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Messages - High

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General / Re: Agility?
« on: February 12, 2013, 04:31:15 am »
No you can not train agility at this point unless you use EXP lamps, but that's painstakin ;D.

General / Ol' Stoners crash pad; No children.
« on: February 07, 2013, 06:28:59 pm »
Hey guys I decided to make a new thread for us cannabis enjoyers / Advocates ;).

The last thread was filled with bullshit about people giving their opinion, when the thread was not asking for that.

This thread is purely made for stoners, or even just people supporting the cannabis movement to come chill out, talk some nonsense, have a laugh, post some pictures of some cannabis art, or even your own pictures you have collected over the year, maybe some you have grown yourself, also a place for questions about cannabis, I would love to get some questions which I could answer to my personal knowledge.

Don't post in this thread if you are going to Flame / Troll / Spam for post count, or just talk shit which you know nothing about.

I'll start this thread off I guess with a little information about myself, please feel free to post your thoughts / questions about cannabis and maybe we can answer them to the best of our knowledge!

I'm 19 years old, a heavy cannabis user, I live in Coromandel, New Zealanad, Our country is so pure and clean I love it, our town is known worldwide for our extra potent outdoor cannabis, which I love ;).
I however am not a heavy fan of the cannabis flower/ bud but more into my concentrates such as Hasish and Oils.

General / Re: Any stoners?
« on: February 07, 2013, 05:26:27 pm »
I'm not having a debate? I know what's true and these children came into a thread which was asking if there was 'any stoners' not 'what's your opinion on cannabis even though we know it's safe'.

General / Re: Any stoners?
« on: February 07, 2013, 05:11:15 pm »
Most of you, if not all of you, have no idea what you are saying.  You all are just being *pappagallos* for the establishment, and their brainwashing propaganda.  You have never researched Cannabis, you have no idea why, or how, or when, it was made illegal.

They also made Hemp illegal, which is INSANE.  While it is in the same family, it is NOT Cannabis.

Edward Bernays would absolutely be proud of his accomplishments.  And if you research him, you would not be proud of yourselves...

You Americans, even though they stopped teaching the Constitution many years ago, AND, you should really ask yourselves why they would do this, YOU should make it a point to learn it yourself.

And Know This...  No one has ever blacked out on Marijuana.  No one has ever committed murder or suicide on Marijuana.  No one has ever abused their children, or wives, on Marijuana.  There has never been a major car wreak because of Marijuana.

However, all these have happened because of Alcohol.

Please learn your history, and not the history that is forced on you in your federally ran schools...
My best friend jumped infront of the train because he was on weed (also depressed)
P.S. please don't believe that you are clever just for not believing the mainstream stuff. Sometimes this "establishment" how you call it is also write. You are just acting ignorant im sorry

I am literally laughing my fucken ass off right now, Your mate was 'on weed'? clearly another uneducated prick, I doubt anyone in their right mind being high on Cannabis would jump in front of a train, he was probably on some sick Anti-depressants that the doctor gave him when really he didn't need anti-depressants all he needed was some medical grade  cannabis sinsemellia.
Cannabis is an anti-depressant and has been proven to work.
Don't come up in a thread starting bullshit giving cannabis a bad name, it's people like you that make the plant ' illegal ' since kids think "OMG IF I smoke pot i'm going to jump into a train" Yeah fucken right, grow up, your mate killed himself because he was depressed, the cannabis has nothing to do with it, if anything cannabis would have helped him.

General / Re: Any stoners?
« on: February 07, 2013, 05:07:37 pm »
All you kids can go drink your Alcohol which causes brain damage and is highly addictive.
I'll stick to a plant which gets me high, I don't vomit when I have too much or spin out, I can smoke as much as I want and know that I'm NEVER going to black out or worse, learn some shit.

I also asked if there was any stoners about not if there was any anti-cannabis freaks on this forum, I just learnt that this forum is made up of immature faggots who go around posting on every thread trying to get their post count up, I didn't ask for anyones opinion on Cannabis but you pricks still left your rude comments stereotyping that anyone who smokes cannabis is a dumbass and is going to be unsuccessful in life? that's incorrect.
I live in the cannabis capital of my Country and we are known worldwide, we are not a poor community full of losers we are proud of who we are and we are proud that we can grow some of the most potent cannabis on this earth, everyone in my town smokes cannabis and there actually isn't much unsuccessful people in this town? we keep living our life, now if you can't handle getting high off a plant which you clearly can't, go drink some shit alcohol which I hope you drink too much and it leaves you brain dead; Which is possible.

General / Re: Any stoners?
« on: February 07, 2013, 05:03:27 pm »

Weed makes you dumb. That's a fact.
Can you explain to me how 'Weed' makes you dumb?
Does it crawl inside your brain with a machine gun and shoot your brain cells?
No, it doesn't 'make you dumb'.
Most poeple are clearly uneducated about cannabis.
It's people like you that stop the world going forward and we are just stuck doing the same old shit.
Cannabis cures cancer, full stop.
scientific evidence is available to prove that it slows the spread of cancer even ridding people of melanoma just by using the cannabis hemp oil which doesn't even get you high.
All you kids are mad because you can't handle your pot, it doesn't make me unmotivated I can do things much better whilst high on Cannabis.
I am chilled out it's kids coming to my thread starting shit they know nothing about.

It seems to me that it's mostly a group of players who mainly play this server, we have new players coming but it seems not in a bunch where enough are staying, we need our players to advertise this server, tell your old friends to come on and play, just test it out, spread the word guys!
We also need more advertising on other sites.
Vote, Everyday vote for us on as many sites as you can.

General / Re: Any stoners?
« on: February 06, 2013, 06:55:11 pm »
You are stereotyping cannabis to losers, what about the people who use it for medicinal reasons? sure I'm a stoner I don't use it for medicinal purposes but you are just being a complete asshole, everything attracts 'losers' of course 'losers' are going to smoke weed, it's a drug, you get high.
Get off the thread if you aint down mate go hang out with your straight mates who don't even understand the mechanics of life.

General / Re: Any stoners?
« on: February 06, 2013, 03:55:16 am »
@HappyguyForum, I can tell you're some uneducated prick that doesn't know anything about Cannabis at all.
Explain to me how smoking pot can make you 'Unsuccesful at life' "lol".
Prick, go learn some shit then get back at me, actually you could just ask me i'll tell you.

General / Any stoners?
« on: February 05, 2013, 11:13:38 pm »
- High ! :)

Suggestions, Compliments, And Questions / Blue, Red, Black dragons.
« on: February 05, 2013, 06:01:19 pm »
Just a question does anyone know if the monsters named above are available yet?

Suggestions, Compliments, And Questions / Re: Arrowheads.
« on: February 05, 2013, 05:59:17 pm »
Definitely this should be a top priority fix since atm making 100 bars into 500 arrows is quite dissapointing!

Suggestions, Compliments, And Questions / Re: Bird Nest!
« on: February 05, 2013, 05:58:27 pm »
Like a Magic seed for our dedicated farmers! We Want the simple bird's nest Developers! :)

Introductions / Re: Hello, nice to meet you all!
« on: February 05, 2013, 05:53:00 pm »
Welcome to the forum bro !  8)

Introductions / Re: Hey everyone!
« on: February 05, 2013, 05:52:22 pm »

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