General => Report a Bug => Todo => Started by: SkunkApe4 on May 10, 2018, 01:25:36 pm
Lots of glitches with safespotting such as hill giants getting stuck on stalagmites. They should be able to maneuver in front so you can safespot them because I can't hit them in the safespot. Also barb village table doesn't work as a safespot the barbs just walk around. I'm sure there are many other examples of the pathing being glitched or safespots not working.
It can be very anoying to encounter this when you'd think you be safe behind something but you character would walk towards the npc or it would walk around the spot to hit you. You can safespot but it takes some small effort to find on wich possition it works or doesnt.
i've noticed that sometimes the monster is displayed on an incorrect square, hence the items drop away from where the monster is animated.
Thanks, this has been forwarded to the developers.
Reference: blitz/engine#128
- Flustered