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Messages - Recoil

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Introductions / Re: How To Pk here
« on: August 26, 2014, 05:13:54 am »

ask me any question xD Literally.. any question.. xD

Welcome. :)  So, do you like anal?

Rants / Re: My Rant, and This is my Opinion.
« on: August 26, 2014, 05:09:33 am »
Why cant everyone get along :\

Because feminism has become Marxism and you can't even joke around anymore. That's really the reason people troll, it's to show everyone that having a stick up your ass just makes you look silly and unlikeable.

News & Announcements / Re: We're still alive, and we're meeting up!
« on: August 26, 2014, 05:03:25 am »
Also I'm sure there's more to life than being the most known player on Runescape..  :-X

To each his own. We've gotten off topic at this point. Of course with any hobby there's going to be a huge amount of subjectivity.

What my motif has always been with my posts here can pretty much be summed up in two points:

A) People shouldn't kiss ass to all the staff just because they're staff. Or really anyone for that matter. Every other post is some reductionist overly optimistic bullshit about how they "really respect the staff" or "at least they're trying their best!". Most staff members here are callous and cursory to other people. That's not how you treat a human being or welcome new people to your server.

B) AGF RSPSs used to be so invaluable. Ryan's blitz engine has always been one of the most stable and impressive ones out there in the RSPS community. (Partly because there are so many shit servers, but it's also well done.) The community used to be passionate and excited about playing and the staff were friendly and genuinely happy about helping other people. Then things started to go downhill and when this place was introduce, it was all pretty much mutilated.

You guys playing RR saying this is a place with a great community really haven't seen the full potential of Ryan and other mods/admins. It could really be so much more, because they are capable, just lazy. Trust me, if things were that way it used to be, you all would be much more excited about logging into RuneRebels everyday.

Rants / Re: My Rant, and This is my Opinion.
« on: August 25, 2014, 05:32:48 pm »
I'm not getting back in the kitchen. YOU Get back in the kitchen.

Seriously do you have autism?

News & Announcements / Re: We're still alive, and we're meeting up!
« on: August 25, 2014, 04:40:34 pm »
No, it isn't even comparable. Jagex keeps a history of everything for a much longer amount of time. People still remember the name Zezima years later (also partly because the community of original RS is so much bigger than any RSPS) and there is still documentation of people who played RS classic all the way back in the fucking '90s. Case in point, any RSPS, whether it be customized or an RS remake, should just be taken lightly, as in just have fun. Just know no one will remember/see proof how many 99s you have here 5 years from now. Not at all true for the RS community, partly because it's professionally developed and partially because the community there is still absolutely huge.

You're right. So why in the hell do I see you posting everywhere about how this server is dead and all is useless?

Cause it's the truth? I'm not playing in-game nit-wit, I'm correcting people's sugarcoat bullshit when they kiss ass. Pisses me off. Other than that, I couldn't really care if people are having fun.

News & Announcements / Re: We're still alive, and we're meeting up!
« on: August 25, 2014, 12:44:01 pm »
No, it isn't even comparable. Jagex keeps a history of everything for a much longer amount of time. People still remember the name Zezima years later (also partly because the community of original RS is so much bigger than any RSPS) and there is still documentation of people who played RS classic all the way back in the fucking '90s. Case in point, any RSPS, whether it be customized or an RS remake, should just be taken lightly, as in just have fun. Just know no one will remember/see proof how many 99s you have here 5 years from now. Not at all true for the RS community, partly because it's professionally developed and partially because the community there is still absolutely huge.

News & Announcements / Re: We're still alive, and we're meeting up!
« on: August 24, 2014, 09:42:56 pm »
I don't think its fair to say this place is dead until the server goes offline 100%. As long as they are still paying for the site and the server is up I'd say its more appropriate to say we're in a coma or on life support

I agree with this, we may be close to "death" but people are still playing and the forums are still active so we aren't dead yet.

Confirmation bias. None of you admit that it's as good as dead only because you worked hard on accounts and you don't want to see that go to waste, as if it already hasn't.

General / Re: Porporn time?
« on: August 24, 2014, 07:49:15 am »
ban this bot please.
A bot with a veteran status. legit.

It's just that people don't usually promote downloadable .exe's on a forum completely unrelated to the program unless it's some sort of bot or virus. Js.

General / Re: Porporn time?
« on: August 23, 2014, 05:37:54 pm »
z0mfg scam

Rants / Re: My Rant, and This is my Opinion.
« on: August 23, 2014, 03:58:47 pm »
Lol sexism? It's a forum dude. Trolls telling females to get back in the kitchen isn't something they actually believe in. They're just trying to push your buttons, welcome to the internet. They succeeded by the way, making you look foolish.

And honestly I couldn't care less about your banal "rants". It's an unfinished game with 1 legit developer who doesn't give a shit about this place any more. Ofc there are going to be loads of bugs with an RS remake, that's why it was such a dumb idea for Ryan to start RR in the first place. Half the people complained when he announced it, because we knew he wouldn't have time. But as usual, they ignored our concerns and just did what they wanted.

Oh, and this server is dead, so is worldscape. You're blatantly lying to yourself if you think otherwise. I think it's funny how people try to refute that and brag about the 5 people on at once "that one weekend". Starting out there will several dozen people online at a time. Hell, back in the day WS was about twice as big as RR ever was, but lack of care from staff goes a long way I think, both on the development side and community side. I think the staff has failed with flying colors. :D -.-

Buying / Re: Buying a player base
« on: August 19, 2014, 01:37:07 pm »
Now maybe this niche of the market is tapped and people just don't feel like logging in to play, but a decent start to increasing the player base would be if everyone who posts in these forums about the lack of players actually logged in the game.  I was on last night and there were 6 or 7 people - if small numbers of forum lurkers were to log in and play sporadically - even a half hour, maybe it would send a decent impression to newer players and the admins if at times there were 20-30+ people on.  It could all be for shit, but just a thought.

Christ, this really is WS all over again. People used to say literally the EXACT same thing about it.

Tutorials/Guides / Re: What to use to vid?
« on: August 18, 2014, 07:23:26 pm »
Fraps and or Camtasia.

General / Re: Tits
« on: August 18, 2014, 05:17:07 am »

General / Re: Tits
« on: August 18, 2014, 02:49:52 am »
You still haven't addressed the fact that Jagex has already remade the entire game, 2007scape never had to compete with that. Neither did RR last summer. All I can say is good luck wasting your time here.

I played rs07, I have an acc with almost 95+ in my combat stats. But I refuse to continue playing. I was told I'd be playing how it was back in 07. That game is nothing short of cancer. The community from 2014 and their shitty ideas make me wanna hurl. They should of only let people that have had accounts since 06/07 vote. I do not want ezscape. That's why I play this. Hell, I'm confident enough to say I have one of the best accounts on the server while helping everyone in the process. I'm not the cancer from 07 scape. I won't let this completely die out.

Yeah I can see how you would feel like that. I play 07 too and a lot of people are that way.

General / Re: Tits
« on: August 17, 2014, 09:45:19 pm »
You still haven't addressed the fact that Jagex has already remade the entire game, 2007scape never had to compete with that. Neither did RR last summer. All I can say is good luck wasting your time here.

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