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Topics - Dev

Pages: 1 [2]
Selling / 12k feathers 30-50 e
« on: February 25, 2014, 10:56:23 pm »
Sold 5k for 45 e, 7k left (price range was from another guy's post)

Todo / No way out of Lvl 50 wilderness + webs, rogues, teleport pads
« on: January 28, 2014, 01:46:59 pm »
- wilderness teleport pads will say 'you can't teleport above lvl 20 wilderness' (but the lvl 15 one works, and I got sent to lvl 50's pad past the broken gates)
- none of the 3 gates to lvl 50 wilderness work (stuck shut)
- webs can't be walked through after being slashed open (kind of important for the teleport lever in the lvl 60 wilderness shack)
- there are no Rogues in Rogues Castle (they are the ones that drop Iron Dagger P++ in lvl 55 wilderness)

There IS a way out of Lvl 50 + wilderness and you need to go to the only monsters available - the dungeon in the very middle.

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