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Messages - Tennessee

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General / Re: Something f'd up with client
« on: October 27, 2014, 08:30:03 pm »
back up and running  :D

that was quick

General / Re: Something f'd up with client
« on: October 27, 2014, 07:41:20 pm »
Ryan's home internet must have crashed.

Unfortunately, he's on his way back to college atm, so he probably will not be able to do anything about it for 4-5 hours.

does he do night classes or something? Why would he be on his way up to school?

he was down in Cleveland visiting his family and attending a game developers expo.

oh ok I thought you meant he was going to class lol

General / Re: Something f'd up with client
« on: October 27, 2014, 07:29:49 pm »
Ryan's home internet must have crashed.

Unfortunately, he's on his way back to college atm, so he probably will not be able to do anything about it for 4-5 hours.

does he do night classes or something? Why would he be on his way up to school?

General / Re: Something f'd up with client
« on: October 27, 2014, 07:21:43 pm »

General / Re: Something f'd up with client
« on: October 27, 2014, 06:58:33 pm »
Me too. The servers must be down on Ryan's side.

maybe we're getting an update? lol

General / Something f'd up with client
« on: October 27, 2014, 06:52:10 pm »
I got connection lost in-game and closed the client and opened another one with run.bat and it came up as allgofree worldscape background and now I can't login.. I get error connecting to server

Absolutely disagree with rewards and ::yell.

I'm probably going to bust out the VPN software I used to use for gold farming another server soon, I'll be able to vote 200 - 250 times in one go, all of you guys should start VPN voting as much as possible, getting the name up on the toplists are all that's important, not ethics :P

idk what a vpn is or how it works.. but if you can get 200 votes a day ffs do it.. I'm sure that's what all the other sites do.

Buying / Re: Buying Supplies!
« on: October 27, 2014, 02:41:26 pm »
Im starting a good ol' Tom and Petter Empire.

High Alching Bows with my 5k nats.

well ive got 40k pure ess and 10k nats in bank if you need anymore nats let me know  ;)

edit: on-topic, Typherium I need some maple logs if you have some

Buying / Re: Buying Supplies!
« on: October 27, 2014, 02:20:36 pm »
Ill trade some ores for logs and bowstrings. I got a bunch of gold and silver.

lawd haven't seen heavyb on here in months

Todo / Re: Ranged Guard in Fally
« on: October 27, 2014, 11:30:21 am »

General / Re: Whats been going on!
« on: October 26, 2014, 09:37:21 pm »
Coming next week I will be working normal hours at work. We are doing a Halloween thing, so I have been working 12 hour shifts, starting at 2PM and ending at 2AM, so everything has been all messed up for me. I'll see about getting an update soon. Sorry for any delays. I am trying, just hard to balance everything.

thanks for the update. has the API been completed?

News & Announcements / Re: Halloween Event Suggstions
« on: October 24, 2014, 07:46:35 pm »
killing and pickpocketing is fine with me but I would hope the drop rate/pickpocket rate would be fairly substantial.. It would also make it a lot easier on the devs as well so other MUCH needed content can be worked on instead of a one time project.. like the API

Off Topic / Re: More important than what you are doing
« on: October 24, 2014, 02:29:32 pm »
this guy is an idiot but chem-trails are a legitimate thing

Tech Support / Re: ...
« on: October 23, 2014, 05:45:18 pm »
...uh... I climbed up the ladder in Taverley Dungeon to the air obelisk island. And I can't climb back down it.

I've learned two things today:
(1) NEVER climb a ladder.
(2) ALWAYS bring teleport runes.

I just figured the last ladder I climbed was a fluke, but I guess not. I feel terrible asking for help again, but, uh. Yeah.

Is there any way for the administration to just kill my PC, rather than somebody having to come to me? Like the Wilderness Ruins weren't out of the way enough.  :-\

it's not a burden man, they can teleport to your exact spot.. at least they're helping you and don't stalk you like the stalk me.. lol I catch them all the time and sometimes they don't even admit to it!

News & Announcements / Re: Halloween Event Suggstions
« on: October 22, 2014, 04:17:39 pm »
See, this is why most remakes fail because YOU GUYS want a remake of an old event. No, let's make something brand new.

A New Halloween event. Maybe like you need to help the Freaky Forester out with something?

You just said this is why "remakes" fail.. because we want a "remake" of an event.. do you not see how much of a contradiction that is? I want a remake because that's exactly what this is.. it's a remake.. custom content is for the other server.. How hard is that to understand.

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