OSRS, how do you guys feel about this? Anyone interested in playing?

Original article:

Report a Bug / Re: NPCs that do not have drops or are wrong!
« on: November 21, 2014, 02:29:13 pm »
Sometimes cows will not drop a hide or not drop a steak, but rarely.

Suggestions, Compliments, And Questions / Can I advertise for you guys?
« on: November 18, 2014, 01:47:02 pm »
Hey, I love this server and I'd love to help it grow and see more people online. I'm not sure how you guys do your advertising, or if I would cause a problem by going around and advertising it. If I'm allowed to, let me know as well as any specifics such as where/what sites you'd prefer.


Unfortunately, Jagex has managed to mess RuneScape up completely, in my humble opinion. I remember when I used to play, from 2006. 2006, free to play noob, gathering robes and small misc. items like burnt bones from the wilderness, training on goblins, etc. 2007, got mems and life became awesome. Spent my days in love with the RS world. 2008 was the great year when Summoning was introduced (right?), members was great and fun to play, and free to play was doable. 2010, things took a turn for the worse with the graphics. I logged on yesterday, and my god... looks like a gay WoW?

I think after the wilderness dillema, Jagex lost a lot of people. Since then, a few have come back, but RS3 definitely lost even more (old/veteran) players. If it came to that, and I wasn't in the know regarding RSPS nor having worked on my own, I'd have probably given up on the game and never come back to it. Its the RSPS communities that kept me going, especially the 317 edition that a lot of people used to work on. I think people have moved on, and there are few people as attached to this childhood-defining game as I am.

And you know, even if RS dies, and RS06/RS07 players, both RSPS and official, dissipate, I will always have my 317 06 replica, that I can play whenever I want, any day of my life, to remember what it was like to be me so many years ago, :')

Introductions / HEY! This server kicks ass! :D
« on: November 04, 2014, 06:14:22 pm »
Hey guys! I just found this server looking through oldschool runescape pictures to aid my recovery after logging into RuneScape 3 and flipping out. My oldschool membership has ended and I no longer have to time to dedicate to playing that often, hence a free alternative is great. I just played the Halloween even here, and I think it's absolutely beautiful to remember someone that way, so kudos to the developers and sorry for your loss. On a positive note, this is the best remake server I've seen. I've worked on one myself, just something for me and my buddies. Only got up to FTP content, but its still nice when the nostalgia kicks in. I am, on that note, quite happy to have found this server. I hope to become an active member (when school allows me the time, so forgive me but I have more pressing matters this month). Since I really like this server, I'll be using my original RS name.

You can call me Pur3 5tr7 :)

Cheers!  :D

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