Author Topic: Compiled List of Magic Skill Bugs  (Read 9392 times)


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Compiled List of Magic Skill Bugs
« on: August 31, 2014, 06:48:21 pm »
Magic is by far the weakest of the three types of combat, and perhaps could use a bit of a tune-up  8). I decided to put all of these bugs in one place rather than having them scattered among old Bug Report posts. Credits will be given where necessary.

Hopefully I got them all and I will add more as I stumble across them.

Interface Bugs;
  • Slayer's Staff shows incorrect auto-cast spells.
  • The Magic Guide shows armors not in this current revision.
  • The Mud Staff and Mystic Mud Staff are missing a graphics in the Magic Guide.
  • Teleporting then quickly clicking the bank allows you to use the bank after you have teleported.

Spell Casting Bugs;
  • Spell casting sometimes pulls you towards an NPC when it shouldn't.
  • Changing an article of clothing stops your auto cast
  • Bones to Peaches is available without the Mage Arena Minigame, where you buy it.
  • Confuse, Weaken, Curse, Vulnerability, Enfeeble, and Stun can be casted multiple times instead of once then sending the message that is something like, "This enemy has already been weakened."
  • Ape Atoll Teleport can be used without any quest completion. It also places you in a trap.
  • Trollheim Teleport can be used without any quest completion. Places you in the middle of a maze, probably a trap.
  • Magic Dart has an incorrect hit formula. It should hit 10 plus the first digit of you Magic level. For example, if i had 60 magic, my max hit with Magic Dart should be 16. 70, 17. 80, 18 and so on.
  • Every so often Crumble Undead's animation will show twice really fast, but splashes once.
  • Teleporting only has one set of coordinates where it should have like 6 or 7 all in the general area.

Stance Bugs;
  • Staffs are held to close to the body, arm should be extended outward from the player more.

Spell Animation Bugs;
  • I believe enchanting an onyx has a weird action and the necklace lifting animation is weird.

Armor Bugs;
  • Mystic doesn't have a defense requirement to wear.

Shop Bugs;
  • Wizard's Guild magic shop has incorrect rune inventory amounts. Unless something in this shop changed from 2006 to 2007 the runes are as follows, Air Rune = 5000, Water Rune = 5000, Fire Rune = 5000, Earth Rune = 5000, Mind Rune = 5000, Body Rune = 5000 (All currently 1000) Soul Rune = 250, Blood Rune = 250 (Both are at 50) Death Rune = 250, Law Rune = 250 (Both are at 100).

« Last Edit: September 04, 2014, 09:49:04 am by Slangin »


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Re: Compiled List of Magic Skill Bugs
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2014, 02:12:37 am »
We need a giant bug database. :o

Anyone have any suggestions for a decent bug tracking system that everyone could use? I was thinking of using bugzilla.


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Re: Compiled List of Magic Skill Bugs
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2014, 05:32:42 am »
We need a giant bug database. :o

Anyone have any suggestions for a decent bug tracking system that everyone could use? I was thinking of using bugzilla.

Bugzilla looks like a pretty good program for the organization that database will need (judging by reading through their website features and such).
« Last Edit: September 01, 2014, 06:28:36 am by Slangin »

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Re: Compiled List of Magic Skill Bugs
« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2014, 07:26:15 pm »

Interface Bugs;
  • Teleporting then quickly clicking the bank allows you to use the bank after you have teleported.

pls no fix


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Re: Compiled List of Magic Skill Bugs
« Reply #4 on: September 03, 2014, 07:36:40 pm »
I'm making this topic a sticky so I don't forget about it until I can get a bug tracking system installed. :)


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Re: Compiled List of Magic Skill Bugs
« Reply #5 on: November 30, 2014, 10:57:15 am »
So currently there is a memory leak that can be caused with Alching arrows. To replicate simply take 10 Nature runes, a Staff of fire, and 10 arrows of any kind. Click the high alchemy (low alchemy may work too) then alch the arrow and try to equip it at the same time. Will lead blitz error shit storm. To stop the error from continuing, simply walk OR unequip arrows OR log out and back in.


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Re: Compiled List of Magic Skill Bugs
« Reply #6 on: November 30, 2014, 12:41:13 pm »
So currently there is a memory leak that can be caused with Alching arrows. To replicate simply take 10 Nature runes, a Staff of fire, and 10 arrows of any kind. Click the high alchemy (low alchemy may work too) then alch the arrow and try to equip it at the same time. Will lead blitz error shit storm. To stop the error from continuing, simply walk OR unequip arrows OR log out and back in.

We think this is another one of those memory leak errors, it was the same type of error I had a few weeks ago with the Halloween Event release. Like Slangin said this happens when you click on the arrows really fast after selecting high alchemy.