Alright as far as I know, the rules are simple. Just post who you think will post next or after you. If the predictor gets it right, quote him and say "Correct or awesome job dude" and if not don't troll (well not too extreme) and just say the "Nope, nada, incorrect, WRONG" and post your prediction. Example
Me: I predict Francis will post next
Cucking Funt: Nope! I predict Winning will post next
Winning: Haha nice, I predict Creantor will post next
and so on and so forth.
Alright, lets start this
I predict James will post next!
Topic creator: Winning
#1st reply: Cucking Funt
#10th reply: James
#25th reply: Winning
#50th reply: Francis
#100th reply: Winning