I personally think you've done a wonderful job and a valiant effort. This could end up being something for all our kids to play on in the future. It's just a matter of time.
Also having a quantifiable amount of time between updates is a huge plus. Less stress and more exploration on what to improve and track your progress.
I've read on the old Worldscape forums that updates are patched to both servers, Is this true =o? Couldn't this cause some sort of complication? As much as i would love you to work on both equally, i know that it isn't possible or preferable.
Keep up the great work Ryan and stay positive!
Thank you! I have always done the best that I can to balance this with my real life, and of course it makes it harder to focus on projects like this when you have do schoolwork, pay bills, and so on.
But yes we are planning on doing scheduled updates at a regular interval with no exceptions.

The amount of content may differ between the different updates, but it is the sense of progress, momentum, and community that will keep the server alive and growing!
RiiPiiN is correct though; right now the only difference between WorldScape and RuneRebels is their configuration files. The code is actually all the same, although different parts of it are enabled and disabled to make the games unique. We are working on improving the development process and backend so that we can make these updates more transparent to WorldScape and find it a place to fit in with RuneRebels so that there is a seamless experience between the two.