General > Goals & Achievements

Mimiru's Goals!


I plan to work very hard on my price guide as soon as the shop prices are fixed and the economy is a little more existent. I am also planning on being number 1 in strength on the high scores. Thug IM CALLING YOU OUT! In real life my number one goal is to be as happy as I can be and maybe be little less judgmental and abrasive at times. But my goal that is most important to me right now and completely dependant on all of you is for this server to be all i know it can be....and thats BETTER than runescape! All it takes is working together. Let's all work hard to be a great community. That should be all our goals.
Love, Mimiru

Your goal should be stop being so serious and take a joke.


--- Quote from: scrilla on January 25, 2013, 04:46:35 pm ---Your goal should be stop being so serious and take a joke.

--- End quote ---
I don't really know what you are talking about? I am very light hearted lol ^.^

you wernt the other day when you were cursing me.


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