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Topics - Jmood

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Tech Support / Web Client.
« on: January 30, 2014, 01:16:06 pm »
As some of you have noticed once you upgraded to the newest version of Java you have lost the ability to load the web client. The only work around that will allow you to use it is to down grade back to the second latest update which is update 45.

The link provided will allow you to download the JVM, also a note downloading JDK is pointless unless you want to start writing programs in Java. So if you wish to save space and only wish to run games download "Java SE Runtime Environment 7u45", if you wish to run games but also are interested in learning how to program Java at some point then you may wish to opt for the "Java SE Development Kit 7u45". Hopefully they find a way to get their client authorized or else they will have to find another way to by pass the changes update 51 has brought up.

That should also help explain why you weren't able to load the web client if any of you were interested in knowing.

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