Author Topic: Question from a new member  (Read 2405 times)


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Question from a new member
« on: January 09, 2015, 07:58:16 am »
So, i just found this private server after some issues with RS membership system. What i want to ask is: Is this a fully vanilla server? Like, no super XP gain, no hacked-in items. Is it just like the RS member experience? Or are there features that i'm not aware of or missing?


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Re: Question from a new member
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2015, 10:23:22 am »

Well, to start off answering your questions, the exp rate is twice the amount of Old Skool Runescape, so whatever exp gain you would get from a 2006 standpoint or so it is doubled here.

All the skills except agility work for the most part with farming being a little buggy.  But besides that you can grind levels willy nilly.  Slayer tasks are currently limited to accessible areas to work on slayer which brings in to the next answers namely quests.  Runecrafting and herblore do work for the most part, but some craftable items in their working potion recipes or crafting runes are limited to once again quest availability.

Farming is also limited to hops, allotments/flowers/herbs and bushes.  Trees as far as I know can't be planted and tree seeds are few and far between from the rarity bird's nests through a woodcutting problem with the nests themselves.

A lot of the quests are yet to be released and as of this answering only these quests work: Doric's Quest, Druidic Ritual, Rune Mysteries, Imp Catcher, and Sheep Shearer.

There are plans in the works to release more updates, quests and fixes than this, but the amount of time to implement updates revolves around which owner or developer would get to making progress and releasing content to the player base here in Rune Rebels.

Remember this about the staff of the developers: they have their own lives to take care of, every staff member is volunteering their time to work on the project, player mods don't have all the answers (even I'm in the dark about most things I can divulge about the progress), and this is an ongoing mission for staff and will continue through time and test.

I hope this answers questions you may have.  If you want a bug list to gander over from what I've compiled and try to update over time,
here is my log for you.

But all in all, a saying I have about Rune Rebels, "there's skills to grind."  What part of Runescape proper do you usually do?  My answer is grind up levels.  So if you enjoy having 20 skills in which most of them actually function to grind on, Rune Rebels can provide that.  Our uptime is excellent and this is one server that will be in the scene for a while.

Two or three years is long for a would be replica of 2006 standard to exist.  That's how long the server here in Rune Rebels has already clocked in time online.  Try to compare that to any other server out there.

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Re: Question from a new member
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2015, 10:24:41 am »
So, i just found this private server after some issues with RS membership system. What i want to ask is: Is this a fully vanilla server? Like, no super XP gain, no hacked-in items. Is it just like the RS member experience? Or are there features that i'm not aware of or missing?

Long story short, its a "limited" remake of the old runescape