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List of Websites for Voting
--- Quote from: Galleta on January 26, 2014, 01:50:17 am ---Already voted. Vote rewards need to be simple, like, 500-1000 coins per vote.
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Then no new person would vote, and why economy base it? I'd do lamps or something.
We talked about having different things, possibly name changes, skill locking, stuff like that. Nothing major that will effect the economy or give anyone a huge advantage in game.
--- Quote from: Kevin on January 26, 2014, 02:15:22 am ---We talked about having different things, possibly name changes, skill locking, stuff like that. Nothing major that will effect the economy or give anyone a huge advantage in game.
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Sure, sounds great, but let's be honest not a single new person would vote for this....It doesn't make sense. You guys need to stop planning the rewards around veterans, because we'd vote for nothing as long as we were reminded.
--- Quote from: Zeliounz on January 26, 2014, 02:23:00 am ---
--- Quote from: Kevin on January 26, 2014, 02:15:22 am ---We talked about having different things, possibly name changes, skill locking, stuff like that. Nothing major that will effect the economy or give anyone a huge advantage in game.
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Sure, sounds great, but let's be honest not a single new person would vote for this....It doesn't make sense. You guys need to stop planning the rewards around veterans, because we'd vote for nothing as long as we were reminded.
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We're always open for recommendations.
--- Quote from: Kevin on January 26, 2014, 02:27:04 am ---
--- Quote from: Zeliounz on January 26, 2014, 02:23:00 am ---
--- Quote from: Kevin on January 26, 2014, 02:15:22 am ---We talked about having different things, possibly name changes, skill locking, stuff like that. Nothing major that will effect the economy or give anyone a huge advantage in game.
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Sure, sounds great, but let's be honest not a single new person would vote for this....It doesn't make sense. You guys need to stop planning the rewards around veterans, because we'd vote for nothing as long as we were reminded.
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We're always open for recommendations.
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Honestly the only thing I can think of that won't break the economy nor cause that much of an issue are lamps. Or you could have a point shop, and give points for voting, then have multiple rewards which can be bought in a point shop. I just don't see a new player voting for skill locks and name changes....especially when you get done locking skills and changing names...there would be no point for a new player. Look, I know you don't want to provide a unfair advantage. But in order to get votes, you need to provide an advantage to the game. (I realize some people are nice and donate/vote without asking.) But you don't have enough "Veterans" voting per day to get popular, you need the players voting too.
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