Report a Bug / Random events Gongor's bug reports
« on: September 05, 2019, 03:19:13 pm »
Here will be bugs I find while playing
1. when standing next to agility shortcut in varrock:
you gotta stand infront of it to work
2. prices in shops should change when item value decreases/increases
3. doing this should not refresh the guide interface, it lags ur acc walking and sometimes dc
4. should only be 1 pickpocketable farmer not 2 here
5. can't low alch while running
6. wizard hats (black & blue) does not give +2 magic bonus
7. when you have 1 potion left to make it shouldn't give the chat option it should just make the potion instantly
8. when using low alch you have to wait longer than u should for next low alch right after
9. im sure this should automatically change style to attack with chosen magic spell
10. cant crumble undead these
11. cant bury bones while running, in combat or casting alch spell
12. when you switch weapons you see unarmed for a split second
13. the skill guide interfaces needs to be reworked to the following picture, + the herring is fishing>catches is cooked id. Should show whats members and in blue color. https://i.gyazo.com/d8283466604b67314b7bab325a0474a6.png
14. Weird bug when using cooked food on this fire here and then it giving chat error message over and over on the 2nd pic https://i.gyazo.com/98edb76c069fa8170644a5b58d147058.mp4 https://i.gyazo.com/05bbc9633d598ec785de85264fdf2c68.mp4
15. can't do werewolf task killing them in canafis not getting kc
16. while npc a npc hits you in non-multi area sometimes you can attack another npc while that first npc is attacking you for couple seconds.
17. giant spiders lvl 2 in lumbridge shouldnt be aggresive
18. https://i.gyazo.com/05e3e72827862c5eeea890551760680b.mp4
imagine getting hit
19. when cooking food the image of fish is too near the text, it should be high rr: https://i.gyazo.com/49a0ebf43a2cf0ee92fc2c0d0be8ceb2.png 2006 rs: https://i.gyazo.com/f369dec107e199cf869aeb4b65b53f69.png
20. axe hut and pirates hut dont require picklock and thieving lvl atm
21. move the knife drop near mb into the lever room
22. web to mage arena is kinda bugged u cant walk infront of it til its cut
23. can't see beard when wearing leather coif and it looks incorrect
24. banshee in slayer tower shouldn't be aggresive
25. how entering desert should work + it doesnt take ur tickets now
26. 1. banker outside bank here 2. can't use the bank booths 3. cant talk to the bankers inside https://gyazo.com/c7baa85bc84428c5e41de5a9781a541b
27. can't attack 90% of crocodiles in the desert cause they're in water
28. can't use ice cooler on desert lizards to kill them
29. varrock wilderness levels should start earlier (more south) than they are now (3 tiles more south) is when it should start source: https://youtu.be/e5uoYN3r2kc?t=63
30. green dragons in east drags aren't spawned in their correct coords
31. msb spec's 2nd hit is delayed like dds which it shouldn't
32. the message of not having enough runes should have the name of the rune uppercased like the big L & R for example.. https://gyazo.com/3c2f750f2206825408455c71dd1cc655
33. when looting something from floor and your inv is full you should get this message instead of the current one https://i.gyazo.com/5cf40b8af4feafc7ab921bc52e822e82.png
34. cave crawlers doesn't seem to poison you
35. Shouldn't see temple guardian dog from priest in peril after completing the quest
36. red gloves drops should be unnoted from crawling hands
37. there is a weird bug usually when just starting training a stat from 0 sometimes you get 1xp from doing a training like bury bones give 1xp, fletching gives 1xp. Not sure why and if it happens all the time.
38. need to add word censoring so u cant say fk etc.. https://aascape.aaservers.net/img/kbase/parents_guide/blocking_chat.gif
39. this vine in brimhaven dungeon needs fix so you move 2 tiles and it shouldnt move me without axe https://i.gyazo.com/779f0016c13ec87ee21cc0ad91d15da4.mp4
40. dragon axe should be worn at 1 wc lvl and it should cut trees at the rate of a rune axe, source: https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/new-f2p-prayers-port-to-port-transport-and-improved-dragon-axe (credits to jesse)
41. bloodvelds should damage with as magic style not melee (not 100% sure if it's already magic)
42. when finishing black knigths fortress you get this pic but its a cauldron instead of coins http://web.archive.org/web/20070212214314im_/http:/www.runehq.com/image/quests/f2p/black_knight/qc.gif (credits to jesse)
43. fishing spots don't move
44. pm's & logged in/out messages should disappear after 5-10 mins
45. whole pizza should be eaten faster more like a combo food
46. can't clean herbs while running
47. no wild dogs in ardougne
48. dust devil drops noted half key
49. you should be able to logout if you are attacking something wihout getting hit back
50. The levelup chat message doesnt disappear when staying still and safespotting monster or when gainin a new level after that so in the pic i still have lvl 11 in chat but lvl 13in stats https://i.gyazo.com/734eb4eb93c43e68e7eb29104b57c61e.png
51. no green dragons north of wilderness graveyards (around lvl 23)
52. look where it says " only 17 m" https://i.gyazo.com/8e6bf31087a09363ead0549695a79ceb.png
53. says "lobst" at the last line https://i.gyazo.com/bd7a392c91683198f364998cfaacaa29.png
54. npc's can multi hit you from multi area to singles area, should only be the other way around
55. when attempting to slash wep it should do a slashing animation with your weapon, currently it only does once you successfully slashed the web
56. mystic robe bottom has wrong high alch price
57. you never fail shearing sheeps
58. duck on bridge https://i.gyazo.com/b56929801ccf0a6438ecf22a9bfad846.png
59. sir vyvin from black knights fortress quest seems to not move at all
60. there should be 10 bronze bars in stack in shantay pass shop
61. gotta fix some things with this interface, some invisible items and doesnt show some texts in white which i should see if i have the levels to smith them https://i.gyazo.com/d10eda05b2d4aaee54eaf798ea958f7f.png
62. gotta move the item in chat box down to allign it https://i.gyazo.com/e51bc484ba0b55ab095b4a5db65665e0.png
63. 66 magic and cant start mage arena when it should be starting at 60 mage https://gyazo.com/313de0bda7c3082772e25fcecfb63be0
64. missing shop and npcs in port khazard
65. for some reason my allotments turned into weed, they're there but they are visually weed https://gyazo.com/dc70080ccc1b16c82905ca01b7271cf6
After update 2.10
66. dc's you when you hop-to someone in telegram
67. rocks like iron rocks sometimes doesnt respawn when you leave to another region and come back (example when banking and coming back) they stay despawned sometimes.
1. when standing next to agility shortcut in varrock:
you gotta stand infront of it to work
2. prices in shops should change when item value decreases/increases
3. doing this should not refresh the guide interface, it lags ur acc walking and sometimes dc
4. should only be 1 pickpocketable farmer not 2 here
5. can't low alch while running
6. wizard hats (black & blue) does not give +2 magic bonus
7. when you have 1 potion left to make it shouldn't give the chat option it should just make the potion instantly
8. when using low alch you have to wait longer than u should for next low alch right after
9. im sure this should automatically change style to attack with chosen magic spell
10. cant crumble undead these
11. cant bury bones while running, in combat or casting alch spell
12. when you switch weapons you see unarmed for a split second
13. the skill guide interfaces needs to be reworked to the following picture, + the herring is fishing>catches is cooked id. Should show whats members and in blue color. https://i.gyazo.com/d8283466604b67314b7bab325a0474a6.png
14. Weird bug when using cooked food on this fire here and then it giving chat error message over and over on the 2nd pic https://i.gyazo.com/98edb76c069fa8170644a5b58d147058.mp4 https://i.gyazo.com/05bbc9633d598ec785de85264fdf2c68.mp4
15. can't do werewolf task killing them in canafis not getting kc
16. while npc a npc hits you in non-multi area sometimes you can attack another npc while that first npc is attacking you for couple seconds.
17. giant spiders lvl 2 in lumbridge shouldnt be aggresive
18. https://i.gyazo.com/05e3e72827862c5eeea890551760680b.mp4
imagine getting hit
19. when cooking food the image of fish is too near the text, it should be high rr: https://i.gyazo.com/49a0ebf43a2cf0ee92fc2c0d0be8ceb2.png 2006 rs: https://i.gyazo.com/f369dec107e199cf869aeb4b65b53f69.png
20. axe hut and pirates hut dont require picklock and thieving lvl atm
21. move the knife drop near mb into the lever room
22. web to mage arena is kinda bugged u cant walk infront of it til its cut
23. can't see beard when wearing leather coif and it looks incorrect
24. banshee in slayer tower shouldn't be aggresive
25. how entering desert should work + it doesnt take ur tickets now
26. 1. banker outside bank here 2. can't use the bank booths 3. cant talk to the bankers inside https://gyazo.com/c7baa85bc84428c5e41de5a9781a541b
27. can't attack 90% of crocodiles in the desert cause they're in water
28. can't use ice cooler on desert lizards to kill them
29. varrock wilderness levels should start earlier (more south) than they are now (3 tiles more south) is when it should start source: https://youtu.be/e5uoYN3r2kc?t=63
30. green dragons in east drags aren't spawned in their correct coords
31. msb spec's 2nd hit is delayed like dds which it shouldn't
32. the message of not having enough runes should have the name of the rune uppercased like the big L & R for example.. https://gyazo.com/3c2f750f2206825408455c71dd1cc655
33. when looting something from floor and your inv is full you should get this message instead of the current one https://i.gyazo.com/5cf40b8af4feafc7ab921bc52e822e82.png
34. cave crawlers doesn't seem to poison you
35. Shouldn't see temple guardian dog from priest in peril after completing the quest
36. red gloves drops should be unnoted from crawling hands
37. there is a weird bug usually when just starting training a stat from 0 sometimes you get 1xp from doing a training like bury bones give 1xp, fletching gives 1xp. Not sure why and if it happens all the time.
38. need to add word censoring so u cant say fk etc.. https://aascape.aaservers.net/img/kbase/parents_guide/blocking_chat.gif
39. this vine in brimhaven dungeon needs fix so you move 2 tiles and it shouldnt move me without axe https://i.gyazo.com/779f0016c13ec87ee21cc0ad91d15da4.mp4
40. dragon axe should be worn at 1 wc lvl and it should cut trees at the rate of a rune axe, source: https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/new-f2p-prayers-port-to-port-transport-and-improved-dragon-axe (credits to jesse)
41. bloodvelds should damage with as magic style not melee (not 100% sure if it's already magic)
42. when finishing black knigths fortress you get this pic but its a cauldron instead of coins http://web.archive.org/web/20070212214314im_/http:/www.runehq.com/image/quests/f2p/black_knight/qc.gif (credits to jesse)
43. fishing spots don't move
44. pm's & logged in/out messages should disappear after 5-10 mins
45. whole pizza should be eaten faster more like a combo food
46. can't clean herbs while running
47. no wild dogs in ardougne
48. dust devil drops noted half key
49. you should be able to logout if you are attacking something wihout getting hit back
50. The levelup chat message doesnt disappear when staying still and safespotting monster or when gainin a new level after that so in the pic i still have lvl 11 in chat but lvl 13in stats https://i.gyazo.com/734eb4eb93c43e68e7eb29104b57c61e.png
51. no green dragons north of wilderness graveyards (around lvl 23)
52. look where it says " only 17 m" https://i.gyazo.com/8e6bf31087a09363ead0549695a79ceb.png
53. says "lobst" at the last line https://i.gyazo.com/bd7a392c91683198f364998cfaacaa29.png
54. npc's can multi hit you from multi area to singles area, should only be the other way around
55. when attempting to slash wep it should do a slashing animation with your weapon, currently it only does once you successfully slashed the web
56. mystic robe bottom has wrong high alch price
57. you never fail shearing sheeps
58. duck on bridge https://i.gyazo.com/b56929801ccf0a6438ecf22a9bfad846.png
59. sir vyvin from black knights fortress quest seems to not move at all
60. there should be 10 bronze bars in stack in shantay pass shop
61. gotta fix some things with this interface, some invisible items and doesnt show some texts in white which i should see if i have the levels to smith them https://i.gyazo.com/d10eda05b2d4aaee54eaf798ea958f7f.png
62. gotta move the item in chat box down to allign it https://i.gyazo.com/e51bc484ba0b55ab095b4a5db65665e0.png
63. 66 magic and cant start mage arena when it should be starting at 60 mage https://gyazo.com/313de0bda7c3082772e25fcecfb63be0
64. missing shop and npcs in port khazard
65. for some reason my allotments turned into weed, they're there but they are visually weed https://gyazo.com/dc70080ccc1b16c82905ca01b7271cf6
After update 2.10
66. dc's you when you hop-to someone in telegram
67. rocks like iron rocks sometimes doesnt respawn when you leave to another region and come back (example when banking and coming back) they stay despawned sometimes.