Events, PVP, and Clans > PK-ing
Does anyone still remember?
Some of you may remember this video, first time I came across this vid was downloading it from p2p program called BearShare, when youtube was just kludging.. An absolute legendary war recorded by RuneScape player Bibbleboy, this epic battle between one of the biggest clans at that time, Ownage Inc. and TE, this occured in 2004 on members world 24, enjoy..
This is awesome. I didnt play in 2004 but started in March 2005. The wilderness looks great as it once was 8)
Ahh! I saw this one before. Excellent video quality xD
I remember I loved watching Yankin Deez in 06
I know it's been awhile, buuut.. If this WAS in 04.. Why did I see a whip in the vid lol? Slayer wasn't released till Jan 24th 2005 ;p
this was recorded around 2005 february not 04
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