Author Topic: Spinning Wheel  (Read 3927 times)


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Spinning Wheel
« on: January 04, 2014, 03:52:12 pm »
Is it possible to change the speed of the spinning wheel because on the real rs it goes faster.


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Re: Spinning Wheel
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2014, 03:57:11 pm »
And the flax field doesn't respawn so you have to relog, may it can be fixed too? :p


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Re: Spinning Wheel
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2014, 04:20:33 pm »
I just tried this. Spinning a full inventory of flax on here takes a minute and 25 seconds. On RS, it takes 50 seconds. On RS, it makes one slow then 2 at a faster speed, then back to slow, 2 at a faster speed.

I used some random video, mute it if you want. Start at around 1:20


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Re: Spinning Wheel
« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2014, 04:29:58 pm »
Can fix this.