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Messages - spartadude

Pages: [1]
Buying / BOUGHT IT
« on: July 17, 2013, 03:37:02 pm »
Mods, please close this thread.

Todo / Re: Bugs
« on: July 16, 2013, 07:46:51 am »
Added some more bugs.

Todo / Bugs
« on: July 15, 2013, 08:40:26 am »
The web in the Varrock sewers that leads to the Moss giants can be slashed but not passed through.

Wizard mind bombs are supposed to grant a magic boost of 3 if your magic level is above 50, currently they always provide 2.

The gate to the wilderness portion of the Edgeville dungeon is unopenable.

White wolf mountain dungeon cannot be accessed.

Bottles of wine obtained by thieving from the Draynor wine stall cannot be cold to Fortunato(he doesn't even have a shop) and sell for 0 coins in the general store.

If you trap a guard in a building, he can still see you while stealing from stalls.

NPCs you are fighting in certain situations are capable of noclipping through doors and possibly walls.

Master farmers drop far worse seeds than seed stalls - the reverse should be true. Seed stalls even contain some seeds they never did in the base game.

Very many item spawns are missing(various herblore reagents, miscellaneous armor and weapons like the black scimitar in Ardougne castle).

 Monster spawns are missing too - in the room of the Brimhaven dungeon where the moss giants can be safespotted there is only one giant, while there should definitely be more.

Ranged is an incredibly inaccurate combat style - at 42 range with the best possible gear available(except an amulet of glory was replaced by one accuracy) it could take me some 50-60 steel arrows using a yew bow to kill a moss giant
Not sure if this is a bug or simply a lack of features, but pies, pizzas etc cannot be made.

It's possible to chop the vines in Brimhaven dungeon without an axe or even a slash weapon.

Caskets are far too common while big net fishing.

Game necklaces and rings of forging currently do not work, and the Duel Arena gate is bugged giving the duel ring only one function, and with the scarcity of law runes caused by the lack of a Wizards' Guild/Mage Arena rune shop this makes getting around very expensive and difficult and limits farming to a few patches for those who are not wealthy enough to buy law runes in large quantities.

Creating runecrafting tiaras does not grant any experience(possibly the fastest runecrafting experience in the game even if very expensive and it provides a use for all those nature and chaos talismans monsters and caskets give).

Strength potions (2) cannot be drank. I doubt you can even get Strength Potions (4) due to a lack of red spider eggs in the game.

EDIT 1:Leprechauns missing makes farming a very tedious job due to having to run back and forth to bank produce.

The bugs Tiellanor listed in the first response+Trees don't drop bird nests making it impossible to acquire tree(and fruit tree) seeds.

EDIT 2:Knives (and presumably darts) don't attack fast enough. Knives can also be made 15 instead of 5 at a time on an anvil.

Safespotting with ranged is very difficult - unless you initiate combat with a monster when it can reach you and then move behind a safespot, your character will run intro a monster's face and start shooting his bow there.

Farming patches frequently require relogging to update plant status. I believe this also indirectly causes the bug where weeds show up instead of plants in patches, as players plant seeds in unupdated patches.

These are all the bugs I can currently think of. I may edit in the future to add new ones.

I have seen this post several times and while it is a painstaking task, i have taken upon me the oppurtunity to help you guys out by making a guide for all you newbys out there. It will be better for the community in the long run. I will estimate this list will probably be done in a few days-a week. This is a very long one so it will take some time haha.
No, you misunderstand. This list isn't a suggestion for a newb guide - such a guide would be too hard and time-consuming to maintain - but a much simpler and more comprehensive color-coded feature list(without going into too much detail with features) that's commonly found with RSPS advertising threads on rune-server.

Suggestions, Compliments, And Questions / A list of working features
« on: July 08, 2013, 09:15:41 am »
As far as I know, the server has no compilation of working features. A list like that would not only make players less reliant on admin and mod help, but it would be an excellent show of progress that could attract new players,ideally by making a list and a thread with the features on's no new thread for runerebels there either).

Clans Recruitment / Re: Swift: the top of RuneRebels
« on: June 18, 2013, 04:55:44 pm »
I'll join up.

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