Marketplace > Price Checks

Lets agree on a price for dragon meds.

(1/2) > >>

So apparently fire giants, black demons, & the mole drop dragon meds, and they're no longer as rare as they were before. What do you guys think the average price should be set to?

100k only because it's dragon.


--- Quote from: N0vapur3 on June 28, 2014, 02:45:11 am ---100k only because it's dragon.

--- End quote ---


--- Quote from: Prayer on June 28, 2014, 12:48:32 am ---So apparently fire giants, black demons, & the mole drop dragon meds, and they're no longer as rare as they were before. What do you guys think the average price should be set to?

--- End quote ---
Black dragons too

Cucking Funt:
They're pretty rare from all 3 though.

1 d med from giant mole 92-94 range

5 d meds from black demons 94-99 range

0 from dragons


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