Author Topic: Politics  (Read 2759 times)


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« on: November 21, 2012, 11:02:26 am »
What are all your views on politics? This year was the only (American) election where I've been old enough to understand and interpret the televised debates and arguments. I don't take any political allegiance, I consider myself an independent libertarian. On the internet, Ron Paul is a gargantuan idol, but I found myself disagreeing on many things with him.

For Ron Paul, he has voted for DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act) which does not allow for gay people to get married. I'm straight but I believe in social equality, so there's one disagreement. He has also profusely disagreed with separation of church and state (proof here) and is big on decentralization - which I somewhat agree with, but not to the extent he talks about. He also is pro-life on means of abortion, whereas I'm pro choice.

The main rebuttal to this by Ron Paul supporters is that he doesn't force these beliefs on other people, which I guess I can accept  to an extent. But after looking further into it, Gary Johnson seems like the perfect candidate for me (Ron Paul is actually officially done with politics as of 2012 anyway). Gary Johnson defines himself as socially liberal but fiscally (financially) conservative. He supports FairTax which is a brilliant philosophy, is against the war on drugs for economic reasons, and supports reformed government to less authoritative regulation.

My dad once accused libertarians of "not wanting to give anything to society", but I think libertarians just have a different solution for fixing it. When I'm told that 1/7 people are on food stamps, I see liberals say that the government needs to help them. But in my opinion, that's 6/7 people that can help the 1/7 people. Or like when the rich and famous Warren Buffet says that he wishes the government would take more of his money in taxes, why not just donate the freaking money to organizations you feel would help society? Libertarianism, for me, is about economic responsibility and social equality.

I feel that this election people just voted for the lesser of two evils, Obama or Romney. I think Obama is wrong fiscally and Romney is wrong socially. Many people think that one of the candidates are wrong, yet voted for one because they didn't want the other one to win. In my opinion, voting for the lesser of two evils will always end in evil. Let's look to reform the campaigns instead of being government puppets and accepting the sad truth with gullibility. Silence is acceptance.

Gary Johnson video