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Messages - Tennessee

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Suggestions, Compliments, And Questions / Re: Was this planned or?
« on: September 26, 2014, 02:41:07 pm »
that's what I was thinking. I figured it was unintentional but I didn't know if there was a massive update they were trying to pull off or what lol.. wishful thinking on my part

Suggestions, Compliments, And Questions / Was this planned or?
« on: September 26, 2014, 02:55:08 am »
We were down for like the majority of the day today.. and the client's still down. Not complaining just wondering what happened.

Buying / Buying ALL essence (REGULAR & PURE)
« on: September 25, 2014, 01:24:30 pm »
Message me in-game or private message on forums. I won't respond to anybody's post on here. Thanks!

Suggestions, Compliments, And Questions / Re: Boss suggestions
« on: September 19, 2014, 01:03:15 am »
I just came back and read my post and I'm sorry I came off as a dick lol.. I have no idea why I was in such a pissy mood at the time. I still don't think we should have them due to the fact that it wouldn't be a real remake but I could have said it calmly lol

Suggestions, Compliments, And Questions / Re: Boss suggestions
« on: September 18, 2014, 04:17:41 pm »
When and if we complete the full 2006 RS game. We should make our own bosses. and enemies. If possible.

that's like the equivalent to putting rainbow partyhats  into "old runescape"..

Why can't we just have an honest to God remake.. seriously is it that hard? There isn't ONE not ONE remake that's the exact same as the real game..

Anything to do with Runescape is slowly dying, the new generation has no time for crappy computer games.

When most of us were growing up Runescape was something completely unseen before, it was so advanced and new, nowadays kids are growing up with Ps4's, Cod and ridiculously good games. Runescape will never be as big as it used to be, it's a has been game and once the current runescape generation dies out I honestly think it'll shut down.

I think it's dying as well because I don't have the urges to play like I use to myself.. but I don't think the detailed graphics of any certain games or consoles are to blame. Look at minecraft for example.. It's one of the most popular games right now and there are tons of off-shoots using the same look and feel.. it's totally backwards from great graphics and console progress.. I think the age of people playing and the complete exhaustion of finding a server and making progress and then it dying out and moving to another where the cycle takes place again is the problem. It's just a cycle of let downs and I think the dev's are a lot of the reason we see declines (besides age related) because we've had so many chances but they just say "fuck it" and give up on thousands of peoples dreams.. granted.. they don't even have to do it in the first place but I'm speaking solely on the act of them quitting on the server.. it just starts that cycle again.. I guess I'm just saying dev's in general that decide to take on these projects either need to say "hey, let me charge the people playing because I don't want to do this for free, I don't have the time" OR don't take it on at all.. I think this entire community, the ones who are somewhat active and those that are gone from the game for good.. came together.. "donated" $5-$10 a piece to the people that hold the keys to this thing then we would probably see it come back to life.. think about it.. If we could somehow round up 500 people through emails (private messages give email notifications if they have it set up that way) and all of them donated $10 to get this thing going again.. that's $5,000 surely that would be enough incentive to get them to finish this game to a level where we can advertise it and it actually appeal to people. Hell I wouldn't even care if we set up a specific day every other month for a "donate day" to keep them developing this shit. I'm willing to do it. If anybody else wants to then we need to get a head count. It may work, it may not work.. I don't know any of the devs at all and I'm sure I'm loved just as much as I'm hated here but we can get past all of the dumb stuff and get ahold of Ryan somehow then we all know money would change his mind. Bottom line, money would definitely finish this game.

Current World Events / Re: Leaked Nudes! (2 Hours Ago) :O
« on: September 02, 2014, 08:46:20 pm »
soooo dropbox???

Cleaned up this post, please stop wasting disk space, kty

So now you're abusing your powers on a non-existent server to delete posts in an off-topic forum because you don't like what's being said haha pathetic buddy, PATHETIC.. why don't you re-read the "off-topic" board description.. "Talk about anything that is not related to RuneRebels here!" .. I guess you're not "wasting disk space" with all your bullshit incoherent posts talking in the way in which you think is cute but in reality gets on everyone's nerves.. Onur.. you have a power complex along with every other "moderator" on this fuckin POS.. you should look into law enforcement.. but moderating an internet forum is more like a mall security guard.. that might be more up your alley..

General / Re: Hey guys, im the only player on the server?
« on: July 28, 2014, 10:48:17 pm »
Summer coma is here, and its here to stay.

here to stay for fall, winter, spring, next summer, and on... good night sweet prince..

Off Topic / Re: AIRSOFT!!!!
« on: July 21, 2014, 12:23:42 am »
lol wtf do they just model every accessory and gun mold off of call of duty games?

General / Re: My resignition
« on: July 15, 2014, 12:56:25 am »
lol the fact people are still even "moderating" these forums is laughable.. go take your fucking plastic badge somewhere else. If anything, these forums should be left up for the 5-10 people that get on them to post whatever the hell they want. This damn thing is done for and for those who haven't accepted it after months of inactivity/no communication I'm sorry for you.. The one guy that holds the key to making this work is done messing with it and all the work he's done is for nothing because it can't be translated by anyone else. Why is anyone still serious about anything on ffs.

Off Topic / Re: O my
« on: July 09, 2014, 08:55:01 pm »
lol what's funny is how these countries that lose go out and riot and what not but you wouldn't see it in Germany or the US or any of these other civilized countries.. They just act like it's ok/common/normal to riot after a world cup loss.. blows my mind.

General / Re: Slowest & most non-rewarding thing to do?
« on: July 09, 2014, 08:47:49 pm »
Play RuneRebels

I agree with everything stated so far.. lol I figured somebody would jump on me for posting a thread like this but I think it's safe to say we're either in a really long lull or we're done.. Ryan not wanting anybody to have access to do certain things is commendable in my opinion because we've seen what that's caused in the past but I feel like if he's gotten bored or tired of programming or working on the server he should pass the torch.. I just really want a community.. 20 people or so that are semi-active isn't a community and in my eyes 50 active players is on the edge of a community but I'd like 100+ on at all times to be satisfied and happy with playing. It's not about a competition like it was when I first started.. now I just want to play with other people and like we've all stated it's not going to happen unless all the main content is there.. maybe somebody can reach out to him? or does no one have contact with him?

EDIT: we should definitely have a vote in the community and people who want another person to take over the role of Ryan can do so until Ryan has more time. Who knows it might take a lot off of Ryan's shoulders? Maybe they can get on Skype with him and video/audio "sign" a contract that he can save to his computer (which would relieve him of worrying about a corrupt new owner taking it away from him) and when he gets more time he could come back and take over the project?
The thing is, Ryan codes in his own way... to have someone else take over would be like somebody trying to read someones hand writing which is in cursive and spanish and then writing off that as if you knew what it was talking about LOL

oh ok. I know nothing about coding or anything like that so I didn't know it could be written that way. I thought all code followed the same template kind of.. I see what you're saying. Well, I guess it was a good run.. does nobody have any contact with him? like, could he technically be dead for all we know? serious question..

General / Re: [GIVEAWAY] It's meee! I'm back! read below!
« on: June 12, 2014, 06:45:51 pm »

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