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Topics - Petemeeeee

Pages: [1]
Forum Games / The Rhyme Game
« on: May 22, 2012, 11:36:13 am »
This game is basicly like the '3 word story' game, except you can do a whole sentence.

The Catch, is that at the End of a Sentence, it has to Rhyme with the end word of the previous sentence by the poster before you.

For Example:
Me: I found a Cat in my Hat.
Bob 1: He Ended up Flat.
Bob 2: When I hit him with a BaseBall Bat.
Bob 3: When he was Lying on my Mat.

If you cannot possibly think of a rhyming word to go with the previous sentence, then you May start up a new Rhyme sentence, providing you write the sentence in Red.

I'll Start:
I like eating Hay.

General Media & Graphical Design / My First SpeedArt :)
« on: May 19, 2012, 10:52:50 pm »
Here is the link, tell me what you think of it :)


General Media & Graphical Design / My Second Youtube Background
« on: May 19, 2012, 05:50:53 pm »
This is the second Youtube Background that I made, this time it was for SouljaahNation (He used this background till he got his Youtube partnership). I hope that you find it interesting.

The Background:

If you'de like to download this, here's the link:
If you would like me to make you a Youtube Background for you, please add my skype:

Thanks for viewing this,
Peter :D

General Media & Graphical Design / My New Youtube Background
« on: May 17, 2012, 03:01:47 pm »
Hey, sup guys? Firstly, I thought I'd post this for fun, and get to know you guys some more and share some of my skills with you.
So anyway, I just made a new account on youtube and I'm quite good with GFX, so I made an account called TehCorruptGFX. I realised that I needed my own background, and therefore got to work on it. I added it to mediafire, as the Attachments max size is 128KB :/ Tell me what you think of it?
Peter :D

The Background:

Sorry if you thought the download was dodgy, I forgot that I could post pictures in the Post :P
Here's the Link if you want to download it:

Pages: [1]