News, Announcements, and Information => News & Announcements => Started by: JT on February 14, 2014, 05:52:03 pm
The server is now back online - sorry for the downtime. We still haven't got in contact with our host provider, but the VPS randomly came back online at around 12pm EST. Hopefully we'll get in contact with them and worm our way into some free service for the downtime ;)
ALSO! STATS HAVE BEEN ROLLED BACK ABOUT A DAY- THIS SUCKS FOR ALL OF US (I lost 35 thieving levels) - refer to this topic (
In addition we are rolling out the update that we were going to roll out yesterday around the same time the VPS randomly shut down.
These are mostly quality of life fixes for most people :)
Bass now stops burning at level 80 cooking
Added Brother Cedric Spawn
Edited Black Demon Drops
Edited Green dragon drops
Edited fire giant drops
Paladins fixed for thieving :)
Cows now milkable - Cakes for everyone!!!
Shanty pass shop fixed(still doesn't sell passes)
My stats and items have been "rolled" back. :l
Working on it ^ refer to newly modified topic-
JT what do we do? ;-;
What would Jesus do?!
My herbs noooooooo. I don't even remember how long I was playing that day but noooooooo.
Thanks for the bass fix, I hope you guys figure out the rollback issue.
We have cake though, so I guess it's worth the rollback.
My 20 or so levels I gained yesterday! NOOOOOOOOOO......but i am glad the server is back up ;D
What are the chances of another rollback? It's kinda scary playing when there's a strong possibility you trained in vain. Are there any chances of recovering the lost data? :s
Time to grind 5 hours of slayer again :I
Thanks for bringing the game back tho <3
What are the chances of another rollback? It's kinda scary playing when there's a strong possibility you trained in vain. Are there any chances of recovering the lost data? :s
From what I've seen, it's about a small hour rollback about once every 6 months. This was just hugeeeee
Haha the day I put the most hours on rune rebels and there's a mysterious rollback! WHYYYY..
I lost like 7 hours work because of the roll back :'( at least the game's back up though<3
I will hold off from playing for the next hour or so incase the rollback isn't permanent.
Hooray for it being back up - but please could you specify how Green Dragon, Fire Giant and Black Demon drops have changed? Thanks.
Oh noez I lost soooo much D:
Hooray for it being back up - but please could you specify how Green Dragon, Fire Giant and Black Demon drops have changed? Thanks.
The drop rate for rare items such as rune were too low when it was announced their drops were editted a few weeks ago so they've been increased a bit again.
You should probably not say that paladins are fixed when they aren't :\
Okey, so happy servers and website are back, but still hoping the release of new quests
They added Brother Cedric who has to do with the Monks Friend quest so I would assume that they're working on that one right meow.
Server version is almost our SMF version. 2 spooky 4 me.
-_- Damn it James. If you must know, I asked James to put in the NPC's that were missing in Ardougne and the first place I went was where Brother Cedric spawns. He spawned it but none of the other NPC's because it involved large areas (such as Port Khazard).
Monk's Friend is one of many quests worked on...not necessarily recent. I can't complete most quests without Ryan.