General > Tech Support

How to request assistance from Player Moderators


First off, the same things apply for asking player moderators of major bugs, glitches, and suspected rule breakers for us to report them at high priority.  As for other services we provide for your continued enjoyment in Rune Rebels, note the following that: p mods cannot teleport to see you're stuck, we prefer to only teleport those really in need instead of word of mouth for this, and we don't keep track of your alts if you message us about kicking your accounts from being notified using an alternate account.

1) To request getting unstuck from unplayable situations, screen rip your screen with you on it with as little chat interface enabled, private chat, public chat, or trade but keep game messages.  Every keyboard these days has that button, PrtScr/Sysrq, paste the rip in a picture editing program, ala Paint, crop it to the game window and privately publish it on a photo sharing site.  Then link that picture in to a post in Tech Support saying you're stuck and preferably how you got there.  That'll provide us with evidence to save you.  The less editing the better and the more legitimate the picture.

2) To have us kick you in cases of not being able to log in due to for some reason already being online, post in Tech Support using the account you're still online with that you want to be kicked.  That way we know that you on that account is requesting it, not someone claiming it is you from another account.

Please remember, Player Moderators are not Admins.  If you have no ability and/or refuse to post images, seek an admin if you are stuck, no exceptions.

To add onto screenshotting, use for screen capping as you can select areas of your screen to cap and it instantly uploads to the internet and copies a direct link to your clipboard which you can then use Ctrl + V or Right click and paste the link where ever. Its handy. :D


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