Check in listThis will be a sign in list for any staff that is playing. That way anyone stuck can know if staff can save you if discord is not an option for notification of playing staff.
Sign in so we don't have to check logs for staff activity. This includes but is not limited to: Player Moderators, Forum Moderators, Global Moderators, Bug Reporting staff, Developers, and not without any omissions. This will be a request to be stickied for kudos points for volunteering for AllGoFree at the request of Gornu[PMod] One other note. Please give access to this post and thread only to staff and modify this post only to show dedication to AllGoFree Staff only. If the owners agree, modify at your discretion. Keep this thread visible, and any recommendations or applications could go here as well. Under no circumstance are players allowed to apply for positions, applications shall be only volunteers applying for higher positions and notices on vacancies and/or staff vacation time. Be sure to use proper BBC to keep the table tidy with spaces aligning dates, and don't forget: Keep it clean!
Staff Name and Title
| Check in time:
| Check out time:
| 08:42 CST 14 Dec, 2018
| 10:00 CST Dec14, 2018
| 08:42 CST 17 Dec, 2018
| 09:41 CST 17 Dec, 2018
| 08:51 CST 03 Jan, 2019
| 10:35 CST 03 Jan, 2019