
General => Suggestions, Compliments, And Questions => Started by: Snow on February 10, 2013, 02:34:56 am

Title: Poll
Post by: Snow on February 10, 2013, 02:34:56 am
Please note, I am in no way saying I dont like our main page of runerebel. I just think that the old runescape' main page would bring back more nostalgia. I say this because the old runescape page seems more reasonable to me. It would bring that "feel" to the game more. Its just a suggestion. Also thats my opinion guys. I put this poll up to see what our community likes. Im not trying to rush u into another hard Project to finish. I know our staff has alot to do. I just think in the future it would be a good update :) -snow
Title: Re: Poll
Post by: Stuart on February 10, 2013, 02:44:21 am
Using the old website will cause copyright issues. That was one of the problems with 2006scape, they used Jagex's property. The only thing Jagex can do right now is try and intimidate us for using their client and distributing the cache. The server is not their property however. If we used their website, they'd had more reason to act legally on us and try to take us down. I really like the homepage right now, and I don't think there is any need for change. This server has higher priorities then to fix their website that has no actual issue with.
Title: Re: Poll
Post by: Snow on February 10, 2013, 02:48:57 am
Sorry didnt even think about that :)
Title: Re: Poll
Post by: Cheshire Cat on February 10, 2013, 05:30:23 am
Yep, RiiPiiN's right, there's a difference between an Emulation (legal reworking of a game) and strait out claiming to be RuneScape. Having their home page from back then would be leaning a little bit to far by giving them the ability to really claim copyright's since they leech onto anything they can use (they've even argued RS is legally copyrighted as RuneScape).

Don't let this discourage you though from letting us know what you'd like to see to really bring back that old magic of 2006! :)