Author Topic: Yeah  (Read 8514 times)


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« on: January 26, 2014, 09:11:38 pm »
2.0 was WAAAAAAAAAAY too overhyped. I seriously expected so much more and recieved so very little content. You can say "5 quests being added this week" but for the amount of time you had between this release and when you said you'd start work, I honestly expected a shit ton more. I know this isn't that ranty, but it's a rant nonetheless. I'm not the only player with these feelings, a lot of people were seriously dissapointed. I feel like herblore was the easier skill to add compared to Agility, but seriously not having all the skills yet....ugh. I understand you guys work hard, but I feel like you didn't work THAT hard until just a couple weeks before the update. Imagine what you could've done if you had worked harder during that period.

tl;dr I expected slayer tower, lost city, herblore, agility, ranged weapon fixes, and the addition of barrows. That's my rant, bye.

edit: this sums it up.


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Re: Yeah
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2014, 09:33:59 pm »
I think they added a lot more but they didn't release it all at once.
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        data: 13034431,
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Re: Yeah
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2014, 09:34:19 pm »
2.0 was WAAAAAAAAAAY too overhyped. I seriously expected so much more and recieved so very little content. You can say "5 quests being added this week" but for the amount of time you had between this release and when you said you'd start work, I honestly expected a shit ton more. I know this isn't that ranty, but it's a rant nonetheless. I'm not the only player with these feelings, a lot of people were seriously dissapointed. I feel like herblore was the easier skill to add compared to Agility, but seriously not having all the skills yet....ugh. I understand you guys work hard, but I feel like you didn't work THAT hard until just a couple weeks before the update. Imagine what you could've done if you had worked harder during that period.

tl;dr I expected slayer tower, lost city, herblore, agility, ranged weapon fixes, and the addition of barrows. That's my rant, bye.

edit: this sums it up.



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Re: Yeah
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2014, 09:45:48 pm »
We had a lot of quests ready, but they all were having problems at the last moment when we were all testing them. So we barely got Druidic's ritual out. As for agility we said several times that , it will for sure not be coming out for a little bit simply because it is a toooon of work.


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Re: Yeah
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2014, 10:08:04 pm »

And the devs opted not to release Canifis because it opens up a sht ton of stuff.

Im Baked

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Re: Yeah
« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2014, 10:15:21 pm »
I see where you're coming from but they at least have done some work towards the server and not just leave it where it was until it was dead and gone...
They got herb in the game but some of it is still not working or parts of it unavailable :(
It is now a (mostly) functional skill tho and that's awesome!

I have faith in the dev team to release some great updates in the future tho!
I will continue to point out missing content to them to help along the way  ;D


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Re: Yeah
« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2014, 10:47:31 pm »
A nice framework has been laid.  Let's just sit back and watch it get filled in nicely.  Plus, you could always go back into hiding until you are satisfied...


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Re: Yeah
« Reply #7 on: January 27, 2014, 12:16:42 am »
With 2.0 we released a tad bit early because we were short on time. We worked really hard to get what was released done. There are many more things pending release right now. They were going to be released on 2.0, but we decided not to delay the 2.0 update and give it to you guys now.

We will be having more than likely daily updates for about a week, and then we will move to weekly updates. There is a lot more work in this stuff then meets the eye. While all this was happening we had to take a few days fixing security breeches.

Some of you are disapointed with Lost City not being released, it is nearly done and the picture Ryan posted we were actually working on Zanaris. The NPC's were being spawned, and we were working on the gates at the time. Making sure that area of the game was ready for launch when Lost City is released. I don't know when Lost City is going to be released. But it will be released relatively soon.


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Re: Yeah
« Reply #8 on: January 27, 2014, 12:48:03 am »

And the devs opted not to release Canifis because it opens up a sht ton of stuff.

I don't want to be agains you.. but that pic... thats Zanaris.

We want Lost City... <3


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Re: Yeah
« Reply #9 on: January 27, 2014, 01:37:50 am »
2.0 was WAAAAAAAAAAY too overhyped. I seriously expected so much more and recieved so very little content. You can say "5 quests being added this week" but for the amount of time you had between this release and when you said you'd start work, I honestly expected a shit ton more. I know this isn't that ranty, but it's a rant nonetheless. I'm not the only player with these feelings, a lot of people were seriously dissapointed. I feel like herblore was the easier skill to add compared to Agility, but seriously not having all the skills yet....ugh. I understand you guys work hard, but I feel like you didn't work THAT hard until just a couple weeks before the update. Imagine what you could've done if you had worked harder during that period.

tl;dr I expected slayer tower, lost city, herblore, agility, ranged weapon fixes, and the addition of barrows. That's my rant, bye.

edit: this sums it up.

Okay, my rant time.

I hate when people have literally offered nothing for the community but flame wars, really shitty jokes, and disappear for months at a time only come back to bitch about how much or how little work has been done towards something. I mean for real, you must seriously know how much time it takes to lay down every type of update for an RSPS, because I'm sure you've got a couple real successful ones of your own.

Yes, 2.0 didn't release nearly as much content as anyone wanted, including Ryan, Kevin, and myself, and it was strictly due to a lack of time. The three of us tend to not set a limit on ourselves, so with 2.0 we decided to set a time limit and be done in that time limit, and no delaying anything. The security breaching, database issues, log issues, etc. took up A LOT of time that could have been used for content. As you see currently, we're releasing 20+ updates per day, and we're advertising like crazy.

When we're ready to release the stuff that you "wanted" to see (And by the way, none of that stuff was promised -- people like to speculate, which is fine, but when it becomes "expected" there are some issues) we will release it, and the majority of the stuff that you "WANT" is not far gone.

Sheesh, be happy and play the game.

*EDIT* and also, Sinisoul is a douche. He has no room to criticize, we all saw how his remake went.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2014, 01:41:46 am by James »
Hi, I'm James. I'm old as hell.

I need to Java again, lol


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Re: Yeah
« Reply #10 on: January 27, 2014, 04:14:33 am »
Please note that 2.0 will have a series of updates to follow. More content will be released shortly!
We don't want to release too much content at once, as bug fixing would become a nightmare.
They have been working on this for months so don't criticize before they have had a chance to present it.
Also i know for a fact that JT got burnt out working back in february of last year.


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Re: Yeah
« Reply #11 on: January 27, 2014, 08:46:39 am »
2.0 was WAAAAAAAAAAY too overhyped. I seriously expected so much more and recieved so very little content. You can say "5 quests being added this week" but for the amount of time you had between this release and when you said you'd start work, I honestly expected a shit ton more. I know this isn't that ranty, but it's a rant nonetheless. I'm not the only player with these feelings, a lot of people were seriously dissapointed. I feel like herblore was the easier skill to add compared to Agility, but seriously not having all the skills yet....ugh. I understand you guys work hard, but I feel like you didn't work THAT hard until just a couple weeks before the update. Imagine what you could've done if you had worked harder during that period.

tl;dr I expected slayer tower, lost city, herblore, agility, ranged weapon fixes, and the addition of barrows. That's my rant, bye.

edit: this sums it up.

I remember Sini... a complete disaster.

Okay, my rant time.

I hate when people have literally offered nothing for the community but flame wars, really shitty jokes, and disappear for months at a time only come back to bitch about how much or how little work has been done towards something. I mean for real, you must seriously know how much time it takes to lay down every type of update for an RSPS, because I'm sure you've got a couple real successful ones of your own.

Yes, 2.0 didn't release nearly as much content as anyone wanted, including Ryan, Kevin, and myself, and it was strictly due to a lack of time. The three of us tend to not set a limit on ourselves, so with 2.0 we decided to set a time limit and be done in that time limit, and no delaying anything. The security breaching, database issues, log issues, etc. took up A LOT of time that could have been used for content. As you see currently, we're releasing 20+ updates per day, and we're advertising like crazy.

When we're ready to release the stuff that you "wanted" to see (And by the way, none of that stuff was promised -- people like to speculate, which is fine, but when it becomes "expected" there are some issues) we will release it, and the majority of the stuff that you "WANT" is not far gone.

Sheesh, be happy and play the game.

*EDIT* and also, Sinisoul is a douche. He has no room to criticize, we all saw how his remake went.


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Re: Yeah
« Reply #12 on: January 27, 2014, 10:11:20 am »
2.0 was WAAAAAAAAAAY too overhyped. I seriously expected so much more and recieved so very little content. You can say "5 quests being added this week" but for the amount of time you had between this release and when you said you'd start work, I honestly expected a shit ton more. I know this isn't that ranty, but it's a rant nonetheless. I'm not the only player with these feelings, a lot of people were seriously dissapointed. I feel like herblore was the easier skill to add compared to Agility, but seriously not having all the skills yet....ugh. I understand you guys work hard, but I feel like you didn't work THAT hard until just a couple weeks before the update. Imagine what you could've done if you had worked harder during that period.

tl;dr I expected slayer tower, lost city, herblore, agility, ranged weapon fixes, and the addition of barrows. That's my rant, bye.

edit: this sums it up.

Okay, my rant time.

I hate when people have literally offered nothing for the community but flame wars, really shitty jokes, and disappear for months at a time only come back to bitch about how much or how little work has been done towards something. I mean for real, you must seriously know how much time it takes to lay down every type of update for an RSPS, because I'm sure you've got a couple real successful ones of your own.

Yes, 2.0 didn't release nearly as much content as anyone wanted, including Ryan, Kevin, and myself, and it was strictly due to a lack of time. The three of us tend to not set a limit on ourselves, so with 2.0 we decided to set a time limit and be done in that time limit, and no delaying anything. The security breaching, database issues, log issues, etc. took up A LOT of time that could have been used for content. As you see currently, we're releasing 20+ updates per day, and we're advertising like crazy.

When we're ready to release the stuff that you "wanted" to see (And by the way, none of that stuff was promised -- people like to speculate, which is fine, but when it becomes "expected" there are some issues) we will release it, and the majority of the stuff that you "WANT" is not far gone.

Sheesh, be happy and play the game.

*EDIT* and also, Sinisoul is a douche. He has no room to criticize, we all saw how his remake went.
Nice to know how you feel about me bud. You have no fucking clue what I've been through during those months. You think I just abandoned the game because I got bored? Psh. This was a rant about hype, nothing more. The 2.0 update was way over-hyped, and that was my only complaint. Let me think real quick. I've been here since febuary, I've made lots of friends, I pretty much ruined my reputation in order to get your fucking owner, who dissapeared for fucking months to come back. I was fucking tired of his shit so yes, I ranted at him. So in order to get him to "Come back" I fucking gave up any of my "Good karma" demanded you become a fucking owner and then expected to be banned. Why would I fucking bother you say? Because I thought the players deserved better than to have the owner just dissapear for huge amounts of time. I'm a player, NOT a developer, moderator, admin, helper, or any other sort of staff. I've made friends here that have stuck with me throughout the year, and I'm sad to say that as soon as "that" post went up you distanced yourself, just like every other fucking person. You know what? Jake had it right, I could've handled that situation differently. BUT I FUCKING DIDN'T. Alright, rant over, bye.

tl;dr Ryan ryan ryan ryan ryan. James, calm the fuck down. Prayer, still love you babe ;). Kevin? I think? I dunno. also, I yell and complain a lot in these posts, IT'S THE FUCKING RANT SECTION.

edit: Again I stress this is the RANT section, not the suggestion section, not the criticism section, the endless mindless RANT section.

p.s. you're one to talk about shitty jokes/humor. ;)

p.p.s. Talk about starting a flame war.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2014, 10:22:06 am by Zeliounz »


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Re: Yeah
« Reply #13 on: January 27, 2014, 10:31:47 am »
Ok i'm locking this :/