General > Suggestions, Compliments, And Questions

Herb icons


I was wondering if it would be possible to change the existing looks of herbs in the game into the original ones. I dont remember that they used to be like this back in the days but they just look a bit different that the older ones.

The screenshot down here shows the herbs they used to look like.

This might be possible; I will have to look at where the new icons came from and see if we can override them or unoverride them if that is what we did. :o

The current inv model was added during the conversion from unids to grimies, I'm guessing whoever carried that out didn't remember the original grimy herb model either.

Personally I wasn't so happy about getting rid of unidentified herbs in an 06 server, but I understand the relief it brings.

I personally have no preference. I know the reasoning for the current herbs so that us players know what kind of herb it is as opposed to having an unidentifed herb.

My herblore lvl is 1 so this is a major issue for me


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